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Corstorphine Primary School

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1 Corstorphine Primary School
Neil Curriculum Evening September 2017

2 Purpose of this meeting
Primary 4/ Purpose of this meeting To provide: a curriculum overview for the year, and information on ways you can support your child at home. Neil

3 Curriculum Areas Literacy Numeracy and Maths Expressive Arts HWB
Modern Languages (German and French) RME Science Social Studies Technologies Neil

4 Language - Writing The seven genres we are covering this year are:
Newspaper Article Letter Play Script Imagined Personal Response Poster/leaflet Poem Imaginative Story Jackie

5 Language - Writing Process
Stimulus - event, picture, music, topic. Planning - graphic, flowchart, mind map, oral, prompt sheets (class, group and individual). Drafting - depending on purpose for writing. Cross linking to spelling patterns, reading and grammar.

6 Writing Assessment Writing is assessed using a variety of techniques.
Teachers, pupils and peers work together to assess the writing during and after the process. The most valuable form of assessment is oral. Jackie

7 Language - Spelling Patterns/rules/high frequency- following school resources. Project words. Pupils encouraged to evaluate and work on words they find hard. Active learning approaches. Planet words Catherine

8 Reading 3 reading sessions per week.
Reading for fluency, comprehension, reading aloud and with expression, prediction and word meanings. Variety of questions asked to encourage Higher Order Thinking – Bloom’s Taxonomy Looking at the author’s craft such as style, character analysis and settings, and using this to help improve imaginative and personal writing. Catherine

9 Reading -continued Follow up activities based on the text.
Greater emphasis on active, collaborative learning, where the pupils work in pairs, trios or groups. Core reading books stay in school so to encourage reading for enjoyment at home. Catherine

10 Maths and Numeracy - Mental, practical and written activities - SEAL
Aspects of the Curriculum for Excellence:  Problem Solving. Number- (add, subtract, multiply, divide, tables to 10, place value, fractions), Information Handling (display and interpret graphs, handling tables, charts), Time, Area, Money, Shape, Position and Movement, Measure Vanessa Aiming for quick recall of number bonds and tables Still very much an emphasis on mental strategies Mental addition and subtraction of 3 digit numbers before going on to written methods – Encouraging pupils to discuss and talk and justify their strategies Encouraging pupils to look at reasonableness of solution – check if their answer makes sense Applying their knowledge of number to problem solving – they need to be able to interpret the problem and think about how to approach it Perseverance is important at this point as some problems have more than one step When looking at the other aspects of maths we like to try to learn them through interesting contexts, eg we have been linking data handling to our transport this term and we hope to look a transport timetables to help us with our time. Later in the year we are looking at land and tourism so we hope to link it with coordinates and directions. Maths Help Booklet on the website under school policies. Really useful point of reference and it also has good ideas for activities to do at home to develop skills and confidence.

11 Health and Well-being Health and well-being education to include physical, emotional and social health and physical education. Emotional Wellbeing - Building Resilience, Circle Time, Bubble Box Vanessa Building Resilience– Promoting resilience as it is a key factor to promoting and protecting good mental health How we keep cope when things are challenging. Aim to provide children with skills and strategies that will protect us Health Topics – Healthy eating and nutritional needs– which we will link to our science topic of the Human body effects of smoking and alcohol, identifying and assessing risks which we will link to our transport topic and making safe journeys understanding general safety procedures

12 Social subjects and Science
TERM 1: Transport and Land Use / Water / Dissolving, Separation and Filtration. TERM 2: Space / Sound and Light TERM 3: Emigration / The Body and Body Systems. TERM 4: Land and Tourism Neil

13 Expressive Arts Music - increasing confidence in aural skills and basic composition. Drama - exploring various forms of expression often in context of social subjects. Art - working with a variety of media and styles, linked to other curriculum areas Neil Ms Quin – music specialist

14 Homework Homework may include: Inter-disciplinary task Maths
Reading for enjoyment Spelling Vanessa Check homework policy

15 Thank you for listening.
Corstorphine Primary School 2017 Vanessa

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