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Learning Letter P.6/5 Term 3 Welcome to term 3 Literacy

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1 Learning Letter P.6/5 Term 3 Welcome to term 3 Literacy
Welcome to the primary 6/5 learning letter. The children have had a wonderful start to term 3 and I look forward to the plans we have for this session. The following paragraphs will give some brief details about what your child has covered so far and will be covering throughout the remainder of this term. If you have any questions/problems regarding your child’s learning during the year, then please do not hesitate to call the school and request an appointment on Literacy As well as novels and P.M readers, the children will also be reading non-fiction books this term. During this time, they will learn to read for information and will continue to use the reading comprehension strategies which are part of North Lanarkshire’s Active Literacy programme. It is important that the books come to school each day to enable your child to be involved in the tasks which will take place in class. In addition, children will also continue to follow North Lanarkshire’s Active Literacy Spelling programme where each week they will either focus on a different phoneme or set of common words. As a class, we have also carried out a variety of taught writing blocks where the children have learned to write in a variety of genre styles including, recounts, information reports and instructional. This term children will be focusing on persuasive writing. The chat from Primary P.6/5 I am enjoying reading non-fiction books. I like learning about pollution. I am looking forward to making my Confirmation. I enjoyed my trip to the Science Centre.

2 Other Curricular Areas
Numeracy During the course of this term, the children will be working on topics including expressions and equations, data handling, fractions, percentages and decimals. Teaching and learning will involve a variety of active activities as well as written work from Teejay textbooks. The use of ICT will be incorporated into maths lessons where possible and real life contexts will be addressed where relevant. Other Curricular Areas The topics for this term will be an environmental based topic and a Roald Dhal novel study. All children in P.6/5 will be focusing on pollution and the effect that this has on our environment. P.5 will also be working on the Clyde in the Classroom project where they will be involved in learning about the life cycle and caring of brown trout. The trout eggs will be delivered to the school within the next couple of weeks and children will carefully monitor the water temperature each the day. Homework P.E Days: Mondays and Wednesdays The homework will be issued every Monday and should be returned on the Friday. The homework will consist of a spelling task and maths activity along with additional activities in other curricular areas. It is also important that reading is carried out at home to help with your child’s depth and understanding of the text when it comes to completing the tasks in class. Homework is now on the class blog and can accessed via the following link: Could you please ensure that your child has their P.E kit either on or with them on their P.E days, including their ‘can can’ t-shirt on a Monday. Parents are reminded that football colours and badges are not permitted and all jewellery should be removed on gym days. We will be focusing on gymnastics and badminton this term. Thank you for taking the time to read our Class Newsletter and for more information on what is happening in Primary 6/5 please check our class twitter page. Miss Morgan

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