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Journal 4/6/09 If you witnessed an emergency, would you know how to react? What would/could you do?

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Presentation on theme: "Journal 4/6/09 If you witnessed an emergency, would you know how to react? What would/could you do?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal 4/6/09 If you witnessed an emergency, would you know how to react? What would/could you do?

2 ADULT CPR Health 10 April 6, 2009

3 TAKING ACTION CALL 9-1-1 or your local emergency number
CHECK the scene and the victim CARE for the victim

4 Checking a CONSCIOUS person
What is your name? What happened? Where do you feel pain or discomfort? Do you have any allergies? Do you have any medical conditions? Are you taking any medications? When did you last eat or drink anything?

5 Checking an UNCONSCIOUS Victim
Check the victim for unresponsiveness. “ARE YOU OKAY?” If there is no response, Call 911 or have a bystander Call 911 and return to the victim.

6 Check to see if the unconscious victim…
Is breathing. Is bleeding severely. Has a pulse (if a child or infant)

7 Turning an Unconscious Victim Over
If the victim is facedown, roll the victim gently onto his or her back.

8 Checking an UNCONSCIOUS Victim
LOOK, LISTEN, and FEEL * No longer than 10 seconds

9 Checking an UNCONSCIOUS Victim
IF the victim is NOT breathing… Immediately give 2 SLOW BREATHS.

10 If the victim is not breathing begin CPR (CardioPulmonary Resuscitation)
Begin chest compressions and breathing. Place yourself midway between the head and chest. Find the correct hand position

11 Giving Compressions… Compress straight down (about 2 inches).
Keep shoulders directly over your hands and ELBOWS LOCKED. Use your body weight Count “1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and….”

12 CPR (cont…) Give 30 compressions, then retilt the head, lift the chin, and give 2 slow breaths. CPR on an adult should not be interrupted or stopped until… an AED is ready to use; another trained responder takes over for you; you see an obvious sign of life; You are exhausted and unable to continue; or, The scene becomes unsafe.

13 If Air does NOT go in… Retilt the victim’s head and repeat the breaths.

14 UNCONSCIOUS CHOKING… Give 30 chest compressions
Look for an object. Remove if one is seen. Tilt head back, lift chin, and give 2 breaths again. *** Continue this sequence until the breaths go in or victim starts to breathe on own. ***

15 **If breaths DO go in, check for signs of life.**
Still no luck??? Try to clear the airway… Perform chest compressions. (30) Check for object. Finger sweep if one is seen. 2 breaths **If breaths still do NOT go in, continue with compressions, finger sweep, and breaths.** **If breaths DO go in, check for signs of life.**

16 Conscious Choking Victims
If the choking person is coughing forcefully, let him or her try to cough up the object. Encourage him/her to “Keep coughing.” If the coughing continues without coughing up the object… Call for an ambulance and perform the abdominal thrusts.

17 Abdominal Thrusts (Conscious)
If the person cannot speak, cough forcefully, or breathe, their airway is completely blocked. Lean the person forward and give 5 BACK BLOWS with the heel of your hand. Give 5 quick, upward ABDOMINAL THRUSTS. Stand behind the victim. Place your leg between the victims legs. Wrap your arms around the victim’s waist. Give quick, upward thrusts. REPEAT back blows and abdominal thrusts UNTIL OBJECT IS CLEARED OR VICTIM BECOMES UNCONSCIOUS. If the adult or child becomes unresponsive give care for unconscious choking.

18 Abdominal Thrusts (Conscious)

19 Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
Turn on the AED Wipe chest dry Attach pads to bare chest Plug in connector, if necessary Say, “EVERYONE STAND CLEAR.” Push “analyze” button. IF SHOCK ADVISED – say, “EVERYONE STAND CLEAR” After shock, five 5 cycles or about 2 minutes of CPR. Let AED reanalyze.

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