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Chapter 3 AED.

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1 Chapter 3 AED

2 AED AED is a portable electronic device that analyzes the hearts rhythm and delivers and electric shock called defibrillation. -Defibrillator – sends electronic shock threw the chest. The shock enables the heart to begin beating properly again.

3 Video Using an AED (4:45)

4 Breathing Emergencies
Chapter 4: Breathing Emergencies

5 Life Threatening Emergencies
Unconscious Not breathing Breathing with difficulty No Pulse Severe Bleeding

6 General Facts: Call for help
Person vomits – roll onto side and clear mouth and throat Stops breathing place on back

7 Breathing Emergencies:
Things that make breathing more difficult: Damage to the bones of the chest Electrical Shock Drowning Reaction to poisons, drugs, insect bites, food Asthma- more common in children/young adults (wheezing noise)

8 5 Signals of a breathing emergency(p.58)
Breathing is…… slow or rapid Deep or shallow Gasping for breath Wheezing, gurgling, high pitched noises Skin is usually moist Skin is flushed, pale or bluish Feels short of breath Dizzy or light headed Pain in the chest, tingling in extremities

9 Breathing Breathing requires a constant supply of oxygen to survive
Airway – nose and mouth to lungs Oxygen in air is transferred to the blood To brain and heart as well as other parts of the body Unless brain gets oxygen within minutes of when breathing stops – brain damage or death will occur.

10 Time is Critical Refer to page 55

11 Choking –Common Causes
Trying to swallow large pieces of poorly chewed food Drinking Alcohol before or during a meal Eating too fast Wearing Dentures- can not sense whether food is being swallowed Walking, playing, or running with food or objects in the mouth

12 If a Person is Choking… Airway may be partially blocked
Partially – still can breath Coughing – may be able to cough out the object (call for an ambulance if it doesn’t come out) Give several quick hand thrusts to the abdomen (Heimlich Maneuver) Put pressure on the lungs and airway

13 If Alone and Choking… Lean over and press your abdomen against any firm object (back of a chair, railing, sink)

14 Prevention: Choking Chew food properly before swallowing
Don’t eat too fast Don’t eat while walking, playing, or running with food or objects in your mouth Don’t leave small objects in the reach of small children Don’t drink alcohol while eating

15 Choking Video’s (2) Conscious Choking – Adult and Child (2:25)
Conscious Choking – Infant (1:56)

16 Checking an Unconscious Person (p. 17)
Know your ABC’s A stands for airway- Open airway B stands for breathing – Check for movement or breathing C stands for circulation – Check for signs of life, including a pulse for a child or infant, and sever bleeding Chapter 1

17 Checking the victim Step 1 Tap and shout to see if the person responds
A bystander has been sent to call the emergency # Chapter 1

18 Checking the Victim Step 2
Look, listen and feel for breathing for about 5 seconds Chapter 1

19 Checking the Victim Step 3
Position the victim on back, while supporting the head and neck Chapter 1

20 Checking the Victim Step 4 Tilt head back and lift chin

21 Checking the Victim Step 5
Look, listen and feel for breathing for about 5 seconds ….IF NOT BREATHING

22 Checking Unconscious Victim (P.17)
Are they breathing? Put head near nose and mouth Look, Listen and feel for breathing for about 5 seconds. Watch chest to see if it rises If face down – gently roll the victim onto back Keep head and back in a straight line Tip Victims head back, lift chin, re-check breathing NOT BREATHING – immediately give a couple of breaths

23 If a Person is NOT breathing:
A person stops breathing, breathing for them supplies oxygen to stay alive. Tilt the victims head back, Lift chin, pinch nose shut Give 2 slow breaths Breath until chest gently rises Check for Pulse Pulse is present but not breathing

24 Checking the Victim Give slow breath every 5 seconds
(count 1,1000, 12/minute) -Recheck breathing and pulse every minute

25 Check Head and Pulse (p. 31)
Pulse Locations:

26 Adult or Child Feel front of the neck for adams apple and slide fingers into the groove next to it in the side of the neck

27 Baby Feel in the arm midway between the elbow and the shoulder – 5 seconds to feel pulse

28 Recovery Position Placing a person without a suspected spinal injury in a recovery position. This will help airway to remain open and clear incase of vomit. Chapter 1

29 Concerns Getting air into the stomach – vomiting – get into lungs (too hard, too long, don’t open airway) Head, Neck and Back Injuries: Lift chin without tilting head Chapter 1

30 If Air Does not go in…(p. 59-70)
Give up to 5 abdominal thrusts and trying to sweep the obstruction out with finger -Straddle one or both of the victims legs -Place the heel of one hand on the middle of the abdomen, just above the navel -Place the other hand on top of the fist -Point fingers toward the victims head

31 Person is in Cardiac Arrest, unconscious and not breathing:
Absence of pulse in the main signal of cardiac arrest. Need CPR at ONCE!! (combination of check compressions and rescue breathing) Absence of a pulse means that the heart is not circulating oxygen to the body threw the blood Heart is NOT beating, chest compressions are need to circulate oxygen.

32 CPR CPR takes over for Heart and Lungs CPR provides only about 1/3 the normal blood flow to the brain Medical attention is need at ONCE!

33 CPR Positions Victim flat on their back on a level surface
Kneel beside the victim midway between head and chest (easy to move between compressions and breaths) Find the notch at the lower end of the victims breastbone where the ribs meet the breastbone Place heel of the hand about this notch

34 CPR Positions 5. Place the other hand, directly on top of it 6. Compress chest by pressing down 7. Push straight down; don’t rock 8. Allow chest to return before giving another breath compressions in 10 seconds 10. Re-tilt head – lift the chin- 2 slow breaths 11. Check Pulse 12. Continue if no pulse

35 CPR Positions -Give quick thrusts toward the victims head -Lift Victims lower jaw and tongue with finger and thumb -Slide one finger down the inside of the victims cheek -Repeat 2 breaths

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