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Telemedicine is Revolutionizing Healthcare. Health care and technology have been together since the invention of the telephone. In fact, ever since the.

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Presentation on theme: "Telemedicine is Revolutionizing Healthcare. Health care and technology have been together since the invention of the telephone. In fact, ever since the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Telemedicine is Revolutionizing Healthcare

2 Health care and technology have been together since the invention of the telephone. In fact, ever since the invention of the internet, doctors have been able to help those, using telemedicine, living in underserved areas. Accordingly, people living in remote areas with satellite internet connection can see a doctor using telemedicine. However, if you ask the average person on the street, what is telemedicine, they’ll have no idea what you are talking about. The formal definition of telemedicine is medicine delivered from a distance. For example, someone with complicated medical condition living in Mississippi, who can get good medical consulting from a specialist doctor living in California. Another example can be a worker, who is injured on an oil right thousands of miles away from the shore can be treated through telemedicine.

3 Telemedicine can save you on medical expenses: Let’s face it, if you are a parent, you know how stressful a sick child can be. Therefore, taking the child to the doctor, and waiting in the doctor’s office can prove quite stressful. Once the doctor calls you in his or her office, the doctor will only spend a few minutes seeing your child and the visit is over. Likewise, doctor visits are expensive, time consuming and downright stressful. Imagine having access to highly-qualified and experienced doctors nationwide, 24/7? This is no longer a fantasy, it is now possible to access the best healthcare at a click of a button. Not only do you not have to commute to the doctor’s office, but you also save money on health insurance. Now, you can get a medical advice through Telemedicine Service in New York even if you live on the others side of the country like California.Telemedicine Service in New York

4 Telemedicine, a solution for the 21 st century Imagine getting in touch with a doctor with your internet connection who will diagnose your illness, answer any questions you may have and prescribe the required medication through the internet. Your pharmacy will automatically be informed in some cases, and your prescription will be prepared accordingly. Still confused how telemedicine work? Keep reading…

5 How does telemedicine work in practical applications? Here’s an example: Zac isn’t feeling well lately, so he decides it’s time to find out what is wrong with him. So, instead of going to the doctor’s office, he logs onto a telemedicine website and books an online appointment with a licensed doctor. Accordingly, during the call, the doctor will diagnose his illness and asks him questions, and if needed write him a prescription. And just a few days later after being treated online, he begins feeling well.

6 How organizations can benefit from telemedicine: Telemedicine have employers to cut down on their healthcare costs, by enabling employees to get treated at work. Traditionally, employees had to take the day off to see a doctor, so organizations would have incurred losses through loss of productivity. According to the American Medical Association, nearly 78 percent of medical cases can be handled online. This is certainly good for people who don’t want to waste their time waiting on a doctor.

7 Contact Us TelaNP Online is the best telemedicine service provider in NEW YORK, OREGON and WYOMING. Telemedicine allows patients to visit a licensed healthcare provider through live video using your computer or smart phone for immediate care. For more details visit our website. Website: Phone: 718-687-2987

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