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Fig. 1.11.

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1 Fig. 1.11

2 Nucleus: structure and function
Heterochromatin = too compacted, transcriptionally inactive nuclear envelope Nucleolus Nucleoplasm Euchromatin = can be transcriptionally active

3 Nuclear envelope and lamina
cytoplasm N. lamina Nuclear pore heterochromatin

4 Nuclear lamina

5 Lamins are filamentous proteins in the intermediate filament family
Lamin phosphorylation in prophase disassembles the nuclear lamina & allows for nuc. envel. breakdown Laminins are extracellular proteins, unrelated

6 Nuclear pore nuclear localization signals (nuclear import signals)
nuclear export signals highly regulated

7 Mitochondria(on) outer membrane DNA inner membrane matrix cristae
ribosomes ATP synthase

8 Inner Membrane and matrix
hi [H+] electron transport system ATP synthase FADH2 NADH Krebs cycle ATP4- Antiporter ADP3- symporter pyruvate P04-2 H+

9 Endosymbiotic theory: Mitochondria are similar to prokaryotes
Own circular, naked DNA Own ribosomes - similar to prokaryotic e.g. sensitive to same inhibitors Divide by fission Double membrane suggests endocytosis

10 Lysosomes: membranous organelles filled with digestive enzymes
Breakdown endocytosed materials Thru’ phagocytosis or receptor mediated endocytosis Breakdown old organelles (residual body) Acidic pH

11 Phagocytosis vs. Autophagy
lysosomes Autophagy

12 Membrane trafficking RER to cis Golgi
Modified in Golgi (glycosylation, phosphorylation) Sorted at trans Golgi network into Lysosomal Regulated constitutive

13 Rough endoplasmic reticulum
Ribosomes Synthesis of secreted and membrane proteins

14 Rough Endoplasmic reticulum

15 Signal hypothesis: signal peptide, SRP, SRP-receptor, translocon
SRP = signal recognition particle

16 Smooth ER, lipid synthesis, detox, Ca2+ sequestration

17 Golgi

18 Transport thru’ Golgi cisternae is vectorial
Medial Trans

19 Protein modifications occur in steps in the Golgi
Protein modifications occur in steps in the Golgi. The extent of changes varies. CIS & CGN RER retrieval, PO4 on mannose, mannose removal mannose removal N-acetylglucosamine addition MEDIAL fucose and glucose addition TRANS sialic acid addition, sorting TGN

20 Glycosylation Karp, Fig. 8.20

21 Sorting at the TGN constitutive secretion lysosomal pathway regulated
trans Golgi network

22 Receptor Mediated endocytosis

23 Plasma membrane & Fluid mosaic model

24 Phospholipids are most common in membranes
Polar Head Fatty acid tails

25 phospholipids, glycolipids, and cholesterol

26 Thermodynamics drives membranes to form sealed compartments
Cut open liposome H2O

27 Fluidity means that lipids (& proteins) can “float” in the membrane via diffusion

28 Three classes of membrane proteins: Transmembrane proteins (a type of IMP)
Oligosaccharides - always face out Extracellular domain (ECD) OUT Transmembrane domain Intracellular domain (ICD) IN

29 Three classes of membrane proteins: Lipid-anchored membrane proteins (IMPs)
Covalently linked to a glycophospholipid. E.G.: Normal cellular scrapie protein & alkaline phosphatase OUT Covalently linked to fatty acid IN E.G.: ras

30 Three classes of membrane proteins: Peripheral membrane proteins (PMPs)
OUT IN Or, PMPs could bind to specific lipid heads. Specific interaction between IMP & PMP

31 IMPs as -helix or -barrel

32 Selective permeability

33 Osmosis causing cell lysis.

34 Four mechanisms by which solute molecules move ACROSS membranes
Simple diffusion across bilayer Simple diffusion thru channel Facilitated Diffusion thru’ passive transporters Active transport

35 Membrane Potential Affects Molecular Movement
A. neutral No effect on inward transport No effect on outward transport B. cation Favors inward transport Opposes outward transport C. anion Opposes inward transport Favors outward transport

36 Passive transport by channel proteins: don’t bind solute & can be ligand-, voltage-, or stress-gated

37 Passive Transport by Facilitated diffusion
Solute binds transporter protein So, transport is saturable

38 Kinetics of carrier-mediated transport

39 Active transport by the Na/K pump or ATPase

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