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1 Letters

2 to assist the early Christians
The Point to assist the early Christians organized/instructed the 1st churches challenged the community/individual to love, forgive, and remain faithful to the mission of JC

3 An Overview of the 21 Letters
the authors: Paul…13 John…3 Peter…2 James…1 Jude…1 …then there’s Hebrews was believed to be a Pauline Letter followers of these men would write the letters under their mentor’s name pseudonymity custom way to thank the mentor for their acquired knowledge gave writing more creditability Catholic Letters



6 ultimate message in ALL of the letters Jesus was the Christ
Missionary Journey Letters written during his missionary journeys (duh!) 2nd Journey 1 & 2 Thessalonians 3rd Journey Galatians 1 & 2 Corinthians Romans Captivity Letters written while he was in prison Philippians Philemon Colossians Ephesians ?2 Timothy? Pastoral Letters not sure what part of his life describe the ministry of care for all Christians 1 Timothy Titus ultimate message in ALL of the letters Jesus was the Christ


8 The Letter to the Hebrews
The Who, The When, & The How The What: The Themes author maybe Paul? most likely anonymous an educated Jewish Christian man audience Jewish Christians (Jewish Converts) who had endured persecution as Christians written between AD composed as a homily Christ as high priest, the model of our faith similar priest: offers sacrifices JC: was the sacrifice difference priest: human JC: “holy innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners, higher than the heavens” JC understands us because he was human.

9 The Paradox of the Cross
Themes The Trinity & The Paradox of the Cross The Church: The Body of Christ the cross doesn’t make sense God COULD’VE saved us by simply saying so power is apparent weakness & wisdom is apparent foolishness The Romans The Sanhedrin God CHOSE to show us the true meaning in life God’s ways aren’t always our ways We must commit ourselves in faith to God’s destiny WE are the Body of Christ share good news help build God’s kingdom on Earth build community care for the needs of ALL of humanity serve one another live in  (peace)

10 Themes The Sacraments & Grace Justification
grace: a relationship with the Big Guy God’s own life & love a gift of God to the children of God helps us make good choices helps us grow in holiness Justification justification: being made right in God’s eyes synonyms: righteousness & salvation not achieved by ourselves, but through grace having faith is more important than living the Law should do both


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