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Monitoring in Anesthesia
Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh Department of Anesthesiology Faculty of Medicine Jordan University of Science and Technology September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Monitoring in Anesthesia
OBJECTIVES: 1. Guidelines to the practice of anesthesia and patient monitoring 2. Elements to monitor (Anesthesia depth, Oxygenation, Ventilation, Circulation, Temperature) 2.1. ECG 2.2. Pulse Oximetry ( Function, Values, Limitations) 2.3. Blood Pressure (methods, indications, limitations, Insertion sites, values) 2.4. central venous line and pressure (methods, indications, limitations, Insertion sites and it's advantages, Complications, values) September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Monitoring in Anesthesia
OBJECTIVES: 2.5. Capnography and EtCO2 (Uses, Measurement, values, factors affecting EtCO2) 2.6. Cyanosis 2.7. The oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve (interpretation, causes of Left and right shifting , key values, O2-Content of Blood) 2.8. Temperature ( Methods, Values, sites) 3. Normal values for a healthy adult undergoing anesthesia September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Guidelines to the practice of anesthesia and patient monitoring: Monitoring in the Past Visual monitoring of respiration and overall clinical appearance Finger on pulse Blood pressure September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Guidelines to the practice of anesthesia and patient monitoring:
1. Qualified anesthesia personnel shall be present in the room throughout the conduct of all general anesthetics, regional anesthetics and monitored anesthesia care. 2. A completed pre-anesthetic checklist. (history, physical exam, lab investigations, NPO policy) September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Guidelines to the practice of anesthesia and patient monitoring:
3. An anesthetic record. ( In general, major regional anesthesia, or monitored IV conscious sedation HR and BP should be measured every 5 min. Also time, dose and route of drugs and fluids should be charted ) 4. During all anesthetics, the patient’s oxygenation, ventilation, circulation and temperature shall be continually evaluated. September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
MONITORING HR O2 sat RR BP Temp MAP September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Elements to Monitor : I. Anesthetic Depth: Patients with local or regional anesthesia provide verbal feedback regarding well being. Onset of general anesthesia signaled by lack of response to verbal commands, in addition to loss of blink reflex to light touch. Inadequate anesthesia can be signaled by : Facial grimacing or movement of arm or leg. But with muscle relaxants ( fully paralysis), it can be signaled by : Hypertension, tachycardia, tearing or sweating. Excessive anesthesia can be signaled by : Cardiac depression, bradycardia, and Hypotension. And also may result in hypoventilation, hypercapnia and hypoxemia when muscle relaxants is not given. September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Elements to Monitor : II. Oxygenation: Clinically, monitored by patient color ( with adequate illumination ) and pulse oximetry. Quantitavely monitored by using oxygen analyzer, equipped with an audible low oxygen concentration alarm. III. Temperature Continuous temperature measurements monitoring is mandatory if changes in temperature are anticipated or suspected. September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Elements to Monitor : IV. Circulation: Clinically, monitored by pulse palpation, heart auscultation and monitoring intra-arterial pressure or oximetry. Quantitavely using ECG signals and arterial blood pressure measurements every 5 min. V. Ventilation Clinically, monitored through a correctly positioned endotracheal tube, also observing chest excursions, reservoir bag displacement, and breath sounds over both lungs. Quantitavely by ETCO2 analysis, equipped with an audible disconnection alarm. Arterial blood gas analysis for assessing both oxygen and ventilation. September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Monitoring: Electrocardiogram ECG:
A 3 or 5 lead electrode system is used for ECG monitoring in the OR. The 3 lead system has electrodes positioned on the right arm, left arm and chest position. ( placed in the left anterior axillary line at the 5th interspace, referred to as V5 ). Lead 2 is usually monitored by this system. The 5 lead system adds a right leg and left leg electrodes, which allows monitoring v1, v2, v3, AVR, AVL, AVF and V5. September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Monitoring: Electrocardiogram ECG:
Identification of P waves in lead 2 and it’s association with the QRS complex is useful in distinguishing a sinus rhythm from other rhythms. Analysis of ST segment is used as an indicator of MI. ( Dep.-ischemia / elev.-infarction ) Over 85% of ischemic events can be detected by monitoring ST seg. of leads 2 and V5. September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Monitoring: Pulse Oximetry:
Allows beat to beat analysis of oxygenation. Depends on differences in light absorption between oxyHb and deoxyHb. Red and Infra-red light frequencies transmitted through a translucent portion. (finger-tip or earlobe) Microprocessors then analyze amount of light absorbed by the 2 wavelengths, comparing measured values, then determining concentrations of oxygenated and deoxygenated forms. (oxy- and deoxy-) September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Monitoring: Pulse Oximetry:
After all data is processed, oxygen saturation can be calculated. Pulse plethysmograph (visual analysis of pulse waveform), while an audible form (auditory assessment of oxygenation status). Pulse oximetry (SpO2) measures oxy-, deoxy-, met-, and carboxyHb. CO poisoning gives an overestimation of the true O2 saturation(SaO2). E.g. Burn victims. Inaccurate measurements seen in poor tissue perfusion (shock or cold extremities), movement, dysrhythmias, or when electrical interference is present (surgical cautery unit). September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Monitoring: Blood Pressure BP:
Methods of BP measurement: 1. Simplest method of BP measurement, estimating the SBP, is by palpating the return of arterial pulse as cuff is deflated. 2. auscultation of the Kortokoff sounds on deflation (providing both SBP and DBP) Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) = DBP + 1/3(SBP – DBP) September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Monitoring: Blood Pressure BP:
Methods of BP measurement: 3. Automated non-invasive BP measurements. METHODOLOGY: a microprocessor controlled oscillometer (Dinamap®) which is used routinely intraoperatively. It allows automatic inflation of the BP cuff at preset time intervals, sending readings into a pressure transducer that digitalizes them. This technique gives rapid, accurate (± 9 mmHg) measurements of SBP, DBP, MAP and HR several times a minute. LIMITATIONS: Errors occur due to movements, arrhythmias or BP fluctuations due to respiration. 3 – 5 minutes intervals is recommended to prevent compressive peripheral nerve injury due to repeated rapid measurements. September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Monitoring: Blood Pressure BP:
Methods of BP measurement: 4. Invasive BP measurements. (Arterial BP): Indications: Rapid moment to moment BP changes Frequent blood sampling Major surgeries (cardiac, thoracic, vascular) Circulatory therapies: vasoactive drugs, deliberate hypotension Failure of indirect BP: burns, morbid obesity Sever metabolic abnormalities Major trauma The radial artery at the wrist is the most common site for an arterial catheter. Alternatives are femoral, brachial and dorsalis pedis. September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Central Venous line and Pressure (CVP)
Catheter inserted into the SVC providing an estimate of the right atrial and ventricular pressures. Serial CVP measurements are more useful than a single value in order to assess blood volume, venous tone and right ventricular performance. HR, BP and CVP response to a volume infusion (100 – 500 ml) is also a useful test of right ventricular performance. September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Central Venous line and Pressure (CVP)
Indications: CVP monitoring provides Right Atrial and Right Ventricle pressures Advanced Cardiopulmonary disease + major operation Secure vascular access for drugs Secure access for fluids + traumatic pts Aspiration of entrained air: sitting craniotomies Inadequate peripheral IV access September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Central Venous Line: PERFORMANCE of Right Internal Jugular Vein
Internal jugular (Int. Jug.) vein lies in groove between sternal and clavicular heads of sternocleidomastoid muscle It is lateral and slightly anterior to carotid artery Aseptic technique, head down Insert needle towards ipsilateral nipple Seldinger method: 22 G finder; 18 G needle, guide-wire, scalpel blade, dilator and catheter Observe ECG and maintain control of guide-wire Ultrasound guidance; Chest-Xray post insertion. September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Advantages of Right Int. Jug. vein
Consistent, predictable anatomic location Readily identifiable landmarks Short straight course to Superior Vena Cava Easy access for anesthesiologist at patient’s head High success rate, 90-99% September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Complications of Central lines (jugular):
Bleeding Injury to surrounding structures as carotid artery Pneumothorax Arrhythmia September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Central Venous line Alternative Sites
Subclavian vein: Easier to insert versus Int. Jug. vein Better patient comfort v. Int. Jug. Higher Risk of pneumothorax- 2% External jugular: Easy to cannulate if visible. no risk of pneumothoroax, high risk or bleeding 20%: cannot access central circulation September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Central Venous Pressure (CVP ) Monitoring
Reflects pressure at junction of vena cava + RA CVP is driving force for filling RA + RV CVP provides estimate of: Intravascular blood volume RV preload Trends in CVP are very useful Measure at end-expiration Central Venous Pressure (CVP): 1-10 mmHg September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Capnography and EtCO2 Capnometry: is the numerical measurement of CO2 concentration during inspiration and expiration. Capnogram: refers to the continuous display of the CO2 concentration waveform sampled from the patient’s airway during ventilation. Capnography: is the continuous monitoring of a patient’s capnogram. September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Capnography and EtCO2 End-tidal CO2 monitoring is standard for all patients undergoing GA with mechanical ventilation. It is an important safety monitor and a valuable monitor of the patient’s physiologic status, and it has been an important factor in reducing anesthesia-related mortality and morbidity. Co2 monitoring is considered the best method for verifying successful intubation and extubation procedures. It helps in assessment of the adequacy of ventilation and an indirect estimate of PaCO2. Also it aids in diagnosis of PE, recognition of a partial airway obstruction, and indirect measurement of airway reactivity (bronchospasm). ETCO2 levels have also been used to predict outcome of resuscitation. September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Capnography and EtCO2 Measurement of ETCO2 Sampling the patient’s respiratory gases near the airway. Using infra-red gas analysis or mass spectrometry on the values and concentrations obtained. Provided that when sampling, inspired CO2 value should be near zero. (i.e. ETCO2 value is a function of CO2 production, alveolar ventilation and pulmonary circulation; excluding inspired CO2). During general anesthesia, with absence of ventilation perfusion abnormalities, difference between PaCO2 and ETCO2 is about 5 mm Hg (PaCO2 = 40 mmHg, ETCO2 = 35 mmHg) Increases or decreases in ETCO2 values maybe the result of increases or decreases in production and elimination. September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Changes in CO2 Production Changes in CO2 Elimination
Capnography and EtCO2 Factors affecting ETCO2: Increased ETCO2 Decreased ETCO2 Changes in CO2 Production Hyperthermia Sepsis Thyroid storm Malignant Hyperthermia Muscular Activity Hypothermia Hypometabolism Changes in CO2 Elimination Hypoventilation Rebreathing Partial airway obstruction Exogenous CO2 absorption (laparoscopy) Hyperventilation Hypoperfusion Embolism Transient increases in ETCO2 may be noted after: IV bicarbonate administration, release of extremity tourniquets, or removal of vascular cross-clamps. September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Cyanosis: Defined as the presence of 5 gm/dL of deoxygenated hemoglobin (deoxy Hb). i.e. Hb level = 15 gm/dL, 5 gm/dL release O2 which leaves 10 gm/dL of oxyhemoglobin SaO2 = OxyHb / (OxyHb + DeoxyHb) = 10 / (10 + 5) = 66% SAO2 of 66% corresponds to PaO2 of 35mmHg. In anemic patients the oxygen tension at which cyanosis is detectable will be even lower. i.e. Hb level = 10 gm/dL, 5 gm/dL release O2 SaO2 = OxyHb / (oxyHb + DeoxyHb) = 5 / (5 + 5) = 50% SAO2 of 50% corresponds to PaO2 of only 27 mmHg. September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
The oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve
It is a sigmoid curve that describes the relationship between oxygen tension (PaO2) and binding (SpO2). When PaO2 is low, the hemoglobin affinity to oxygen falls rapidly , explaining the sharp sloping .(PaO2< 60 mmHg) September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Left And Right Shifts of the Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve
A decrease in PaO2 of less than 60 mmHg (corresponding to SpO2 90 %) results in a rapid fall in the oxygenation saturation. The lowest acceptable O2 saturation level is 90%. Left And Right Shifts of the Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve Right Left Decreased affinity of Hb for O2. Increased affinity of Hb for O2. Causes: Inc. PCO2 Hyperthermia Acidosis Increased altitude Increased 2,3-DPG Sickle Cell Anemia Inhalational anesthetics Dec. PCO2 Hypothermia Alkalosis Fetal hemoglobin Decreased 2,3-DPG Carboxyhemoglobin Methemoglobin September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Oxygen content of blood:
The oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve Key Values: At PO2 100 mmHg, Hb 100% saturation. At PO2 40 mmHg, Hb 75% saturation. At PO2 27 mmHg, Hb 50% saturation. Oxygen content of blood: is the total amount of O2 carried in blood, including bound and dissolved O2. O2 content = (O2-binding capacity * % saturation) + O2 dissolved O2-binding capacity = maximal amount of O2 bound to Hb at 100 % sat. The dissolved O2 isn’t measured by oximetry but by blood gas analysis. September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Monitoring Temperature
Objective aid in maintaining appropriate body temperature Application readily available method to continuously monitor temperature if changes are intended, anticipated or suspected Methods thermostat temperature sensitive chemical reactions September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Monitoring Temperature
Potential heat loss or risk of hyperthermia necessitates continuous temperature monitoring Normal heat loss during anesthesia averages C per hour, but usually not more that C Temperature below 34C may lead to significant morbidity September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Monitoring Temperature
Hypothermia develops when thermoregulation fails to control balance of metabolic heat production and environment heat loss Normal response to heat loss is impaired during anesthesia Those at high risk are elderly, burn patients neonates, spinal cord injuries September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Monitoring Temperature
Hyperthermia Causes Malignant hyperthermia Endogenous pyroxenes (IL1) Excessive environmental warming Increases in metabolic rate secondary to: Thyrotoxicosis Pheochromocytoma September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Monitoring Temperature
Monitoring Sites Tympanic Esophagus Rectum Nasopharynx September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Normal values for a healthy adult undergoing anesthesia Systolic Blood Pressure Diastolic Blood Pressure Heart Rate Respiratory Rate Oxygen sat. by oximetry End Tidal Carbon Dioxide tension Skin appearance Color Temperature Urine Production SBP DBP HR RR SpO2 ETCO2 85 – 160 50 – 95 50 – 100 8 – 20 95 – 100 33 – 45 warm, dry pink 36 – 37.5 >= 0.5 mmHg bpm rpm % O C Central Venous Pressure Pulmonary Artery Pressure Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure Mixed venous oxygen saturation Cardiac Output Mean Arterial Pressure *MAP = DBP + 1/3 ( SBP – DBP ) CVP PAP (mean) PCWP SvO2 CO MAP 1 – 10 10 – 20 5 – 15 75 4.5 – 6 80 – 120 1.Min-1 September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
Monitoring in Anesthesia
Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh THANK YOU Department of Anesthesiology Faculty of Medicine Jordan University of Science and Technology September 18 Dr. Med. Khaled Radaideh, Facharzt
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