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Bell Ringer Take two index cards

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer Take two index cards"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer Take two index cards
Cut each into 3 pieces (evenly and nearly square) – leave the scissors on the table Put your name on both sides of one card. Put all 6 small cards together and put a rubber band around them Turn them in with your name on the outside

2 On one side write the Literary Term
Alliteration On the other side write the definition Used for poetic effect, a repetition of the initial sounds of several words in a group. Assonance Ballad Controlling image - an image repeated or developed to stress the theme of a poem Diction

3 alliteration Used for poetic effect, a repetition of the initial sounds of several words in a group.

4 Bell Ringer Use 2 index cards
Make Literary Terms Cards for the following: Enjambment - the running on of a thought from one line to the next Eye Rhyme - a sight rhyme. An agreement in spelling, but not in sound, as in HAVE and GRAVE couplet conceit epic euphemism

5 enjambment End stopping: Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. Enjambment: I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree.

6 epic- The Illiad and the Odyssey by Homer The Bible Beowulf

7 couplet Romeo on the Balcony:
Good night! Good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, That I shall say Good night till it be morrow." (tomorrow)

8 Eye rhyme Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer's lease hath all too short a date. (Sonnet 18)

9 euphemism Passed away = dead Expecting = pregnant
Pushing up daisies = dead Sanitary landfill = dump Adult entertainment = porn Collateral damage = civilian casualties

10 euphemism Correctional institute = House of ill repute =
Between jobs = Bun in the oven = Direct mail =

11 Bell Ringer Figurative language
Use 2 index cards Make Literary Terms Cards for the following: Figurative language Internal rhyme - a rhyme created by two words in the same line slant rhyme - rhyme in which either the vowels or the consonants of stressed syllables are identical, as in eyes, light; years, yours. Verbal Irony (see irony) Rhyme scheme – the pattern of rhyme between lines of a poem or song Haiku

12 haiku As the wind does blow Across the trees, I see the
Buds blooming in May

13 Pre-test (do not write on the handout)
After reviewing your words, take the pre-test in your spiral. Do not write on the pre-test Do not use the words. Can you spell the words correctly? If you didn’t get 100, you should go back and study the words more thorougly. The last 6 words are not included in the pre-test.

14 Period 5 Review words and get ready for the literary terms test (summative grade)

15 ATTENTION Juniors and Seniors:
If you have not picked up your laptop, be aware that Time is running out! Your scheduled time is before and after school Mon, Tues, and Wed of this week ONLY. The last day for your scheduled pick up time is Wednesday 8th period – 4:30pm. Any junior or senior who has not picked up a laptop after that day will not be allowed to get a laptop until September 11th, after 9th and 10th grade laptop distribution is completed.

16 Re-test To take a similar test, see Mr Edwards during conference or tutorial times. You must demonstrate knowledge of the literary terms before you will be given the opportunity to retest. -or- Alternative assignment – write a poem about “Regret” and include at least 5 of the literary terms you have learned. Explain how the terms have been used in your poem.

17 tutoring Tutoring: MT 7:45-8:10 WT 3:45-4:15 and by appointment

18 Literary terms couplet conceit epic euphemism Alliteration Assonance
Ballad Controlling image - Diction

19 Literary terms Figurative language Internal rhyme slant rhyme -
Verbal Irony (see irony) Rhyme scheme Haiku Enjambment Eye Rhyme

20 Bell Ringer Metaphor Metrics (see definition for meter) Overstatement
Use 2 index cards Make Literary Terms Cards for the following: Metaphor Metrics (see definition for meter) Overstatement Paradox Personification Rhyme Scheme

21 Bell Ringer Sarcasm Simile Understatement sonnet stanza verse
Use 2 index cards Make Literary Terms Cards for the following: Sarcasm Simile Understatement sonnet stanza verse

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