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Chapter 27 Nucleotides and Nucleic acid

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1 Chapter 27 Nucleotides and Nucleic acid
Contents General structure of Nucleosides, Nucleotides, DNA, and RNA Hydrogen bonding vs Melting Replication, Transcription, and Translation

2 Nucleoside Ribose or Deoxyribose + Base

3 Nitrogen bases Pyrimidines (C,T) Purines (A,G)

4 Nucleotide - Adenine  Adenosin; Gauanine  Guanosin
Nucleoside + Phosphate - Adenine  Adenosin; Gauanine  Guanosin - Cytosine  Cytidine; Thymine  Thymidine; Uracil  Uridine

5 Other Nucleotide ATP : Energy bank NAD+ : CoE for Ox-Red

6 Structure of DNA and RNA
5’-End - Polynucleotides: DNA (Deoxyribo-nucleic acid) RNA (Ribonucleic acid)  Simplified structure 3’-End Diester of phosphoric acid : pKa 2.2 - Sensitivity to hydrolysis: DNA<<<RNA (NGP)

7 Complementary Base Pairing
Charged Polymer : base pairing at high salt conc. Number of A(C) is equal to T(G) : Chargaff’s rule  Base pairing by HB Melting Temperature depends on AT, CG contents - A -- T 2 HB (10 Kcal/mol) - C -- G 3 HB (17 Kcal/mol) Chain growing by 5’-triphophate monomer (similar to carboxyl anhydride)

8 ) Hydrogen bonding ~ Melting Temperature : AT, CG contents - A -- T 2 HB (10 Kcal/mol) - C -- G 3 HB (17 Kcal/mol

9 Double helix Distance between sugar backbone is always same
Inside ; less polar Outside; polar, easily solvated by water Stacked base  DNA stability : Intercalating agent

10 30 억 base x 3.4 A = 1 m Double Helix Information repairing is easy
Replication method 40 억 조각 x 16-mer DNA needed for sequencing whole genome

11 Reparing Replication : polymerase (replicase)

12 Replication

13 - mRNA copies genetic information (DNA  Ribosome)
Transcription: - mRNA copies genetic information (DNA  Ribosome) codon: 3 base code  4 3 (64) possiblities Translation: - mRNA acts as a template for protein synthesis tRNA w/ anticodon carries AAs to the protein factory (Ribosomes)

14 NC peptide bond formation (Nature) vs
CN chemical synthesis (Organic Synthesis)

15 RNA occurs as single stranded molecule : structuring by itself
mRNA: RAM memory tRNA rRNA Ribozymes : RNA catalyst

16 (Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential Enrichment)
SELEX (Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential Enrichment) Library of Random Oligonuceotides Fixed Variable(n) n=40 s=1024 ssNA Random ssDNA or RNA Negative selection Positive selection Removal of non- binding ssNA Isolation of ssNA- targets complex (RT) PCR (T7 transcription) Clone Sequence aptamer Apmlification Validation

17 Double straned DNA library Single straned DNA Library (SM)
SELEX procedure Double straned DNA library Single straned DNA Library (SM) In-vitro transcription Error prone PCR RNA library Binging to target protein Binging to target protein RNA N cycle In-vitro transcription RNA elution from target RT-PCR Selected RNA cDNA

18 RNA Aptamer to HCV NS5B 1# 2# 3# Sequence (Occurrence)

19 Tautomers of Guanine and Thymine
Anlalogues of Nucleoside : AZT, DDC used as AIDS drug  1174  drug target (retrovirus) : reverse transcriptase

20 Sequencing DNA vs Proteins
Need fragments  used for mapping Restriction Enzymes vs Protease DNA can be multiplied (vs Proteins) Protein sequencing by DNA sequencing Two methods : Cleavage method (Gilbert, 1980 Nobel prize) Chain Terminator method (Sanger, 1980 Nobel prize) Restriction Endonucleases  gives primer sequence  synthesizing DNAs to a terminating sequence  separate by Gel-Electrophoresis and analyzed

21 Sequencing DNA


23 Radio labeled vs Fluorescence labeled

24 Laboratory synthesis of DNA
Activation by tetrazole Oxidation by I2 Deprotections : Pi & DMT

25 Exercise problems 18, 22, 23, 24 Good Luck! & Have Fun!

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