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Programming the Web using XHTML and JavaScript

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1 Programming the Web using XHTML and JavaScript
Chapter 17 JavaScript with Frames and Windows

2 Frames

3 Dynamic Content with Frames
CyberPizza example Two side-by-side frames Left – pizza order choices Right – display order Requires three documents CyberPizza.html – the frameset document SelectPizza.html – code for left frame DisplayChoices.html – code for right frame Welcome to … Your pizza …

4 Dynamic Content with Frames
CyberPizza.html Establishes the frameset Defines functions (more on that later) SelectPizza.html Defines 3 forms Toppings Crusts Submit order DisplayChoices.html Show results from choices on SelectPizza

5 Dynamic Content with Frames
Problem Left and right frames involve two separate documents Functions declared in a document act only in the frame containing that document How can we call a function from one document that acts on a different frame?

6 Dynamic Content with Frames
Answer: Ensure that both documents are simultaneously present in different frames of the frameset Since the code is “present” it can be called Where to put the code? In a frame that’s always loaded The frameset document CyberPizza.html

7 Dynamic Content with Frames
How do you call a function declared in a different document? Using the hierarchical dot notation CyberPizza.html “frameset” document aka “parent” SelectPizza.html Document in left frame DisplayChoices.html Document in right frame

8 Dynamic Content with Frames
The document that establishes a frameset is considered to be the “parent” of the documents that define the individual frames Thus, to refer to a function called displayOrder in the parent we use parent.displayOrder(…)

9 Dynamic Content with Frames
The displayOrder function Must be able to Read user-selected data from the left frame Update the right frame with selected information If the user changes the order, displayOrder must be able to update the right frame with the latest data

10 Dynamic Content with Frames
This means that the displayOrder function has to be able to: Write data To a specific frame Writing data is accomplished with the write method of the document object: document.write()

11 Dynamic Content with Frames
The data written is specified as a parameter document.write(“Hello world”) Remember this example? Ch17-Ex-01

12 Dynamic Content with Frames
If writing to a different document, specify the destination: rightFrame.document.write(…)

13 Dynamic Content with Frames
HTML tags and data can be included This means that a script can change the document content dynamically Ch17-Ex-02

14 Dynamic Content with Frames
And variables can be used… Ch17-Ex-03

15 Dynamic Content with Frames
Meanwhile, back at the displayOrder function in CyberPizza.html … Before writing to a document it must be opened document.write() does the open automatically Close the document when all done Finishes the writing process to the document document.close()

16 Dynamic Content with Frames
The Document Output Stream (DOS) document.write() only works when the browser is loading an HTML source document Document is implicitly opened during loading Browser opens the “document output stream” Starts interpreting the HTML Places the information/data on the screen Once the document is loaded the document is automatically closed Therefore this shouldn’t work properly: Ch17-Ex-04.html Look at: Status button Source while still open Note what closing the document does: Ch17-Ex-04a.html

17 Dynamic Content with Frames
The Document Output Stream (cont.) Once the document contents have been displayed DOS is closed When the DOS is closed document.write() method cannot be used This means that write() cannot be used in conjunction with a form in the same document without completely replacing the current document

18 (not the operating system)

19 Manipulating Windows In Chapter 6 we showed how to open a document in a new browser window: <a href=" target="fred"> Click here to open page in a new window. Ch06-Ex-11

20 Manipulating Windows Can open a window using the open() method of the window object: var sampleWindow = “testWin”, “width=250,height=200,left=100,top=60”) Name given to new window object (used in JavaScript) Name of HTML source document to be opened (URL) Name for use by target Window features (in pixels

21 Manipulating Windows The close() method can be used to close a window if its name is known Ch17-Ex-05

22 if (sampleWindow.closed) …
Manipulating Windows Windows have more than 40 methods and 50 properties (Appendix F) if (sampleWindow.closed) ……) There are over 25 windows features height, width, top, left toolbar, scrollbars, resizable, …

23 Manipulating Windows If you leave out the third parameter
var sampleWindow =“ a default window is created However, if you specify any value in the third parameter, all unspecified values are considered to be “off”

24 CyberPizza Here is the CyberPizza example: CyberPizza.html
View all the source before and after submission Use this code as a basis for HW PTW17!

25 Security Concerns What security hazards do you see here?

26 Assignment Implement and improve the CyberPizza problem
Note changes specified in the Assignments Web Page

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