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Skills for the job of life.

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Presentation on theme: "Skills for the job of life."— Presentation transcript:

1 Skills for the job of life.
Occupational Therapy Skills for the job of life.

2 What is Occupational Therapy?
Occupational therapy practitioners help people perform their daily activities and routines by: Rehabilitating lost function. Teaching techniques and the use of adaptive equipment to compensate for missing function.

3 Assisting the Therapy, Not the Therapist
Occupational Therapists do: Occupational Therapy Assistants do: Evaluations/Discharge Paperwork Supervision of the therapy process Most of the hands on therapy Write notes Determine goals with the OT

4 Where do you Work?
Adult Rehabilitation Geriatrics (Old people) Hand Therapy Home and Community Health Mental Health Schools Pediatrics (kids) Work Programs Hospitals Home Health Services

5 How much $? Occupational Therapy Assistant Salaries Salary Range
75th Percentile $64,080 Median $53,240 25th Percentile $42,580 Occupational Therapist Salaries Salary Range 75th Percentile $91,600 Median $76,940 25th Percentile $63,580

6 How do I Become an OTA? Be admitted to an accredited OTA program and pass the national NBCOT exam. Salt Lake Community College has a 2 year program, it is the only accredited program in the state of Utah but there are many other school in other states.

7 Prerequisite classes You also Need to…
Engl Intro to Writing Math Intermediate Algebra Psych Human Growth and Development Bio 1610/1615- College Biology/Lab Bio 2320/2325- Human Anatomy/Lab Comm Intro to Communication OTA Into to Occupational Therapy Complete a 30 hour community service project Pass the Health Professions Admission Assessment Submit a completed Immunization Form and CPR/First Aid Certification Pass a Proctored Essay Pass a Background Check And Submit your Application!


9 Works cited
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