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Organisational March 9, 2015 Part 1

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1 Organisational Assembly @P5 March 9, 2015 Part 1

2 Why two meetings? Objectives of the Open Part of the meeting:
Introduce the Organisational Assembly to potential new members Hear views of Organisational Members on data sharing and interoperability challenges and how they can benefit from RDA Objectives of the OA-only part of the meeting: Discuss the OMs role in RDA outputs adoption Provide feedback to the RDA strategy planning Brainstorm about RDA WG gaps and future directions Provide ideas on recruitment of new members

3 Agenda for open part Call to Order, Juan Bicarregui, OAB co-chair
Brief introductions, Juan Bicarregui (10’) Panel Discussion  - Data sharing challenges – Views from RDA OMs (60’) Panel Chair: Amy Nurnberger, Columbia University Libraries/Information Services (5’) How RDA helps addressing the challenges; how organisations do address them; Panelists: Ingrid Dillo, DANS, The Netherlands (10’) Wolfram Horstmann, Association of European Univeristy Libraries - LIBER (10’) Malcolm Wolski, Division of Information Services, Griffith University, Australia (10’) Questions and Discussion - Questions/Comments/Views (inc 1' madness slides) (25’) Review of the Function of the OA and OAB Results of RDA adoption survey, Juan Bicarregui (15’)

4 Agenda for OA-only part
Call to Order - Walter Stewart, OAB co-chair (10’) Introduction of new members Approval of minutes from previous meetings Report from the Strategy Consultation meeting - Walter Stewart and Juan Bicarregui (20’) Discussion for feedback by RDA OAB members What can OAB do to drive adoption? Relationship with TAB – Discussion (30’) Future directions for RDA Working Groups Input from TAB about clustering and input from OA members about gaps in RDA work (problems that are not addressed by current RDA WGs) Further questions and discussion with Council and TAB Representatives (20’) Recruitment of new members Any Other Business (5’) Next meetings Membership photo

5 Agenda for open part Call to Order, Juan Bicarregui, OAB co-chair
Brief introductions, Juan Bicarregui (10’) Panel Discussion  - Data sharing challenges – Views from RDA OMs (60’) Panel Chair: Amy Nurnberger, Columbia University Libraries/Information Services (5’) How RDA helps addressing the challenges; how organisations do address them; Panelists: Ingrid Dillo, DANS, The Netherlands (10’) Wolfram Horstmann, Association of European Univeristy Libraries - LIBER (10’) Malcolm Wolski, Division of Information Services, Griffith University, Australia (10’) Questions and Discussion - Questions/Comments/Views (inc 1' madness slides) (25’) Review of the Function of the OA and OAB Results of RDA adoption survey, Juan Bicarregui (15’)

6 Why does RDA need Org Members?
“…to represent the interests of OMs and ensure that their input and needs play a role in guiding the programs and activities of the RDA” Providing organisational and operational advice …to express issues raised among the organisational … …actions that could be taken by RDA to meet organisational needs. Interacting with the Technical Advisory Board (TAB) …to advise on how implementable proposed product is likely to be. Piloting opportunities …encouraging broad community adoption of RDA products Assisting with Plenary programming and other outreach activities Developing test-beds to support WG pilot projects distribution of products to the community. Encouraging and facilitating the adoption of relevant RDA “products” among organisational members to drive broad adoption.

7 Why do Organisations join as OMs?
As an Organisational Member of RDA, you can: Participate in the Organisational Assembly at Plenaries and between receive a 6-monthly report on the activities of RDA Have a voice in RDA providing advice on the needs of your sectors and the problems faced elect the RDA Organisational Assembly Board (later) Become an advocate for data interoperability in your sectors Engage with the working groups of RDA Have the opportunity to act as early adopters for newly developed standards and protocols Be Recognised on the RDA Website as a leader in world data interoperability

8 Current Status (Please say if I’ve missed you!)
Organizational Members: American University Library Australian National Data Service Barcelona Supercomputing Center CANARIE CAP Digital Cluster Columbia University Library CNRI CSC DANS Digital Curation Center EIROForum IT Working Group eResearch Services …Griffith University European Data Infrastructure (EUDAT) German Data Forum (RatSWD) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan International Association of STM Publishers Internet2 LIBER NZ eScience Infrastructure Purdue University Libraries Research Data Canada Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) Science & Technology Facilities Council Syracuse University - Center for Qualitative and Multi-Method Inquiry (CQMI) Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) and Australian Centre for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (ACEAS) Washington University in St. Louis Libraries Affiliates CODATA ICSU World Data System ORCID DataCite CASRAI

9 Agenda for open part Call to Order, Juan Bicarregui, OAB co-chair
Brief introductions, Juan Bicarregui (10’) Panel Discussion  - Data sharing challenges – Views from RDA OMs (60’) Panel Chair: Amy Nurnberger, Columbia University Libraries/Information Services (5’) How RDA helps addressing the challenges; how organisations do address them; Panelists: Ingrid Dillo, DANS, The Netherlands (10’) Wolfram Horstmann, Association of European Univeristy Libraries - LIBER (10’) Malcolm Wolski, Division of Information Services, Griffith University, Australia (10’) Questions and Discussion - Questions/Comments/Views (inc 1' madness slides) (25’) Review of the Function of the OA and OAB Results of RDA adoption survey, Juan Bicarregui (15’)

10 Panel Discussion (including 1' madness slides)
Panel Discussion  - Data sharing challenges – Views from RDA OMs (60’) Panel Chair: Amy Nurnberger, Columbia University Libraries/Information Services How RDA helps addressing the challenges; how organisations do address them; Panelists: Ingrid Dillo, DANS, The Netherlands Wolfram Horstmann, Association of European Univeristy Libraries – LIBER Malcolm Wolski, Division of Information Services, Griffith University, Australia Questions and Discussion - Questions/Comments/Views (including 1' madness slides)

11 Agenda for open part Call to Order, Juan Bicarregui, OAB co-chair
Brief introductions, Juan Bicarregui (10’) Panel Discussion  - Data sharing challenges – Views from RDA OMs (60’) Panel Chair: Amy Nurnberger, Columbia University Libraries/Information Services (5’) How RDA helps addressing the challenges; how organisations do address them; Panelists: Ingrid Dillo, DANS, The Netherlands (10’) Wolfram Horstmann, Association of European Univeristy Libraries - LIBER (10’) Malcolm Wolski, Division of Information Services, Griffith University, Australia (10’) Questions and Discussion - Questions/Comments/Views (inc 1' madness slides) (25’) Review of the Function of the OA and OAB Results of RDA adoption survey, Juan Bicarregui (15’)

12 Organisational Members Survey Results
10 Key reasons why organisations care about research data sharing and interoperability? Better collaboration, especially internationally Improved research practice Policy Improved access Improved trust and openness Creating teaching materials/education Adding value to the data Interoperability Preservation Visibility

13 Organisational Members Survey Results
12 Impediments to the reuse of data Cultural resistance (not seeing sharing as in their interest) Lack of accepted standards for metadata Use of proprietary data formats Data is not cleaned up and ready for sharing Lack of resources to do it Lack of technical infrastructure (in some disciplines) Protection of intellectual property Lack of skills and knowledge (in some disciplines) Lack of provenance Lack of universally accepted principles and practices around open data. Lack of awareness Lack of clear legal frameworks

14 Organisational Members Survey Results
10 Problems OMs are seeking to address through involvement in RDA Involvement in the work of specific WG/IGs Networking, sharing skills and knowledge, potential collaboration Collecting case studies to highlight the benefits Improving data deposit workflows How to cite data, defining core data fields Long-term archival procedures Ensuring shared standards International interoperability of repository Upskilling support staff and researchers Changing researchers attitudes

15 Organisational Members Survey Results
12 ways OMs anticipate using the solutions developed in RDA groups?” Direct adoption by own organisation Targeting key research events to disseminate information Adoption is through IT support and faculty librarian groups In some specific cases, the solutions are already in production. Some outputs are "knowledge exchange" which advance particular project goals interchange with the other parties makes adoption if agreed relatively straightforward, and of significant value" integrating the knowledge or materials gained from RDA activities into institutional activities promote “how-to” papers as a point of reference through our channels. Where it is a priority we assign someone to the group. Executive monitor and assess the usefulness of outcomes and promote where appropriate Monitoring the RDA website forums attending RDA plenaries to survey the work of as many groups as possible

16 Organisational Members Survey Results
Some other data issues that OMs would like a solution to?  Researcher identity a standardised open repository approach Consensus began to develop and be adopted about what standard open data practices should be. Truly open data, truly open knowledge that satisfies the requirements of our scientific domain Cultural change, and a sense of international shared purpose. Behavioural change frameworks to use to help service providers fine tune their delivery efforts to increase uptake amongst researchers. Examplars of good practice from the research community to use as a resource for service providers to help convince researchers to adopt new practices (eg faculty librarians). Recommendations on interoperability of disciplinary and institutional data repositories, eg brokering service (alert of deposit). Assessment and endorsement of guidelines, eg OpenAIRE guide for data repositories"

17 How do we go forward from here? Discussion.
Problems to address Networking, sharing skills and knowledge, potential collaboration Collecting case studies to highlight the benefits Improving data deposit workflows How to cite data, defining core data fields Ways to adopt Direct adoption by own organisation Targeting key research events to disseminate information Adoption is through IT support and faculty librarian groups Benefits Better collaboration, especially internationally Improved research practice Policy Impediments Cultural resistance (not seeing sharing as in their interest) Lack of accepted standards for metadata Use of proprietary data formats Data is not cleaned up and ready for sharing Other issues Researcher identity a standardised open repository approach Consensus …about what standard open data practices should be. Truly open data, …that satisfies requirements of scientific domain

18 Agenda for open part Call to Order, Juan Bicarregui, OAB co-chair
Brief introductions, Juan Bicarregui (10’) Panel Discussion  - Data sharing challenges – Views from RDA OMs (60’) Panel Chair: Amy Nurnberger, Columbia University Libraries/Information Services (5’) How RDA helps addressing the challenges; how organisations do address them; Panelists: Ingrid Dillo, DANS, The Netherlands (10’) Wolfram Horstmann, Association of European Univeristy Libraries - LIBER (10’) Malcolm Wolski, Division of Information Services, Griffith University, Australia (10’) Questions and Discussion - Questions/Comments/Views (inc 1' madness slides) (25’) Review of the Function of the OA and OAB Results of RDA adoption survey, Juan Bicarregui (15’)

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