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Department of intelligent systems

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1 Department of intelligent systems
“Jozef Stefan” Institute, Slovenia Department of intelligent systems Matjaž Gams

2 “Jozef Stefan” Institute
800 staff (app. 400 Ph.D) Premier research institution applied and basic research production and control technologies communication and computer technologies biotechnologies new materials environmental technologies nanotechnologies nuclerar engineering Hundreds of international projects

3 Department of intelligent systems
20 staff one of the best national research groups, first ever from computer science chief scientist prof. Bratko, one of the leading European scientists Head prof. dr. M. Gams – cofounder of Slovenian AI society (2 terms president), Cognitive society (8 years president), Slovenian Engineering society (12 years secretary), currently exec. board for comp.s., IFIP delegate, National council of science and technology, 250 publications in journals, proceedings the last 2 years 1st and 7th ranked AI journal, world-best conferences like IJCAI or AAMAS The Department of Intelligent Systems is one of the established European computer science research groups with a 20 year tradition in R&D in artificial intelligence, intelligent systems, information systems, medical informatics, natural language processing, and cognitive sciences.

4 Main research areas Information society
agent and multi-agent technologies semantic Web evolutionary computation machine learning data mining and knowledge discovery search algorithms decision support communications Idea: Evolution produced intelligence Technically:Simulated evolution as search (genetic algorithms...)  Process parameter optimization in continuous casting of steel Analysis of Search Algorithms: Minimax pathology Conventional wisdom: the deeper a game-playing program searches, the better it plays Theoretical analyses: in specific circumstances the deeper a program searches, the worse it plays We explain the paradox (IJCAI 2005) Tarok card game experiments Game-tree search, transposition tables Monte Carlo sampling Decision models based on Bayesian networks Game playing has long been a test bed for AI research and many techniques developed there have found application elsewhere. In the field's relatively long history, starting shortly after World War II with the first chess program written by Alan Turing, game-playing programs have reached levels equal to or surpassing the best mankind can offer in a significant portion of commonly played games, such as checkers, chess, Othello, Scrabble... Apart from traditional games, AI techniques have also been applied to computer games in order to create challenging and human-like opponents. Game-playing research involves not only game-playing programs, but also various more or less general search algorithms (minimax variants for searching and/or trees, single-agent search algorithms such as A*...), planning and decision-making methods, etc.

5 Introducing information society into Slovenia
Members of both research groups have introduced several new R&D fields in Slovenia, from AI, intelligent systems, intelligent agents to recent intelligent services in information society. In our vision, Slovenia has to move faster towards intelligent information society to foster efficient progress and better life. 9/6/2018

6 6th Framework research projects and NoE
ALVIS (Superpeer Semantic Search Engine) SEKT (Semantically Enabled Knowledge Technologies) WINDECT (Wireless Local Area Network with Integration of Professional Quality DECT Telephony) ASPIC (Argumentation Service Platform with Integrated Components) COST 526 (Automatic Process Optimization in Materials Technology APOMAT) BI-FI/ (Numerical Optimization of Continuous Casting of Steel) AgentLink III WeGo (E-government) The goal of ALVIS – Superpeer Semantic Search Engine project is to develop an open-source Internet search engine providing a European response to the US companies, such as Google. Our researchers designed and implemented several major applications of intelligent systems in this part of Europe, such as: an intelligent system for employment services, which around 10 years ago offered over 90% of all national jobs, at the time best percentage in any country; applications of IS in steel-mill Jesenice, thus participating in production of tons of still yearly; text-to-speech system, which was donated to all visually impaired persons in Slovenia. “Speaker” – text to speech system - Awarded by a national award Donated to users

7 6OP projekt ALVIS - Superpeer Semantic Search Engine
New “Google”, P2P, semantics

8 9/6/2018

9 True machine intelligence
10 – 30 – 200 years? 9/6/2018

10 Quest for intelligence
Strong AI hypothesis: intelligence will be achieved automatically. (Moravec, Kurtzweil) 9/6/2018

11 Our hypothesis: true intelligence is multiple, consisting of interacting Turing machines and an open environment. (Wegner, Gams)

12 Prediction of oil 10 – 30 – 200 years? 9/6/2018

13 Influence of high knowledge (education, science)

14 Demography 9/6/2018

15 The amazing power of science and technology best in intelligent
information services 9/6/2018

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