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Biennial Work Plan (BWP)

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1 Biennial Work Plan (BWP) 2012-2013
PAHO/WHO Guyana 4 April 2011

2 Projects Health Systems and Services (HSS)
Communicable and Non-communicable Diseases (CND) Social and Environmental Determinants of Health (SED) Family and Community Health (FCH) Management and Coordination (MCP)

3 To improve the health and
GOAL To improve the health and welfare of the people of Guyana

4 Health Systems and Services
Purpose To strengthen health systems and services based on primary health care (PHC)

5 Areas to be addressed in HSS
Service delivery, with emphasis on PHC PHC network Essential Public Health Functions Quality improvement, including patient safety Management Human resources for health (HRH) HR Observatory Planning, recruitment, retention (HRH Action Plan) MOH HRD Unit Leaders in International Health Program (LIHP)

6 Areas to be addressed in HSS
Health system governance, with emphasis on NHSS New NHSS MOH Management Information Systems Social protection in health - Package of Publicly Guaranteed Health Services Health information systems Data quality Analysis and reporting of information

7 Areas to be addressed in HSS
Essential medicines, pharmaceutical policies, and technologies Procurement of medical products and supplies – PAHO Strategic Fund Blood donation Essential medicines

8 Communicable and Non-communicable Diseases
Purpose To build national capacity to respond to communicable and non-communicable diseases

9 Areas to be addressed in CND
Communicable diseases Non-Communicable diseases IHR (2005) implementation Epidemic preparedness

10 Areas to be addressed in CND
Communicable diseases HIV/AIDS/STIs prevention, care, treatment and support Key populations at higher risk, including miners, adolescents, MSM, SWs and PLHA Integration of gender PMTCT; elimination of congenital syphilis HIV-DR Continuation of rollout of IMAI strategy Strengthened surveillance at PHC level, including of TB, HIV, malaria, with disaggregation of data by sex, ethnicity, and age

11 Areas to be addressed in CND
Communicable diseases Quality assurance - TB diagnosis and treatment (DOTS), infection control, and blood safety Integrated vector control, control of neglected tropical diseases IHR core capacities; pandemic influenza; early detection of outbreaks at regional level Inter-country collaboration for prevention of Foot-and-Mouth disease (Ministries of Agriculture/Health Brazil, Venezuela and Guyana)

12 Areas to be addressed in CND
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) Health promotion: NCD risk factors Eye health, oral health Tobacco control – use of survey data, legislation, standards for packaging and labeling of tobacco products; smoke-free environments Reduction of harmful use of alcohol – policy, use of survey data Violence and injury prevention Road safety Gender-based violence

13 Areas to be addressed in CND
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) Surveillance and disaggregation of data for NCDs Mental health promotion and substance abuse prevention Healthy settings: workplace, school, and community Annual observances of ‘Health’ Days Nutrition, food safety and food security National oversight WHO’s 5 Keys to Safer Food Food-borne disease surveillance Food vending

14 Social and Environmental Determinants of Health
Purpose To strengthen policies, plans, and programs that promote environmental sustainability, target vulnerable populations, and reduce health inequities

15 Areas to be addressed in SED
Health promotion Disaster planning, preparedness and risk reduction Drinking water quality, sanitation, hygiene practices Occupational health and safety

16 Areas to be addressed in SED
Health promotion Gender, human rights - reduction of inequities   Capacity for health promotion Faces, Voices and Places Initiative (MDGs at community level) Indigenous people’s health

17 Areas to be addressed in SED
Disaster risk reduction, planning, and response Health sector disaster and emergency planning Safe Hospital Index Food safety and security in emergencies Response to climate change

18 Areas to be addressed in SED
Drinking water quality, sanitation, hygiene practices Norms and standards Water safety, including surveillance Water, sanitation, and hygiene promotion Climate change and health

19 Areas to be addressed in SED
Occupational health and safety Norms and standards Surveillance Climate change and health

20 Family and Community Health
Purpose To improve the health of the family, and by extension, the community

21 Areas to be addressed in FCH
Maternal, perinatal, child and adolescent health Immunization Primary health care strategies and services related to FCH

22 Areas to be addressed in FCH
Maternal, perinatal, child and adolescent health Emergency obstetric and neonatal management Surveillance, including Perinatal Information System IMCI IMAN WHO Growth Chart Micronutrient study

23 Areas to be addressed in FCH
Immunization EPI coverage Elimination of rubella and Congenital Rubella Syndrome Vaccine procurement – PAHO Revolving Fund Primary health care strategies and services Sexual and reproductive health integration into MCH Strengthening of nutrition services

24 PAHO’s Total Planned Amount for Technical Cooperation with Guyana: 2012-2013 (US$2,057,400)

25 Genuine cooperation is one in which each helps the other, all advancing in the joint effort of knowing the reality that they are trying to transform. Paulo Freire

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