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Prior Lake Wrestling Club
Agenda Overview of Prior Lake Wrestling PLWC Goals & Expectations
Practice Schedule Communication Tournament Information Stats Equipment Volunteering Fundraising Wrestling
PRIOR LAKE Youth Wrestling
Overview of Prior Lake Wrestling
MISSION: Promote excellence in wrestling and positively influence the lives of kids in the Prior Lake and Savage communities, by developing a commitment to wrestling through a fun and affordable team-oriented experience at practices and competitions, emphasizing sportsmanship, teamwork, skill building, physical conditioning, goal setting, a competitive spirit, hard work and a winning attitude. Our goal is to help guide our athletes to become the best and prepare them to face all of life’s challenges PLWC GOALS & EXPECTATIONS: Coaches •Professional, organized & fair •Foster a challenging but fun environment •Positive role models for the kids Wrestlers •Have fun!!! Try their best •Never give up Be a role model for the younger kids Parents •Supportive and encouraging •If you’re not sure, ask! •Be an active member Assist the parents of the younger group Wrestling
Practice Structure Practices:
Beginners: Tuesday & Thursday from 5:45 - 6:30 Intermediate: Tuesday & Thursday from 6:35 - 7:30 Advanced: Tuesday & Thursday from 7:35 – 8:45 Metro Mondays: Starting on Monday, November 27th *the practice schedule for the season is posted on the calendar on the website All parents are welcome to watch practices in the wrestling room. If there are young children present, please limit any distractions during instruction. All kids (both wrestlers and siblings) must be accompanied by an adult if they want to use the walk way in the Gold Gym. Wrestling
Prior Lake Tournament Prior Lake Tournament Overview:
December 10th is our tournament Same weekend as the Ron Edwards HS tournament Individual tournament in the Gold Gym 8-Club team tournament in the Blue Gym Your participation is critical & all families are expected to help Wrestling
Communication Weekly updates will come from Jon Mikolyzk, and will include: Practice updates for the week Recognition of youth wrestlers Let me know of any milestones, such as: First tournament First win First pin Anything else! Website Important Phone Numbers Jon Mikolyzk VP-Youth Admin Judd Citrowske VP-Youth Coaching Wrestling
Youth Committee Members
Brandy Blanch – Equipment & Team Mom Katie Block – Stats Kevin Turzinski – Volunteer Coordinator Mike Zurn – Youth Team Coordinator Paul Atkinson – Out of Town Weekend Coordinator Mike Daly – Out of Town Coordinator Angela Harvey – Equipment Shane Trondson – Tourmanent Consessions Wade Meyer – 1st Session Youth Coach The Youth Committee meets once a month to talk about what’s important for the Youth program. Anyone is welcome to attend the meetings and share their input.
Open Tournament Structure
Schedule: List of open tournaments can be found for the entire year on The Guillotine *We will also have a sign up sheet every week during practice of the up-in- coming tournaments within the area. Purpose of sign up sheet: * Gives wrestlers and parents an idea of what tournaments other kids/parents will be attending. * Great opportunity to arrange car-pools if possible * To find out what parents/kids need assistance * To know what parents or coaches can help out if needed. State Qualifying Tournaments: * These will be called out on the sign up sheet * Look for coordination at state tournaments (hotels) Wrestling
Open Tournaments 101 Wrestling
How do I know what tournaments are happening? Tournaments can be found on The Guillotine At practice on the front table and on the calendar of the website What do I do when I get there? Registration table – pay family admission and fee to wrestle Will get a form to fill out – name/club/age/grade – sometimes skill level Take form and go weigh-ins What happens between registration and wrestling? Go to the gym and find some PL friends to sit with Kids can warm up on the mats Mats will be cleared and they will begin to call the kids to “staging” (usually where you weighed in) by grade At staging you will be put into your brackets and be sent to mats What happens when wrestling is done? Stay with your bracket The table workers will compile the results and send you to awards as a group After the tournament… At the next practice Write down the number of pins your child had during the weekend – they will be recognized during practice and receive “pins” Write down your child’s record on the stat sheets for tracking for end of year awards Wrestling
PLWC Youth Team Tournaments: Wrestle-offs: Wrestling
Each year the the PLWC team attends several different tournaments. The team consists of 16 kids at weights from 45 lbs to HWT. All wrestlers from Pre-K through 6th grade are eligible to wrestle for the team. Coach Alex Van Krevelan and Mike Zurn will lead the communication for all team activities. Tournaments: December 3rd Hastings December 10th Prior Lake December 17th Wayzata January 14th Stillwater Stampede January 22nd “The Brawl” STMA February 18th Byron Challenge March 3rd TCU - Montgomery Wrestle-offs: Prior to any team tournament your wrestler can wrestle-off against any team member to earn a spot. You must indicate to AVK or Mike on Tuesday if your son wants to wrestle off for a spot Wrestle-offs will take place on Thursdays during practice or at other specified dates Wrestling
Out of Town Weekend Objective:
Give the kids a chance to have fun as a group away from Prior Lake Give the parents a chance to know each other better When: Tentatively slated for February 3rd (Saturday) in Blooming Prairie, MN A block of rooms will be reserved and information will be provided in the near future Holiday Inn Owatonna What is Paid For: Entry fee for the tournament Pizza party at night Wrestling
Stats – Katie Block Purpose of stats:
Record the records for those that want to Recording stats is not mandatory Benefit of stats: End of year awards & career awards are given out at the annual picnic How To Submit Stats: Paper slips will be at the wrestling table on Tuesday & Thursday nights Complete one slip per tournament Review the monthly totals that come out for accuracy Wrestling
Equipment The following is available for rent: Singlet Headgear
$65 deposit check to be destroyed once the equipment is returned. There are a limited number of shoes are available if anyone needs a pair. Please turn in an old pair if possible for the younger kids. The old lightning singlets are for sale for just $15. Sizes and quantities are limited. Wrestling
The parents make our program go & grow!!!!
Volunteer Hours The parents make our program go & grow!!!! Volunteer Expectations: 6 hours per family Volunteer Opportunities: Prior Lake Tournament SignUpGenius Mat Washing (counts as 30 minutes) SignUpGenius - Mat Cleaning 3. Spring Picnic Use the sign-up genius link to register $75 deposit check Wrestling
Important Dates Mark your Calendars
Friday, December 1st – Parent and Youth Night Youth get in FREE with PL Wrestling shirt. Sorry parents…you need to pay Sunday, January 7th – Gopher Community Night The Gopher Wrestlers are celebrating "PRIOR LAKE" on Jan 7th at the Michigan State match. All tickets are $5 (normally $10) Lets pack the PAV! Prior Lake Gopher Community Day Friday, January 12th – Highway 13 Dual vs. New Prague & Alumni/Sponsor Night Youth & Middle School kids wrestle in a dual vs. New Prague prior to the JV/Varsity matches Friday, January 26th – Teacher Appreciation and Senior Night Wrestling
End of Year Picnic When – usually the first weekend in May around 4pm
Where – Savage ELC Food – catered by the Roasted Pear – each family brings a dessert and own beverages What we recognize during the picnic Wrap up the season and recognize kids/parents/coaches All kids receive a gift High school wrestler are on hand to present awards 5 wins trophy 15 wins trophy 25 wins trophy 50 wins plaque Career milestones 100 wins – PLWC jacket 200 wins – PLWC duffle bag , Wrestling
The Prior Lake Wrestling Club
PLWC Executive Board Purpose: deal with “high-level” issues affecting PLWC, review the activities being conducted by each PLWC Wrestling Board and to create a broad structure to all PLWC activities as well as in-depth review of PLWC financials and budgeting process Elected to a two year term. Staggered elections will be held at the May meeting which is open to the public. Only members of the PLWC Management Team may vote for members of the Executive Board Comprised of: President, Executive Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Vice-President - Promotions and Fundraising Committee, Vice-President – Communications, Vice-President -Youth Wrestling Administration(Pre-K-6) Board, Vice-President -Youth Wrestling Team & Coaching (Pre-K-6) Board, Vice-President – High School Wrestling Board, Vice-President - Freestyle/Greco Wrestling Board, Vice President – Middle School Wrestling Board PLWC Management Team - Members of the Executive Board and Directors appointed to serve on a Wrestling Board Directors/Committee Members of the six Wrestling Boards and two permanent committees. It is the responsibility of this team to carryout the day to day operations of the organization. Voting members in yearly elections Non-voting Members All parents and active participants of PLWC are considered non-voting members of the PLWC organizations, unless they (parents) hold positions within the PLWC Management Team. Wrestling
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