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Published byLeslie Dalton Modified over 6 years ago
टिपोट तयार गर्ने कार्य (Note Taking Job) - महेन्द्र सैंबुले
विषय- सूची अवधारणा उपयोग नोट टिपोट गर्ने बैठक नोट तयार गर्ने शैली
9/11/2018 विषय- सूची अवधारणा उपयोग नोट टिपोट गर्ने बैठक नोट तयार गर्ने शैली टिपोट गर्दा के के गर्ने ध्यान दिनुपर्ने कुराहरु Note taking Strategy आचरण Fears/Challenges कसरी घटाउने आवश्यक सीपहरु
टिपोट तयार गर्ने कार्य नियमित तर महत्वपूर्ण कार्य (Common Important Job) संवेदनशील, जोखिमयुक्त, इच्छा कम भएको कार्य गहन छलफल¸ वादविवादको सार संक्षेप तयार गर्ने कार्य (Brief Summarize of Discussion) मुख्य मुख्य बुँदाहरु नछाडीकन लेखिने कार्य (In-depth Coverage of Ideas debated) Unwelcoming responsibility
Note Taking l6kf]6 tof/ ug]{ dfOGo"6÷ lg0f{o n]vg tof/ ug]{ cfwf/
cjwf/0ff Note Taking l6kf]6 tof/ ug]{ ;"rgfsf] clen]v ;f/ ;+If]k a'Fbfx? dfOGo"6÷ lg0f{o n]vg tof/ ug]{ cfwf/ clen]vgsf cfwf/ 5nkmnsf d'Vo d'Vo a'Fbf
k[i7e"ld k|frLg u|Ls Hff]xg ns - !^#)_!&)$_ Cornell Notes
Father of Classical Liberlism ( Theory of Mind, Indexing system) Cornell Notes (सन् १९४९ मा Walter Pauk (Cornell University) (Outline, Symbol, Normative and Shorthand)
President Jimmy Carter’s Notes from his private meeting with Pope John Paul II, October 6, 1979.
pkof]u l6kf]6 tof/ ug{sf sf/0f÷pkof]u ;fj{hlgsLs/0f ug{
lg0f{o n]vgsf cfwf/ sfg"gL k|df0fsf] b:tfj]h cg'kl:yt x'g]sf nflu hfgsf/Lsf] ljj/0f ;+:yfut ;Demgf sfof{nosf] clen]vg sfuh ;fj{hlgsLs/0f ug{ k[i7kf]if0f pkof]uL
माइन्यूटको परिभाषा “The official written record of what is said at a formal meeting”- Chambers Dictionary “Minutes Summarize the key points of column a meeting and ensure accurate representation of the discussion that took place. Minutes record the discussion while result in decision and actions.
dfOGo"6sf k|sf/ dfOGo"6sf k|sf/ Minute of Narration Action Minute
Minute of Resolution Agenda-based Minute Verbatim Minute Discursive Minute Action Minute
Professional Services
k|sf/ a'Fbf l6kf]6sf k|sf/ Linear Non-Linear Professional Services Electronic
Drawing/Graph Pictorial Style
gf]6 tof/ ug]{ z}nL Outline Style Phrase Style Note Taking Style Drawing/Graph Pictorial Style Vocabulary Style Problem/ Issue Style
Pictorial/Abb. @ at - minus = equals, is the same as, results in ≠ not equal ~ about, around > greater than < less than ↑ increase, rise ↑↑ rapid increase, rise, growth ↓ decrease, fall ↓↓ rapid decrease → causes, produces, leads to ü yes, correct üü definite, absolute, sure # number, pound * important x wrong xx not proven definitely incorrect ? unsure, not proven / per ∴ therefore ∵ because b/c because w/o without i.e. that is vs versus b4 before v. very vv. extremely C century k thousand m million b/t between
Note taking strategies
Traditional outlines Two Column Notes Quadrant Notes Cornell Notes Charting Grapic note Mind Mapping
The 5 Rs of Note Taking s] s] ug]{ Reduce Recite Review Reflect Record
gf]6 tof/ ug'{kg]{ a}7s gf]6 tof/ ug'{kg]{ a}7s d=k= ;ldlt d=k= cfof]u
uf]i7L cGt/lqmof sfo{bn ;fwf/0f ;ef ;Dd]ng e]63f6 sfo{qmd
l6kf]6 ubf{ s] s] ug]{ k"j{ tof/L a}7s–sfo{qmd a}7s ;lsPkl5
Ph]08f cfjZos ;fdfu|L aGbf]j:t ;xefuL klxrfg /0fgLlt a}7s–sfo{qmd ;+lIfKt ljj/0f -ldlt, ;do, :yfg, cWoIftf_ k"0f{ Wofg s]lG›t a"Fbf l6kf]6 Facts and Figure ;kmf, k9\g ;lsg] Pictorial, Phrase a}7s ;lsPkl5 Ph]08f cg';f/ l6kf]6 5'6]sf] eP k"0f{ agfpg] Digital Recorder kl/dflh{t d:of}bf dfOGo"6÷k|ltj]bg
The 5 W's and H sf] pQ/ What, Why, Who, When, Where and How
Wofg lbg'kg]{ Recorder Logistic Microsoft One Notes 2010 ;xfos sdL{ The 5 W's and H sf] pQ/ What, Why, Who, When, Where and How cWoIfn] s] eg]
Note Taking Strategy Traditional outlines Two Column Notes
Quadrant Notes Cornell Notes Mind Mapping
l6kf]6 ug]{sf] cfr/0f 5nkmndf efu glng] Wofgk"j{s ;'Ì]
cWoIftf ug]{n] u/]sf] lg0f{o l6kf]6 ug]{ l56f] n]Vg] j:t'ut tYof+s l6kf]6 ug]{ nfdf] l6kf]6df afx]s c?df Past Tense, Passive Voice df n]Vg] ;/n efiff / ;sf/fTds zAbsf] k|of]u ug]{ cf}krfl/s Pj+ sfo{sf/L a}7ssf] lg0f{o d:of}bf cWoIftf ug]{nfO{ b]vfpg] l56f] / k"0f{ dfOGo"6 agfpg] . Chronological order df l6kf]6 /fVg] . 6fOk ug]{, k]h gDa/ lbg] . Refer ug'{kg]{ ;fdu|L pNn]v ug]{ .
Fears/ Challenge 36fpg] cfjZos ;"rgf dfq ljj/0f lng]
a}7s jf sfo{qmdsf] Ph]08f / ;f];Fu ;DalGwt k"0f{ ljj/0f lng] j[xt a}7ssf] ;xefuLsf] klxrfg ug]{, ;d"x aflxl/g' cl3 g} cfjZos ljj/0f lnO{ ;Sg], 5nkmndf ePsf] Rambling ts{ ljts{df s'g rfxLF ljifo ;dfj]z ug]{ / s'g gug]{ l56f] 5gf}6 ug]{, cf}krfl/s a}7s eP cWoIftf ug]{ JolQmTjsf] ;Fu} k5f8L a:g], olb dtbfg u/L dt u0fgf u/L lg0f{odf k'Ug] vfnsf] a}7seP -af]8{ ckm 8fO/]S6;{_ To:tf]df kIf÷ljkIf sf] sf] /x]sf] l6kf]6 ug]{ Joj:yf l56f] ;Sg'k5{ . ga'em]sf] jf l6kf]6 ug{ 5'6]sf] ljifodf ;DemL a'emL k'gM l6kf]6 ldnfpg] .
cfjZos ;Lk >j0f zlQm (Listening Skills)
;~rf/ ;Lk (Communication Skills) n]vg ;Lk (Writing Skills : Summarize, Key points) ;]qm]6l/on ;Lk (Secretarial Skills : Dictation and transcribing notes, typing and Computer) Jojxfl/s Pj+ ;+:sf/ ;DaGwL ;Lk ( Practice Skill, Behavioral Skill) Skimming and Scanning
ljz]if Wofg lbg] ÷o:tf] uNtL gug]{
9/11/2018 ljz]if Wofg lbg] ÷o:tf] uNtL gug]{ w]/} n]Vg]; t/ d"Nojfg gn]Vg] Misstating uNtL ;'Ì]÷n]Vg] n]v]kl5 s]/d]6 ug]{ jQmfn] l56f] af]n]df ;a} l6Kg vf]Hg] Space g5f8\g] Wofg cGoq n}hfg] c?;Fu s'/f ug]{ :yfg 5f8L cGoq hfg]
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