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Mrs. Pace’s Weekly News Important Dates Week of Dec. 4-8, 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Pace’s Weekly News Important Dates Week of Dec. 4-8, 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Pace’s Weekly News Important Dates Week of Dec. 4-8, 2017
What We’re Learning Reading: review of story elements Writing: How-to catch a gingerbread man Word Study: word endings Math: Unit 3 – word problems Social Studies: Historical Figures-Lewis and Clark Important Dates Dec. 4th- PTO (6:00) Dec. 4th-8th- Santa’s Workshop Dec. 11th- PBIS Acknowledgement Party- Slumber and Snow Dec. 19th- Christmas Party (1:45) Dec. 20th -Jan. 2nd- Christmas Holidays Our Christmas Party will be Tuesday, December 19th at 1:45. We will be having a Grinch themed party. Don’t worry, we’re not saying “Bahumbug,” but doing some really cute grinchy things. We need your help to make this party successful! I am asking for parents to send in $4 in order to cover the cost of supplies for the party. I will buy everything and put it all together! We will also need parents to help run the stations at the party (Christmas Bingo, making edible trees, and making ornaments). Please let me know if you would like to come and help. Word Study Every two weeks we will focus on a sound pattern. I will give five examples on the newsletter each week. Each Friday we will have a word study quiz where students will be given ten words with the pattern. Along with these words students will be asked three sight words that we have practiced. They will also be asked to dictate two sentences. Sight words: would, could, should Target Sounds: blends Example Words: must, lend, drop, loft, flap, crib, grab Quizzes will be graded by a rubric and will be recorded as a daily grade.

2 Ice Cream Transportation
Ice Cream is sold every Wednesday for $1. Please send money in the money envelope in the red folder. Transportation Please make sure that we know how your child will go home. If there are ever changes please send a note in the red folder or call the office by 12:00. I read to you, you read to me Take turns reading aloud at bedtime. Kids enjoy this special time with their parents. Parents, Time is flying by! Christmas will be here before we know it. This week is especially busy! We will have a special guest reader at our school on Tuesday. Josh Reddick, native of Effingham County, and member of the World Series Champions, the Houston Astros will be reading to our school! Wednesday and Thursday our students will take their second nine weeks county wide assessments. We are having a lot of fun but we are still learning! This week we will use lots of gingerbread stories in our class! ~Mrs. Pace Monday-Art Tuesday- P.E. Wednesday- Music Thursday- P.E. Friday- Computer Lab Students must wear tennis shoes for P.E. Please connect to Class DOJO if you have not already! Please sign and return this section of the newsletter. Your child will be entered into a drawing for a prize. _______________________ Student Name Parent Signature Mrs. Pace’s First Grade Class PBIS Expectations Be Ready Be Responsible Be Respectful Students must earn at least 50 positive points, no more than 14 negative points, and NO office referrals in order to attend the acknowledgement party on Dec. 11th.

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