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Blood and lymphatic infections

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1 Blood and lymphatic infections
Biology 261 Fall 2017 Dr. Santos

2 Infections of the cardiovascular system or circulatory system are serious because the agent of infection is carried or spread to other organs (systemic). These infections might be bacterial, protozoal or viral in nature.

3 Infections bacterial viral Bacterial endocarditis
Sepsis and septic shock Vibrio vulnificus infections Tularemia (rabbit fever) Brucellosis (undulant fever) Plague (black death) Infectious mononucleosis Yellow fever Dengue fever Chikungunya Ebola and Marburg diseases

4 Protozoan infection Malaria

5 Things to know! Tularemia, also known as rabbit fever or deer fly fever, wide spread in the USA, found in rabbits, muskrats, bobcats, occasionally in humans, caused by a bacterium that enters through a cut in skin or mucous membranes. Brucellosis, also known as undulant fever, highly contagious, caused by ingesting unpasteurized milk and undercooked meat. Bacteria enters the body through mucous membranes (ingestion of food)) or can also enter through a wound, few cases in the USA. Plague, Most commonly a person is bitten by flea and develops enlarged and tender lymph nodes called buboes. (bubonic plague). Pneumonic plague is when the person inhales respiratory drops from a contaminated person, symptoms develop faster than bubonic plague. Septicemic plague, when the agent spreads via the blood stream. Toxins secreted by agent cause intravascular coagulation leading to internal bleeding and red/patchy rash.

6 Yellow fever, often fatal, symptoms include fever, bleeding, black vomit, jaundice, transmitted by mosquitoes. Dengue fever, transmitted by mosquitoes, fever, joint pain, may be fatal Malaria, transmitted by mosquitoes with complicated life cycle, chills, fever, sweats, caused by plasmodium falciparum. Transmitted from person to person by bite of infected anopheles mosquitoes, Malaria is a leading serious infectious disease worldwide. Efforts are underway to develop vaccine and develop ways to eradicate mosquito vectors. Chikungunya, caused by a virus, disease got its name from “that which bends up” due to patients showing bent posture due to severe joint pain. Ebola and Marburg infections- deadly viral infections, often fatal, internal and external bleeding

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