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Animal Relationships.

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1 Animal Relationships

2 Presentation Cues No one wants to listen to the teacher the whole time;) Volunteer/Class Discussion – quick answer from raised hand (remember/understand) Pair/share – quick chat with neighbor and volunteer or teacher pick share (remember/understand/apply) Group task – longer time for pair or group to apply, analyze, evaluate or create Individual write – personal reflection on topic Rotations – solve the station with group and write answer on paper, rotate with timer and stay with your group 5?Quiz – quick check for understanding about topic

3 Today we will learn about 5 different animal relationships…
SCIENCE NEED TODAY Day 1 Animal Relationship videos and notes

4 SYMBIOSIS Two different species live together in a close long-term relationship…. SYM = together (think symbols) BIO = life SIS = process Literally the process of living together There are 3 kinds….

5 Octonauts: Crab & Sea Urchin
What kind of relationship do they have?

6 MUTUALISM Close long-term relationship where both species benefit
Choose one example to add to notes…

7 MUTUALISM Close long-term relationship where both species benefit
Crab gets… Protection Urchin gets… Movement/food

8 MUTUALISM Close long-term relationship where both species benefit
Flower gets… Pollen spread Butterfly gets… Nectar

9 MUTUALISM Close long-term relationship where both species benefit
Bacteria gets… Food Plant gets… Nitrogen to grow

10 More Mutualism Symbiosis in the Sea

11 Octonauts: Sea Sponge What kind of relationship do these animals have?

12 COMMENSALISM Close, long-term relationship where one organism benefits and other is neither benefited or harmed Choose one example to add to notes…

13 COMMENSALISM Close, long-term relationship where one organism benefits and other is neither benefited or harmed Remora gets… Food and protection Shark gets… Nothing

14 COMMENSALISM Close, long-term relationship where one organism benefits and other is neither benefited or harmed Clownfish gets… Protection Anemone gets… Nothing

15 COMMENSALISM Close, long-term relationship where one organism benefits and other is neither benefited or harmed Orchid gets… Perfect growing space Tree gets… Nothing

16 Interesting Animals…. Bot Fly Tapeworm Mistletoe
Tapeworm Mistletoe

17 PARISITISM Close long-term relationship where one species benefits and other is harmed…

18 PARISITISM Tick gets… Dog gets… Food (blood) Harmed
Close long-term relationship where one species benefits and other is harmed… Tick gets… Food (blood) Dog gets… Harmed

19 PARISITISM Tapeworm gets… Human gets… Food Harmed
Close long-term relationship where one species benefits and other is harmed… Tapeworm gets… Food Human gets… Harmed

20 PARISITISM Mistletoe gets… Tree gets… Food and water Harmed
Close long-term relationship where one species benefits and other is harmed… Mistletoe gets… Food and water Tree gets… Harmed

21 COMPETITION within species….
Why do the same animals fight with eachother? Food Territory Mates

22 COMPETITION among species….
Why do animals of different species fight with each other? Food Territory

23 PREDATOR-PREY Short-term relationship between animals…
Predator hunt, kill then eat prey!

24 Predator-Prey Relationships have ebb and flow, Parasites just kill and then die

SIMILARITIES DIFFERENCES Both harm the other Both need the other species Both event Parasites long term Predator short term

26 Rotation Stations 8 1 At each station, you will classify the animal relationship in the space provided: Commensalism Competition Mutualism Parasitism Predator-Prey 7 2 3 6 4 5

27 Barnacle and Whale 1. Barnacles create home sites by attaching themselves to whales, which does nothing to the whale. What kind of relationship do they have? What does each get out of the relationship?

28 Cuckoo and Warbler 2. The cuckoo lays its eggs in the warbler’s nest, killing the warbler’s young. When the cuckoo chicks hatch, the warbler raises them. What kind of relationship do they have? What does each get out of the relationship?

29 Bee and Maribou Stork 3. The stork uses its saw-like bill to cut up the dead animals it eats. As a result, the dead animal carcass is accessible to some bees for food and egg laying. This relationship neither hurts nor harms the stork. What kind of relationship do they have? What does each get out of the relationship?

30 Ostrich and Gazelle 4. Ostriches and gazelles feed together, watch together and alert each other because the species have different visual abilities and see threats that the others do not readily see. What kind of relationship do they have? What does each get out of the relationship?

31 Cowbird and Bison 5. As bison walk through grass, insects become active and are seen and eaten by cowbirds. These insects would not affect the bison. What kind of relationship do they have? What does each get out of the relationship?

32 Honey Guide Bird and Honey Badger
6. Honey guide birds alert and direct badgers to bee hives. The badgers then expose the hives and feed on the honey, after which the birds eat honey too. What kind of relationship do they have? What does each get out of the relationship?

33 Lynx and Snoeshoe hair 7. Lynx are tundra cats that hunt Snowshoe Hares all year, but specifically during the winter while other animals are hibernating and migrating. What kind of relationship do they have? What does each get out of the relationship?

34 Lion and Hyena 8. Lions and Hyenas live in the same region of Africa and hunt the same prey. What kind of relationship do they have? What does each get out of the relationship?

35 Mouse and Flea 9. A flea lives on and drinks the blood of the mouse. The mouse may get diseases or infections from the sores that the flea makes. What kind of relationship do they have? What does each get out of the relationship?

36 Hippo and Crocodile 10. Hippopotamus and Crocodiles inhabit lakes and rivers in Africa, both preying on the What kind of relationship do they have? What does each get out of the relationship?

37 Shark and Seal 11. Seals have to keep on the lookout for sharks because they are one of the shark’s favorite snacks. What kind of relationship do they have? What does each get out of the relationship?

38 Yucca Plant and Yucca Moth
12. Yucca flowers are pollinated by Yucca moths, who lay their eggs in the flowers. The larvae hatch and eat a few of the seeds to grow. What kind of relationship do they have? What does each get out of the relationship?


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