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中国计算机学会学科前沿讲习班:信息检索 Course Overview

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Presentation on theme: "中国计算机学会学科前沿讲习班:信息检索 Course Overview"— Presentation transcript:

1 中国计算机学会学科前沿讲习班:信息检索 Course Overview
闫宏飞 北京大学,信息科学技术学院,计算机系 yhf AT Thanks to Chengxiang Zhai for sharing many of these slides. CCF-ADL at Zhengzhou University, June 25-27, 2010

2 Course Objectives Introduce information retrieval (IR) and Search Engine (SE) Foundation: Basic concepts, principles, methods, etc Trends: Frontier topics Prepare students to do research in IR and/or related fields CCF-ADL at Zhengzhou University, June 25-27, 2010

3 Course Management Course website: Course group discussion: Questions:
Course group discussion: Questions: Post the questions on the group discussion forum CCF-ADL at Zhengzhou University, June 25-27, 2010

4 What is Text Info. Management?
TIM is concerned with technologies for managing and exploiting text information effectively and efficiently Importance of managing text information The most natural way of encoding knowledge Think about scientific literature The most common type of information How much textual information do you produce and consume every day? The most basic form of information It can be used to describe other media of information The most useful form of information! CCF-ADL at Zhengzhou University, June 25-27, 2010

5 Text Management Applications
Mining Access Select information Create Knowledge Add Structure/Annotations Organization CCF-ADL at Zhengzhou University, June 25-27, 2010

6 Examples of Text Management Applications
Search Web search engines (Google, Yahoo, …) Library systems Recommendation News filter Literature/movie recommender Categorization Automatically sorting s Mining/Extraction Discovering major complaints from in customer service Business intelligence Bioinformatics Many others… CCF-ADL at Zhengzhou University, June 25-27, 2010

7 Elements of Text Info Management Technologies
Retrieval Applications Summarization Visualization Mining Applications Filtering Mining Information Organization Information Access Focus of the course Knowledge Acquisition Search Extraction Categorization Clustering Natural Language Content Analysis Text CCF-ADL at Zhengzhou University, June 25-27, 2010

8 Text Management and Other Areas
User Human-computer interaction Information Science Computer science TM Applications Software engineering Web Probabilistic inference Machine learning TM Algorithms Natural language processing Storage Compression Text CCF-ADL at Zhengzhou University, June 25-27, 2010

9 Related Areas Applications Web, Bioinformatics… Machine Learning
Models Applications Web, Bioinformatics… Machine Learning Pattern Recognition Data Mining Info Science Statistics Optimization Information Retrieval Databases Natural Language Processing Software engineering Computer systems Algorithms Systems CCF-ADL at Zhengzhou University, June 25-27, 2010

10 Publications/Societies (Incomplete)
Learning/Mining Applications ICML WWW WSDM ICML, NIPS, UAI RECOMB, PSB Info. Science ACM SIGKDD Info Retrieval Statistics ASIS JCDL AAAI ACM SIGIR HLT Databases NLP ACM CIKM TREC ACL ACM SIGMOD COLING, EMNLP, ANLP SOSP VLDB, PODS, ICDE Software/systems OSDI CCF-ADL at Zhengzhou University, June 25-27, 2010

11 Where to Publish IR Papers
Core IR conferences: ACM SIGIR, ACM CIKM ECIR, AIRS Core IR journals ACM TOIS, IRJ IPM, JASIS Web Applications WWW, WSDM Other related conferences Natural Language Processing: HLT, ACL, NAACL, COLING, EMNLP Machine Learning: ICML, NIPS Data Mining: KDD, ICDM Databases: SIGMOD, VLDB, ICDE CCF-ADL at Zhengzhou University, June 25-27, 2010

12 Next lectures Web Search Crawling the Web Retrieval Models Appendix
Essential Background CCF-ADL at Zhengzhou University, June 25-27, 2010 12

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