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Customer Service available am-5pm Central time iSERIES PROGRAMMING/LOGGING TRAINING

4 Update Firmware Check at for latest FIRMWARE
Equipment Needed Laptop with Windows, XP, Vista, 7, 8, or 10 Kit (P/N A02131-K01) INCLUDED with outdoor unit USB to Serial Adapter (Unico part number A ) 15’ Cable of 18/2 RF shielded cable (Unico part number A ) iSeries Programming and Diagnostic Flashdrive

5 Flash Drive Files Firmware Files Firmware Updater-Setup
Logger Programs Firmware Updater

6 Flash Drive Files Firmware Files Firmware Updater-Setup
Logger Programs Firmware Updater

7 Flash Drive Files Firmware Files Firmware Updater-Setup
Logger Programs Firmware Updater

8 Flash Drive Files Firmware Files Firmware Updater-Setup
Logger Programs Firmware Updater

9 Flash Drive Files Firmware Files Firmware Updater-Setup
Logger Programs Firmware Updater

10 Serial Adapter Wiring Notice: BLACK is connected to terminal 2
RED is connected to terminal 1 BLACK is connected to terminal 2

11 Attaching Communication Cable
Connect BLACK to C1 Connect RED to C2 Connect Ground to Ground

12 Serial Adapter Power Only Synchronizing Programming

13 Identify COM Port Open Device Manager by either typing “Device Manager” in Start Menu or searching in Control Panel

14 Identify COM Port Double-click “PORTS”

15 Identify COM Port If your pc does not recognize the USB Serial Adapter, you will have to install the driver. Think of the adapter as a car. If it doesn’t have a driver, it will sit idle as it doesn’t know what to do.

16 Notice the USB Serial Port is under “Other Device”.
Identify COM Port Notice the USB Serial Port is under “Other Device”. This PC does not recognize the adapter. Also, you will see a yellow or red indicator.

17 Identify COM Port Double-click “USB Serial Port”

18 Identify COM Port Double-click “USB Serial Port” Click Update Driver

19 Identify COM Port Double-click “USB Serial Port” Click Update Driver
Click “Search Automatically” or click “Browse My Computer”

20 Identify COM Port Double-click “USB Serial Port” Click Update Driver
Click “Search Automatically” or click “Browse My Computer” If searching automatically, your pc will search the internet (if connected) for the proper driver and install it.

21 Identify COM Port Double-click “USB Serial Port” Click Update Driver
Click “Search Automatically” or click “Browse My Computer” If you chose “Browse My Computer”, a window will appear where you can locate the needed file. Look in the folder FTDI_Windows located with the other files downloaded or on the flash drive. Then click the appropriate folder depending on which version of windows you are running. Click “OK”.

22 Identify COM Port Double-click “USB Serial Port” Click Update Driver
Click “Search Automatically” or click “Browse My Computer” Click “Next” and the driver will be installed and should now operate properly.

23 Identify COM Port In this case, the adapter is located on “COM 6”
This will be needed later in the Firmware Updater and Logger programs

24 Run Firmware Updater-Setup
This step is only required for the first time this is used on a particular computer

25 iSeries Firmware Updater
Run the iSeries Firmware Updater by clicking the shortcut

26 iSeries Firmware Updater
Select File>Config

27 Type in the COM Port Recorded Earlier DO NOT EDIT THE OTHER FIELDS
iSeries Firmware Updater Type in the COM Port Recorded Earlier DO NOT EDIT THE OTHER FIELDS

28 iSeries Firmware Updater
Exit the window by using File > Exit DO NOT CLICK THE “X” BUTTON ON THE CORNER The values will not be saved

29 Select the devices to be programmed
iSeries Firmware Updater Select the devices to be programmed One at a time or all at once Outdoor unit: Select “OUTDOOR” Indoor unit: Select the “INDOOR” refrigerant circuit unit that is to be programmed

30 Select Proper Firmware
iSeries Firmware Updater Select Proper Firmware Click “Firmware File” button to open the dialogue box.

31 Select Proper Firmware
iSeries Firmware Updater Select Proper Firmware Select corresponding firmware for selected equipment Firmware is model specific “IBv” is used for all SDHV units After selecting firmware file, click open

32 This will “sync” the computer to the equipment being programmed.
iSeries Firmware Updater Syncronize Equipment Click “Firmware File” button to open the dialogue box. Select corresponding firmware for selected equipment Click “Syncronize” This will “sync” the computer to the equipment being programmed.

33 This will “sync” the computer to the equipment being programmed.
iSeries Firmware Updater Syncronize Equipment Click “Firmware File” button to open the dialogue box. Select corresponding firmware for selected equipment Click “Syncronize” This will “sync” the computer to the equipment being programmed.

34 iSeries Firmware Updater
Syncronize Equipment Click “Firmware File” button to open the dialogue box. Select corresponding firmware for selected equipment Click “Syncronize” Wait for GREEN bar to travel across screen

35 iSeries Firmware Updater
Syncronize Equipment Click “Firmware File” button to open the dialogue box. Select corresponding firmware for selected equipment Click “Syncronize” Wait for GREEN bar to travel across screen Turn Power On at unit(s) to be programmed

36 iSeries Firmware Updater
Syncronize Equipment All 5 LEDs on outdoor board will illuminate when synced Confirm all 5 LEDs are lit. This will confirm the computer and the outdoor unit are synced and is ready to be programmed.

37 iSeries Firmware Updater
Syncronize Equipment All 5 LEDs on outdoor board will illuminate when synced DL1(GREEN) and DL2(BLUE) will illuminate when synced on MMI in indoor unit Confirm DL1 and DL2 are lit. This will confirm the computer and the indoor unit are synced and is ready to be programmed.

38 Turn on the Power to the Unit Being Programmed
iSeries Firmware Updater Turn on the Power to the Unit Being Programmed Updating Firmware Click “Start Update” The dialogue box will show “Erasing”, “Writing”, “Verifying”, and then “Passed”. This indicates that the current firmware has successfully been written to the equipment selected. If “Enquiring Error” or any other error appears at anytime, the program will halt. Check com port, wiring connections, and comm fuses. If the error persist, try programming one item at a time, with comm wires disconnected to other units.

39 Successful Programming
iSeries Firmware Updater Successful Programming Will indicate “Passed” Turn power off to units being programmed After all LEDs turn off, reconnect any comm wires removed during programming Disconnect serial adapter. If running the Logger Program next, leave the adapter Turn Power On to equipment Resume and observe operation

40 Diagnostics For real-time operation information and diagnostics, we have developed a software program. This program is included in the ZIP folder downloaded from The file name is dependent on which outdoor unit is installed and if the indoor unit(s) are non-ducted, ducted, or a combination of both.

41 MP indicates non-ducted(s) unit installed ONLY
Logger Examples IS18G050 Non-Ducted MP indicates non-ducted(s) unit installed ONLY

42 MP indicates non-ducted(s) unit installed ONLY
Logger Examples IS24G065 Non-Ducted MP indicates non-ducted(s) unit installed ONLY

43 MP indicates non-ducted(s) unit installed ONLY
Logger Examples IS30G080 or IS36G110 Non-Ducted MP indicates non-ducted(s) unit installed ONLY

44 Logger Examples IS18G050 Ducted
SDHV MUST be selected if a ducted unit is installed regardless if NON-DUCTED is installed on the same outdoor unit IS18G050 Ducted

45 Launch the Logger Open the Logger Program by double clicking the appropriate file. Remember, each unit has a specific logger program.

46 Set COM Port Use the drop-down menu to select the proper COM port. Identify the COM port through Device Manager discussed earlier in the presentation.

47 Assign A File Name Be sure the file is easy to remember for future reference Use today’s date and the job address for example

48 Start Logging Run for at least 15 Minutes
Can leave for indefinite amount of time as long as the laptop/tablet has power for diagnosis Can view real-time operation for analysis

49 Operation Values The Logger Service shows a lot of information. We use these values to confirm proper operation and/or troubleshooting. We can also confirm the Firmware Version. This is located in the last field. Each tab will show values for that particular piece of equipment.

50 Operation Values The Logger Service shows a lot of information. We use these values to confirm proper operation and/or troubleshooting. We can also confirm the Firmware Version. This is located in the last field. Each tab will show values for that particular piece of equipment.

51 End Logger Click “Stop” File will save as a “.zip” file
Keep a copy for your records and send an to for further diagnostics if needed Resume normal operation

52 Updating and Logging Overview
Remember: Follow the sequence Confirm equipment is synced by LEDs Select the proper firmware Use the appropriate Logger program the log file for more diagnostic info to:

Customer Service available am-5pm Central time THANK YOU iSERIES PROGRAMMING/LOGGING TRAINING


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