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Accelerating Community Health Through Technology

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1 Accelerating Community Health Through Technology
CHMS part of the suite of tools

2 System Gaps Information Availability
Low levels of community data in eHMIS available for planning by MoH and DLG. No client satisfaction data available, providing little insight into the decision making by the public for initial and continuous utilization of services. Few information resources / reference materials readily available for either VHTs or community members.

3 System Gaps (continued)
Coverage Current systems do not provide the ability to ensure EVERY household and EVERY mother and child receives the complete package of recommended health services. Performance Management With minimal to no data from VHTs, it is not possible to measure and evaluate individual or aggregate performance.

4 System Gaps (continued)
Vertical Programming VHT activities tend to be donor driven and not always follow the MoH’s recommended standardized package. Supply Chain Management While UNICEF has moved to integrated the iCCM Supply Chain for VHTs within NMS, other NGO’s are still creating new and parallel supply chains for VHTs

5 Community Health System Strengthening
Accelerating Community Health Through Technology (ACTT) Prototyping CHMS Application in Moyo and Ntungamo, and FamilyConnect in Kabale and Kamuli Districts. Version stabilization for CHMS in 2 districts and 21 Districts for FamilyConnect rollout during 2017

6 Community Health System Strengthening
VHT Revitalization Strategy Draft strategy completed 1MCHW’s and Pathfinder contracted to operationalize Community Health Management Information System Introduction of CHMS & FamilyConnect Expand MoH’s electronic Health Care Provider Registry (iHRIS) to include VHTs and CHEWs Linkage of Community Data with DHIS2, and the RMNCAH Scorecards / BNA tools Integration with CVRS / MobileVRS for birth notifications

7 Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Tanzania

8 Community Health Management System

9 The Community Health Management System (CHMS)
Add Individual Submit your report Update household health Indicators Create & View past pregnancies Create & View Your Households View statistics about your household and individuals Track Pregnant Women

10 Maternity: Add a Pregnancy

11 Capture Survey scroll

12 The Community Health Management System (CHMS)
The Pilot was conducted in 2 districts – Moyo & Ntungamo However there were challenges with version 1 Poor data synchronization Limited household registration capacity Limited version to Android 2.2

13 Way forward Stabilizing the pilot Address the challenges
UNICEF, MoH is in discussions to work with Medic Mobile CHMS to change strategy and be a business intelligence app for CHEWs


15 Systems Approach - OpenHIE


17 Currently 5,000 VHTs registered; target 180,000 VHTs and 1
Currently 5,000 VHTs registered; target 180,000 VHTs and 1.5m mothers / heads of households by 2018.







24 Outcome / Performance Based Monitoring
VHT and CHEWs will be reporting on the outcomes of key interventions, which will in turn provide improved micro-targeting of reminders and messaging for follow-up, as well as offer ability for performance management.



27 Next Steps FamilyConnect is being rolled out in 11 districts with expectation of national scale by end of 2019 FamilyConnect API was on VUMI now being transferred to RapidPRO FamilyConnect is being used by VHTs whereas CHMS by CHEWs Operationalize Modules – current module is on RMNCH, future modules on PMTCT and Malaria.

28 Partners

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