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8th Grade Social Studies

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1 8th Grade Social Studies
History Carnival Questions for Exploration and Colonization

2 Exploration and Colonization

3 1.The first representative assembly in the colonies was the
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut. United States Senate. Mayflower Compact. House of Burgesses.

4 House of Burgesses.

5 2. What contract for self-government did the Pilgrims create after arriving in America in 1620?
The Mayflower Compact The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut The United States Constitution The Articles of Confederation

6 The Mayflower Compact

7 3. The first written constitution in the English colonies was the
U.S. Constitution Fundamental Orders of Connecticut Enlightenment. English Bill of Rights

8 Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

9 4. The Pilgrims came to North America because they were seeking
gold. a western route to Asia. slaves. religious freedom.

10 religious freedom.

11 5. Jamestown, Virginia was at first unsuccessful because of diseases spread by
mosquitos Natives bats arrogant beavers

12 mosquitos

13 6. Jamestown, Virginia, the first permanent English settlement in North America, was founded in the year 1492 1607 1620 1619

14 1607

15 7. Which of the original colonies used to be a Dutch colony but was taken by the British?
Pennsylvania South Carolina New York Maine

16 New York

17 8. Which of the original colonies was founded by Lord Baltimore as a safe place for Catholics to settle in? Maryland North Carolina Connecticut Rhode Island

18 Maryland

19 9. Settlers that agreed to become temporary “slaves” in exchange for passage to North America were
Quakers Indentured servants Mercantilists Puritans

20 Indentured servants

21 10. The economic system that was used by most European nations against their colonies from the 1500s to the 1800s was Mercantilism Free Enterprise Communism Socialism

22 Mercantilism

23 11. The cash crop that saved Jamestown and turned it into a boomtown was
Cotton Rice Corn Tobacco

24 Tobacco

25 12. Pennsylvania, founded by William Penn, was started so that this religious group could settle in:
Pilgrims Puritans Catholics Quakers

26 Quakers

27 13. Which original colony was founded as a safe place for debtors and as a buffer zone to protect the Carolinas from Spanish Florida? New Hampshire New Jersey Maryland Georgia

28 Georgia

29 14. Farming was not profitable in New England because the soil was
fertile. hard and rocky. filled with worms. loose.

30 hard and rocky.

31 15. Which of the Colonial regions was known as the “Breadbasket Colonies?
Southern Colonies Middle Colonies Backcountry New England Colonies

32 Middle Colonies

33 16. What war was fought in North America from between England and France and their Indian allies? The American Revolutionary War The 100 Years War The French and Indian War The Crusades

34 The French and Indian War

35 17. What important document that limited the king’s power and preserved certain rights for the nobility was signed by the English King John I in 1215? The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut The Magna Carta The Old Testament The Emancipation Proclamation

36 The Magna Carta

37 18. What important 1689 English document further protected the citizens’ rights and limited the power of the monarch? The Magna Carta The Declaration of Independence The U.S. Constitution The English Bill of Rights

38 The English Bill of Rights

39 Sectionalism

40 1. To have an exaggerated loyalty to your own particular region of the country is also known as:
Regional loyalty Sectionalism Exagerrationism Southerism

41 Sectionalism

42 2. The agreement that brought California in as a free state and gave the south a stronger fugitive slave law was the Missouri Compromise California Act Compromise of 1850 Alien and Sedition Act

43 Compromise of 1850

44 3. The Supreme Court case that said that slaves were merely property and not citizens and that declared the Missouri Compromise of 1820 unconstitutional was Marbury v. Madison Plessy v. Ferguson  Dred Scot v. Sandford Brown v. Board of Education

45 Dred Scot v. Sandford

46 4. “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”, a book that described the brutality of slavery, was written by
Elizabeth Cady Stanton Harriet Tubman William Lloyd Garrison Harriet Beecher Stowe

47 Harriet Beecher Stowe

48 5. The 1854 law that gave the people of Kansas the right to popular sovereignty on the question of slavery was the Kansas-Nebraska Act Kansas Popular Act Nebraska Slavery Act Western Anti-Slavery Act

49 Kansas-Nebraska Act

50 6. The Senator from Kentucky that wrote both the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850 was
Henry Clay Andrew Jackson Patrick Henry Abraham Lincoln

51 Henry Clay

52 7. The violence between northerners and southerners in Kansas was known as
Violence in Kansas Bleeding Kansas Crisis in Kansas Popular Sovereignty Crisis

53 Bleeding Kansas

54 8. The 1820 law that brought Missouri in as a slave state and Maine in as a free state and prohibited slavery in the Louisiana Purchase Territory north of the 36’30N line was the Missouri Compromise Maine Compromise Louisiana Purchase Anti-Slavery Act

55 Missouri Compromise

56 9. The crisis caused by tariffs where South Carolina to threatened to secede and Andrew Jackson to threatened to send the U.S. Army into that state is known as the Andrew Jackson Crisis Nullification Crisis South Carolina Crisis Tariff Crisis

57 Nullification Crisis

58 10. The 1850 law that made it illegal to help runaway slaves, forced everyone to return runaways to their owners, and allowed slave hunters to enter northern states was the Abolitionist Slave Act Northern Slave Act Fugitive Slave Act Underground Railroad Act

59 Fugitive Slave Act

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