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Nusantara-21 Conceptual Framework

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Presentation on theme: "Nusantara-21 Conceptual Framework"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nusantara-21 Conceptual Framework
Yayasan Litbang Telekomunikasi Informatika (YLTI) FAX

2 Outline Vision Mission Nusantara-21 Metaphor
Focused Strategic Approach N-21 Applications.

3 Vision N-21 as a transformation vehicle Knowledge Traditional based
Society Knowledge based Society Nusantara 21

4 Mission Knowledgeable Indonesian
Science-Technology & Economics Empowerment Poverty Level Reduction & Increase Wealth National Competitiveness Increase Productivity & Added Values National Stability

5 Objectives People’s live Enrichment.
Increase Business Competitiveness. Support National Stability. Provide Basic Information. Improve Education Quality & Effectiveness. Self-reliance in technology & knowledge. Improve people’s productivity.

6 Telecom Infrastructure & Regulation
N-21 Metaphor Data / Info Creation Knowledge Management Quality Assurance Telecom & Informatics Resources Tele Medicine Tele Working E-Commerce Tele Education E-Bank / E-Finance Tourism Postal Services IPTEKnet Demand Pull Information Network Knowledge Based E-Commerce Telecom Infrastructure & Regulation Guide by the law

7 Major Policy Empower private sector & people to participate.
Gov’t gives conducive & flexible environment. Competitive Environment. Open & universal Access for all.

8 Major Policy N-21 will not aim for a huge government owned “project”.
N-21 aims for an Indonesia long term movement, by the people, for the people & fund by the people. Gov’t gives the required incentives & guidance role.

9 N-21 Action Plan Pattern Competitive Action Plans Legislative & Player
Government Player Community / Market

10 Acknowledgement / Copyright is held by each contributor / sponsor
Government Service & Supporting Industries Operators Research & education institutions Concept Implementation Leadership Financing Should be voluntarily Acknowledgement / Copyright is held by each contributor / sponsor

11 Contribute to N21 Concept?
Understand N21 checklist. Understand N21 conceptual framework. Write your concept in Electronic File. Submit the concept to N21 Voluntary Board. Publish & open the concept for public. Implement the concept.

12 Interact with N21? mailing list.
Subscribe via

13 N-21 Applications Live enrichment Competitiveness
Building basic information

14 Global Model Knowledge Knowledge Creation / Distribution Generation
Data / Info Creator Data Management Quality Assurance Knowledge Creation / Generation Knowledge Distribution Content Provider Information Carrier

15 Knowledge Development
Data / Information Selection Cataloging Indexing Classification Verification Data / Information Creation QA / QC Knowledge Systematize

16 Model Tourism

17 Export Import

18 Supply Chain Management

19 Model IPTEKnet Knowledge Based Human Resource is the subject & object

20 Telemedicine Model

21 Education Model

22 Education Model

23 Software Industries

24 Market & Customer Oriented Human Resource is the key
Software Industries Market & Customer Oriented Human Resource is the key

25 Banking


27 Significant Difference in Platform it is more transparent & auditable
CyberLaw Significant Difference in Platform it is much faster, it is more transparent & auditable

28 Investor Bursa Pialang LPP Serahkan saham/ uang ke LPP
Membuka Rekening di Pialang Memberikan Amanat/ Order Konfirmasi tertulis terjadinya transaksi Investor terima saham terima saham/ uang dari LPP Serahkan saham/ uang ke LPP Transaksi terjadi Amanat/ Order dilaksanakan


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