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Shameem Reza | Future IT Park

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1 Shameem Reza | Future IT Park
Career in Web Design Shameem Reza | Future IT Park

2 What Is Website Design? Website design is the act of designing and creating websites, and it is quickly becoming a modern art form. The design of a website can often be the deciding factor of whether or not visitors leave or stay. During the early 1990’s, after the introduction of the World Wide Web, there were literally just a handful of websites online. The number of websites grew at an exponential rate during the end of the 20th century, and today there are hundreds of millions of websites. Millions of new websites are added each month, and the majority of these websites are created by website designers.

3 Professional Web Designers
Professional Web Designers focus a lot on the look and feel of Web pages. Many, if not most Web designers work as contractors or for contract design firms. This means that a lot of their focus needs to be on contracts, legal issues, and what to charge. But in order to get contracts, designers need to know how to create good layouts, write or manage excellent content, and then promote and market both themselves and the sites they create.

4 Professional Web Programmers
Professional Web Programmers focus on the unseen part of Web pages. Things like the CGI, scripts, and programs that make Web sites work. Plus programmers work on the servers and keep them up and running. They manage the security of Web sites and Web pages. Web programmers often implement and manage content management systems and e- commerce portals. Being a Web programmer is often less glamorous than a Designer, but it is just as important a role.

5 What Does a Website Designer Do
A website designer is often responsible for the layout, color scheme, and general design of a website. Designing a website is not just about making said website aesthetically pleasing, though. Skilled website designers must also make a website easy to navigate, so visitors can find exactly what they need as soon as possible. Website designers must also know how to help a website rank in a search engine and where to place advertisements so they are effective. Website designers are usually creative types, but extensive knowledge of computers is also necessary. Even designers who use simple website design software should have at least some computer programming and coding knowledge.

6 What Is the Average Salary of a Website Designer
Most website designers charge anywhere from $20 to $50 an hour. This rate can vary depending on things such as the experience of the designer as well as the complexity of the website. The average website designer can often expect to make roughly $50,000 a year. A website designer’s salary, however, is largely determined by his skills and how often he works. Some of the more talented and hardworking website designers, for example, can make over $100,000 annually. Amateur or part- time designers, on the other hand, might only may $20,000 a year.

7 What Kind of Education Does a Website Designer Need
There are no set education requirements to become a website designer, and some motivated individuals may be able to break into this field simply by learning design and programming skills on their own. Website design is a rapidly growing and highly competitive industry, however, and successful website designers usually have at least a few years of post- secondary school under their belts. A website designer needs to be artistic as well as computer savvy. Therefore, most website design degree programs focus on combining digital media courses with computer and web programming courses. At the very least, website designers should know basic web programming languages, particularly HTML and CSS.

8 Where to Start If you're thinking of becoming a professional Web designer, there are a number of things to consider. Firstly, there are many different avenues you can take as a professional Web developer. You can also choose to go freelance or work in a corporation. And being a Web developer isn't all fun and games - make sure you know what the job will entail. Finally, getting certification or other education is a great way to make sure you're prepared.

9 Job Sector Freelancing – oDesk, Elance, Fiver IT Firm Themeforest
Remote Job And More….

10 Any Question

11 Thank You and Wishing Best of Luck

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