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NA60 results on quarkonia

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1 NA60 results on quarkonia
Pietro Cortese (Università del Piemonte Orientale, Alessandria and INFN Torino, Italy) for the NA60 Collaboration Good morning, I will preseent the latest results from NA60 for quarkonia production in pA collisions. After a brief introduction on the present status of the measurements in p-A and A-A I will report the new results from NA60 and discuss the implications for heavy ion data. Introduction, present status Preliminary results on quarkonia production/absorption in pA collisions at 158 GeV (and 400 GeV) Implications for anomalous suppression Conclusions

2 Introduction Quarkonia production/suppression at SPS energies
Studied since 1986 by NA38, NA50 and NA60 experiments Large variety of nuclear beams S-U at 200 GeV/nucleon (NA38) Pb-Pb at 158 GeV/nucleon (NA50) In-In at 158 GeV/nucleon (NA60) Proton beams used to collect reference data (charmonia suppression in cold nuclear matter) p-A at 400/450 GeV (NA50) p-A at 400/158 GeV (NA60) First results today! Main results In Pb-Pb collisions and (to a minor extent) in In-In cold nuclear matter effects cannot account for the observed suppression No anomalous suppression observed in S-U collisions For Pb-Pb and In-In the anomalous suppression has an onset at Npart  100 Approximate Npart scaling between the various systems

3 Present situation (1) Nuclear absorption reference obtained from the NA50 p-A data at 400/450 GeV With respect to A-A Different energy (158 vs 400/450) Different kinematical domain (0<yCM<1 vs -0.5<yCM<0.5) a rescaling is needed Main assumptions used up to now absJ/ does not depend on energy ( same absJ/ at 158 GeV)  the slope of the nuclear absorption reference is fixed J/ production cross section depends on energy  the normalization of the nuclear absorption reference has been rescaled with the help of older data sets at 200 GeV and using a parameterization (“Schuler”) of energy and kinematical dependence of J/ production cross section For what regards the nuclear absorption, it has been measured at 400 and 450 GeV incident energy. So, with respect to nucleus-nucleus data the energy is different and also there is a different kinematical domain. A rescaling therefore is needed. In order to do such a rescaling you need to do some assumptions SPS results largely based on the (J/)/DY ratio  Also the Drell-Yan cross section needs to be rescaled PYTHIA has been used to evaluate the rescaling factors

4 Present situation (2) Anomalous J/ suppression Large in Pb-Pb
450, 400 and 200 GeV results rescaled to 158 GeV! Anomalous J/ suppression Large in Pb-Pb Smaller in In-In Absent in S-U Errors on the calculated nuclear absorption reference mainly from:  Energy/kinematic factors Errors on absJ/ (at 450 GeV!) A direct measurement of pA collisions at 158 GeV is essential in order to: determine absJ/ at the same energy of the nucleus-nucleus data reduce the systematic errors on the various rescaling factors

5 p-A data at 158 GeV Accurate proton data are an essential reference for A-A NA60 has taken p-A data at 158 GeV Obtain for the first time at SPS energy information on nuclear absorption and production yields at the same energy of A-A data Pb Be In Cu W U Al All targets Having recongized that accurate proton data are an essential reference for heavy ion data, Na60 has taken data at 158 GeV We used 7 nuclear targets… Here you can see the Zvertex distribution for dimuons in the J/Psi region. Reduce systematic errors on the reference curve for A-A collisions, due to energy and kinematic rescaling

6 pA at 158 GeV: analysis Muon Other
Total cumulated statistics: 3106 events containing a dimuon hadron absorber Muon Other and tracking Muon trigger magnetic field Iron wall 2.5 T dipole magnet NA10/38/50 spectrometer beam tracker vertex tracker targets Matching in coordinate and momentum space This is a sketch of the NA60 experiment. It is a substantial upgrade of the NA50 experiment where the muon spectrometer inherited from NA38 and NA60 has been complemented with a vertex tracker placed in a 2.5 T dipole field. Two analysis approaches 1) Do not use vertex spectrometer information (PC muons only) Advantages: larger statistics Drawbacks: no target ID possible 2) Use vertex spectrometer: track matching (VT muons) Advantages: accurate target ID Drawbacks: smaller statistics (due to vertex spectrometer efficiency)

7 pA at 158 GeV: PC muons 2/ndf = 1.24 DY J/, ’ DD
Fit the invariant mass spectrum as a superposition of the various expected sources: Drell-Yan, J/, ’, open charm 2/ndf = 1.24 DY J/, ’ DD NJ/  2.5  104 There is a still significant statistics for high-mass Drell-Yan events The It is possible to extract B J//DY, averaged over all nuclear targets Our result: B J//DY = 30.1  2.3  0.4 with 2.9<mDY<4.5 GeV/c2

8 pA at 158 GeV: VT muons Target ID available
We can fit the invariant mass spectra, target by target, with the same procedure used for PC muons pW : NJ/ = 1.5103 Statistics now much lower 9 targets Average tracking/matching efficiency  40-50% Consequences We cannot any more extract B J//DY (poor DY statistics) The evaluation of NJ/ is anyway robust (huge peak over a small continuum) Try to evaluate the ratio of the J/ cross sections between different targets

9 Cross section ratios We have
When calculating the J/ cross section ratios, the beam luminosity factors Niinc cancel out (apart from a small beam attenuation factor), since all the targets were simultaneously exposed to the beam  no systematic errors The acceptance and reconstruction efficiencies do not cancel out completely because each target sees the vertex spectrometer under a (slightly) different angle Need to compute these quantities, and their time evolution for each target separately

10 Acceptances/efficiencies
Calculate acceptance relative to a kinematical window covered by all the targets 3.2<ylab<3.7 ( 0.3<ycm<0.8) -0.5 < cosCS < 0.5 Uncertainty on input rapidity distributions is taken into account in the evaluation of systematic errors Reconstruction efficiency calculated from the pixel efficiency in each plane and taken into account on a run-by-run basis Acceptance Acceptance  reco efficiency Pixel efficiency vs time: example

11 Relative cross sections at 158 GeV
Very preliminary Calculate abs J/ using the Glauber model abs J/ = 7.1  1.0 mb Significantly higher than the value obtained at 400/450 GeV by NA50, abs J/ = 4.5  0.5 mb The source of systematic errors investigated are connected with: Uncertainty on target thicknesses (from 0.3 to 2 %, target dependent) Knowledge of the J/ y distribution (up to 7%, target dependent) Uncertainty in the reco. efficiency calculation (< 2 %) They have been calculated and summed in quadrature with statistical errors, before carrying out the Glauber fit

12 NA60: pA @ 400 GeV abs J/ = 3.8  0.5 mb
Starting 1 day after the pA data taking at 158 GeV, NA60 took data with a 400 GeV proton beam, using, for the two data sets Same layout of the experiment Same data analysis procedure We get abs J/ = 3.8  0.5 mb Very good agreement with the NA50 result (4.5  0.5 mb) Use these data as a control experiment

13 /DY at 400 GeV (NA60 vs NA50) Again a very good agreement
Analyzing NA60 data at 400 GeV, one can get J/ / DY, averaged over the various nuclear targets, and compare it with the values measured by NA50 at the same energy NA60 (1 day after 158 GeV data taking!) NA50 Again a very good agreement Relative systematics NA60 vs NA50 well under control also for J/ / DY

14 absJ/ vs √s Issue much debated recently (see H.Woehri’s talk later today) Compilation from various experiments Statistical+sytematic errors Hera-B: F. Faccioli, private communication E866: M.Leitch, private communication NA50: published results NA3 Published result Reanalysis (L.Kluberg) Relative systematics NA3 vs NA50/NA60 difficult to assess, but investigation ongoing (25 years old experiment)

15 Comparison with nucleus-nucleus (1)
The nuclear absorption reference (aka “absorption curve”) used up to now was based on the assumption that abs J/ is energy independent The preliminary results at 158 GeV seem to indicate an energy dependence Try to define an absorption curve using only “low energy” data We are left with the following sets of data for B J//DY p-A at 158 GeV (NA60) S-U at 200 GeV/nucleon (NA38, 6 points) In-In at 158 GeV/nucleon (NA60, 3 points) Pb-Pb at 158 GeV/nucleon (NA50, 8 points) Two approaches have been investigated up to now 1) Use only pA data at 158 GeV to obtain the absorption curve Advantage: only pA points are used (i.e. only cold matter effects) Drawback: error on normalization is high (10%) 2) Include S-U points, since they exhibit a very similar slope with respect to our pA points at 158 GeV Advantage: much smaller error on normalization (7 points are used) Drawback: make an extra hypothesis, i.e. S-U is “normal”

16 Comparison with nucleus-nucleus (2)
Try to follow option 2) Put all the (J/)/DY values (158 and 200 GeV) on the same plot Fit simultaneously p-A and S-U data with a fixed slope, given by p-A data pA and SU slopes are clearly compatible Normalization of pA and SU compatible within 0.8 

17 Comparison with nucleus-nucleus (3)
Seen the compatibility between pA and SU (normalization and slope)  Slope fixed by pA points  Normalization as a weighted average of the pA and SU points Use this reference curve to look for anomalous suppression Uncertainties on the reference curve: 3% due to absolute normalization 3% on average, slightly dependent on centrality, due to absJ/ uncertainty (not shown)

18 Anomalous J/ suppression
Very preliminary! The qualitative picture of the anomalous suppression at SPS does not change! SU shows no anomalous suppression (by construction) Pb-Pb shows a clear anomalous suppression in central events In-In exhibits a smaller effect Approximate Npart scaling of the effect For In-In results obtained without Drell-Yan Slight rising tendency for semi-central events to be understood Systematic effects of this (more complex) analysis being checked

19 J/ transverse momentum distributions
The pT distributions of the J/ have been obtained using a 1D acceptance correction method The input distributions for the other kinematical variables (y, cosCS) have been obtained starting from a 3D correction algorithm and then adjusted iteratively on the data

20 pT2 vs L for pA at 158 GeV Systematic errors
<pT2>= <pT2>pp+ gN  L (Cronin effect) <pT2>pp=1.20 ± 0.07 (GeV/c)2 gN=0.030 ± (GeV/c)2/fm Systematic errors Choice of the generated y and cos distributions in the acceptance calculations ( 1%) Various choice of kinematic selection connected with the detector geometry ( 3.5 %) Be Al Cu In W Pb U similar to statistical errors Wrt QM08 results, a small systematic effect due to a 5 mm stretching of the vertex telescope has now been corrected (2.8% increase in pT)

21 pT spectra: comparison A-A vs p-A
“Control experiment”: pA at 400 GeV: comparison with NA50 is OK Very preliminary! Systematic errors  4% for the NA60 points  <1% for the NA38  2% for the NA50 Linear increase of pT2 vs L for p-A and A-A, slope smaller in p-A 158 GeV L scaling broken between p-A and A-A Initial state parton scattering cannot be the only source of transverse momentum broadening. Final state effects ?

22 pT spectra: some more data points
Systematic errors explicitly quoted, when available In the literature, one can find a few more measurements of pT2 in this energy range (NA3, NA38 at 200 GeV) These experiments seem to suggest a higher pT2 ( 15%) with respect to the NA60 points  now checking relative systematics in detail

23 Conclusions NA60 has carried out a study of the J/ production in p-A collisions at 158 GeV, the very same energy of Pb-Pb and In-In data The preliminary result for the J/ nuclear absorption cross section, abs J/ = 7.1  1.0 mb, is larger than the one measured at 400/450 GeV by NA50 A “control experiment” carried out with a 400 GeV proton beam 24 hrs after the 158 GeV data taking is in agreement with NA50, both in abs J/ J/ / DY, and pT2 Using the (higher) abs J/ to compute the nuclear absorption reference which defines the anomalous suppression, the qualitative conclusions do not change, i.e. we still find a significant effect for Pb-Pb collisions From the J/ transverse momentum distributions we see a linear increase of pT2 vs L, as already seen in A-A. However, the L scaling seems broken between p-A and A-A Results still preliminary! Investigation of (hidden) systematics ongoing!

24 The NA60 Collaboration Lisbon CERN Bern Torino
Yerevan Cagliari Lyon Clermont Riken Stony Brook Palaiseau Heidelberg BNL ~ 60 people 13 institutes 8 countries R. Arnaldi, R. Averbeck, K. Banicz, K. Borer, J. Buytaert, J. Castor, B. Chaurand, W. Chen, B. Cheynis, C. Cicalò, A. Colla, P. Cortese, S. Damjanović, A. David, A. de Falco, N. de Marco, A. Devaux, A. Drees, L. Ducroux, H. En’yo, A. Ferretti, M. Floris, P. Force, A.A. Grigoryan, J.Y. Grossiord, N. Guettet, A. Guichard, H. Gulkanyan, J. Heuser, M. Keil, L. Kluberg, Z. Li, C. Lourenço, J. Lozano, F. Manso, P. Martins, A. Masoni, A. Neves, H. Ohnishi, C. Oppedisano, P. Parracho, P. Pillot, T. Poghosyan, G. Puddu, E. Radermacher, P. Ramalhete, P. Rosinsky, E. Scomparin, J. Seixas, S. Serci, R. Shahoyan,P. Sonderegger, H.J. Specht, R. Tieulent, E. Tveiten, G. Usai, H. Vardanyan, R. Veenhof and H. Wöhri

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