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Adaptive Planning: Moving Beyond the Fiscal Year

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Presentation on theme: "Adaptive Planning: Moving Beyond the Fiscal Year"— Presentation transcript:

1 Adaptive Planning: Moving Beyond the Fiscal Year
AGA Southern Arizona Chapter November 8, 2017

2 Budgeting versus Planning

3 Three points to consider

4 Scope Approach Term

5 Scope Approach Term

6 Foresight versus sight

7 Foresight versus sight

8 Scope Approach Term

9 Strategy versus Tactics

10 Strategy Aspirations Where What How

11 Strategy versus Tactics

12 Tactics

13 Scope Approach Term

14 Short-term management versus long-term

15 Short-term versus long-term management
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Short-term versus long-term management

16 Scope Approach Term Budgeting versus Planning

17 Budgeting

18 Budgeting

19 tells you where you are today,
Budgeting tells you where you are today, assists with tactics of money management, maintains short-term financial health

20 Planning

21 Planning

22 tells you where you are going, assists in strategy with resources,
Planning tells you where you are going, assists in strategy with resources, empowers long-term financial goals

23 Adaptive Planning offers flexible budgeting and planning with collaboration in the cloud using system-connected spreadsheets

24 Flexibility

25 Flexibility means we are nimble:
able to quickly change and collaborate in order to strategically progress and grow

26 Adaptive Planning offers flexible budgeting and planning with collaboration in the cloud using system-connected spreadsheets

27 We need to collaborate, but much resides in disconnected spreadsheets

28 Adaptive Planning offers flexible budgeting and planning with collaboration in the cloud using system-connected spreadsheets

29 Adaptive Planning is like having shared spreadsheets in the cloud

30 Cloud-based means available anywhere

31 empower collaboration, keeping teams on the same page
Sharing abilities empower collaboration, keeping teams on the same page

32 Adaptive Planning offers flexible budgeting and planning with collaboration in the cloud using system-connected spreadsheets

33 Spreadsheets are automatically connected to each other and to enterprise systems

34 This means No more broken links or errors in spreadsheets

35 Spreadsheets are automatically connected to each other and to enterprise systems

36 Reduce or end shadow bookkeeping

37 Adaptive Planning offers flexible budgeting and planning with collaboration in the cloud using system-connected spreadsheets

38 An entire platform of tools
The Adaptive Suite An entire platform of tools

39 Part of a suite of tools

40 Planning Reporting OfficeConnect Planning for Excel Discovery

41 Planning Reporting OfficeConnect Planning for Excel

42 Planning




46 4 Year Plan Example

47 Grants Example

48 Main Campus and Institutional Commitment Example

49 Planning Reporting OfficeConnect Planning for Excel

50 Reporting

51 More than just capturing information AP can report on that information


53 Planning Reporting OfficeConnect Planning for Excel

54 Office Connect

55 Doesn’t just operate through the website It can connect with Microsoft Office

56 This fuels your spreadsheets, documents, and presentations with information from all that has been captured by AP


58 Planning Reporting OfficeConnect Planning for Excel

59 Planning for Excel

60 Doesn’t just operate through the website You can enter information to AP through Excel and vice-versa


62 Planning Reporting OfficeConnect Planning for Excel

63 KEY DELIVERABLE: Robust Planning/Forecasting Tool

64 S WHERE ARE WE NOW? SWOT ANALYSIS: Strengths Strength DATA!!!
Lots and lots of data Strength Strong and Stable UAccess Systems Strength Corporate Knowledge of all UAccess Systems, including Analytics Strength Competence and Capabilities of UA Team that supports and uses UAccess

65 W WHERE ARE WE NOW? SWOT ANALYSIS: Weaknesses Weaknesses Weaknesses
Only 2 fields in KFS to “tag” transactions: Project Code and Sub-account Weaknesses KFS is bound by the fiscal year - our activity is not Weaknesses No system for future year or project period projections

Hundreds of Supplemental/ Shadow Systems on Campus Threats Loss of time/$ manually consolidating data Threats No easy way to model potential future scenarios Threats Talented staff spend too much time on non-value-add activity, e.g., data entry

67 EXCEL is GREAT for… Analyzing static datasets
Checking the integrity of raw data Conditional formatting: Data, Tables, and Charts Complex statistical analysis Flexible reports

68 EXCEL is Bad for… Collaborative Planning and Reporting
Management Information Example: Unit Roll Up Reports Managing financial process workflow Nine Circles of Excel Hell (bold are the circles that impact this audience) 1) Oops: Excel is fragile 2) Crush: Huge pain to consolidate 3) Brain Drain: Waste of time and talent 4) Finger in the air: No good for real-time data 5) Import Duties: Hard to get data into Excel 6) Group Grope: Not a management information system 7) Flatland: Excel is 2-D 8) Whodunit: Impossible to tell where changes have been made 9) Global Challenge: multiple currencies difficult in Excel

69 WHERE ARE WE NOW? SWOT ANALYSIS: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Threats S W Strengths DATA!! Lots and lots of data Strong, Stable UAccess Systems Corporate Knowledge of Analytics and UAccess Systems Competence and capabilities of UA Team Weaknesses KFS is bound by the fiscal year KFS only has two fields to “tag” transcations: Project Code and Sub-Account No system to project future year revenue and expenses T Threats Hundreds of Supplemental/Shadow Systems Loss of time manually consolidating data No easy way to model potential future scenarios Talented staff spend to much time on non-value-add activity, e.g., data entry Consolidate data automatically Integrate with Streamline analytics and reporting

70 S W T O WHERE DO WE WANT TO GO? SWOT ANALYSIS: Opportunities Strengths
DATA!! Lots and lots of data Strong, Stable UAccess Systems Corporate Knowledge of Analytics and UAccess Systems Competence and capabilities of UA Team Weaknesses KFS is bound by the fiscal year KFS only has two fields to “tag” transcations: Project Code and Sub-Account No system to project future year revenue and expenses O T Opportunities RCM has moved UA from an allocated budget model to an earned budget model, which allows units to project changes in budget based on changes in activity, many years into the future. Adaptive Planning offers a tool for the changing environment that can replace shadow system threats. Threats Hundreds of Supplemental/Shadow Systems Loss of time manually consolidating data No easy way to model potential future scenarios Talented staff spend to much time on non-value-add activity, e.g., data entry Consolidate data automatically Integrate with Streamline analytics and reporting

71 Adaptive Planning ADVANTAGES
Consolidate data automatically Share information from anywhere Scenario modeling and What-if analyses are EASY Streamline analytics and reporting Defense against breakages Ability to track system changes Financial process workflow


At UA: Join the Adaptive Planning UAccess Community Other Organizations:

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