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Admin Console for Glassfish v2

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1 Admin Console for Glassfish v2
Anissa Lam Sep 15, 2006

2 Agenda New features added for Glassfish V2 Pages with enhanced UI
Schedule for moving to JSF version of GUI Implementation

3 New Features in Glassfish V2
One pager can be found at OnePagersOrFunctionalSpecs/AdminGuiOnePager. html Most are EE features thats intended for 9.0 release JBI Console integrated to GUI Footnote position, 12 pts.

4 New Features in Glassfish V2
Cluster support: wizard for creating cluster allows creation of instances under it, and includes support for LB and HADB (sjsas only). Node agent: allows creation of NA config but NOT the NA itself. User will need to use CLI to create/start/stop NA. (same as in AS 8.x) Footnote position, 12 pts.

5 New Features in Glassfish V2
Graph will be added to the the following pages: Log Analyzer : allows for drill down to show the numbers for each Logging module and eventually to the Log Viewer. Call Flow detail page shows the % in time spend in each component in a pie chart. Web Services statistics and real time graph. Footnote position, 12 pts.

6 Area with Enhanced UI Deployment
A common deployment wizard for all J2EE apps, ejb modules, web apps, app client and Connector modules Any deploy button will bring you to this deployment wizard Progress Bar will be added Server side browsing (maybe) Footnote position, 12 pts.

7 Area with Enhanced UI Monitored statistic presentation
Data will be in more readable table format Details will be available as a small popup window by clicking a detail link Still in design stage, need to work with SWAED or UIRB approval Footnote position, 12 pts.

8 Area with Enhanced UI Web Service statistic will be refreshed periodically using AJAX Common Task page may change to use the common task component Use of calendar component (eg diagnostic generation page) Footnote position, 12 pts.

9 Schedules for JSF Admin Gui
Will need approval from core team: MS2: about 40% PE done (still missing deployment wizard, viewing descriptor, tables for all pages, monitoring data, log viewer) MS3: PE feature complete, ie without clustering support) MS4 (beta release): Most of EE feature should be there except LB and HADB. Footnote position, 12 pts.

10 Schedules for JSF Admin Gui
As time permits, order of priority: Add AJAX to desirable page, LB admin HADB admin Footnote position, 12 pts.

11 Schedules for JSF Admin Gui
Default Admin GUI is still the one using JATO framework with LockHart components. JSF Admin GUI is available under lib/install/applications/admingui/admin-jsf.war Deploy admin-jsf.war to try out Will switch to JSF Admin GUI before MS3 when enough PE functionality is available.

12 Technical info Switch to use AMX API for most functionality Deployment Facility API for deployment Uses JSF Woodstock 4.0 components Based on jsftemplating, JSF framework for creating Pages and Components

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