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Does anaesthesia affect patient outcome in malignant disease?

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Presentation on theme: "Does anaesthesia affect patient outcome in malignant disease?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Does anaesthesia affect patient outcome in malignant disease?
Local anaesthetics affect Src tyrosine protein kinase activation, which will block leucocyte binding to malignant cells, as well as adhesion to the endothelium. The endothelial barrier will stay intact, and the migratory abilities of the malignant cells will be diminished, as well as their proliferation (Votta-Velis EG, et al. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2013;57: ). This may explain the example on lung metastasis from lidocaine in a breast cancer model (slide 2). Opposite effects on the immune system by different hypnotics may result in differences in survival after cancer surgery, as indicated in two retrospective patient studies (Enlund M, et al. Ups J Med Sci. 2014;119: and Wigmore TJ, et al. Anesthesiology 2016;124:69-79). Randomised, controlled trials are on their way (slide 3). Mats Enlund Uppsala University Centre for Clinical Research, Västerås

2 SL Sevoflurane & Lidocaine
S Sevoflurane P=0.006 Dr Mark Johnson Research Fellow in Anaesthesia Mater Misercordiae University Hospital & University College Dublin

3 Ongoing studies propofol vs inhalational
Sponsor Acronym Randomisation Outcome Cancer-localisation N Start Close Stony Brook University, New York GA-CARES TIVA vs Inhal. All-cause mortality, 2 yr Mixed 2000 2017 2020 Peking University First Hospital, Beijing Propofol vs sevoflurane Survival rate, 1, 2 och 3 yr 1200 2015 CKF-Västerås/ Uppsala University CAN Survival rate, 1 och 5 yr Breast and colo-rectal 8000 2013 2022 (September 1, 2017)

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