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Glycolysis & Fermentation

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1 Glycolysis & Fermentation
Unit 4, Day 11

2 NB Set-Up Glycolysis and Fermentation Muscle Fatigue Activity EQ:
WU: Question: How much will your muscles fatigue in two minutes? Claim (Hypothesis): Evidence ( Data Table and Graph, tape in data table, draw graph behind it): Reasoning (Conclusion): EQ: (Q1) (Q2) (Q3) (Q4) Reflection 86 87

3 Warm up: Top of page 86 What does “aerobic” and “anaerobic” mean?
Aerobic= presence of oxygen Anaerobic= no oxygen

4 Glycolysis and Fermentation
Pg. 87 Slide 1 of 2 Glycolysis and Fermentation EQ: How does glycolysis lead to the two types of fermentation? A gradual release of the energy from glucose in a process called glycolysis in the cytoplasm. Glyco = Sugar Lysis = Splitting (Q1) (Q2) Input: one glucose (C6H12O6) Output: Two pyruvic acid, and uses 2 ATP to make 4 ATPs.

5 Glycolysis and Fermentation
Pg. 87 Slide 2 of 2 Glycolysis and Fermentation 2 Directions after Glycolysis: If oxygen is present (aerobic), glycolysis takes the pyruvic acid to the mitochondria for cellular respiration. If oxygen is not present (anaerobic), pyruvate stays in the cytoplasm for fermentation. Alcoholic Fermentation Yeasts/microorganisms form ethyl alcohol and CO2 as wastes. (EX: bread dough to rises) Lactic Acid Fermentation Pyruvic acid accumulates and is converted to lactic acid. (EX: sore muscles after exercise) (Q3) (Q4) SUMMARY

6 Muscle Fatigue Lab Introduction: Muscle contraction requires energy in the form of ATP. ATP is produced aerobically when oxygen levels are high and anaerobically when oxygen levels are low. Lactic acid is the byproduct of anaerobic respiration, which only yields 2 ATP molecules per glucose. Muscle fatigue can occur when a buildup of lactic acid disables muscle function. In this lab you will observe the effects of fatigue in skeletal muscle contractions. During this lab you will answer this question: Question: To what extent can muscle fatigue be observed in the muscles of the hand and forearm over a two-minute period? (How much will your muscles fatigue in two minutes?) Hypothesis: Write into NB as the Claim: (must address the question and must relate to observable data; use an “If… then…” format). Data Table and Graph: Write into NB as Evidence Draw the table before you start your trials Graph the data for both subjects on one graph. Remember TAILS and use 2 colors (1 for each test subject) Procedures: Test Subject A will squeeze a tennis ball as many times as they can in 10 seconds. Recorder/Timer will record the number of squeezes on the data table and restart the timer. Test Subject A will repeat steps 1 and 2 for 11 more times. Switch jobs and repeat steps 1-3. (Recorder/Timer becomes Test Subject B) Conclusion: Write into NB as Reasoning Make sure to support your answers with evidence. Was your hypothesis correct? (Accept or reject) and explain why. Did you observe muscle fatigue over the two-minute trial? To what extent? (mild, moderate, extreme) What causes lactic acid buildup? By which trial number did you start to experience lactic acid buildup in the tennis ball trials. Compare anaerobic and aerobic respiration. Describe the characteristics of each and their relative output of ATP. Trial (10 sec each) Number of squeezes Subject A Subject B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

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