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2018 Budget Dr Stuart Minchin, Australia

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Presentation on theme: "2018 Budget Dr Stuart Minchin, Australia"— Presentation transcript:

1 2018 Budget Dr Stuart Minchin, Australia
On behalf of the Budget Working Group

2 Core budget activities covered:
Proposed 2018 Budget Core budget activities covered: a)  Secretariat management, external relations and outreach, work programme coordination, reporting, and monitoring and evaluation; b)  Coordination of Foundational tasks; c)  Secretariat operations and support; and d)  Coordination of Engagement priorities. Earmarked funds: a)  GEOGLAM Coordinator (Germany); b)  Junior Professional Officer (China); and c)  Data Sharing and Asia/Oceania support (China).

3 Income Expected (core)
Starting trust fund balance: CHF 2M Working capital fund: CHF 0.2M 2018 expected contributions: CHF 3.2M In-kind contributions: CHF 1.6M Total resources: CHF 7.0M Note: must leave CHF2.2M for 2019

4 Expenditure (core) Staff costs: CHF 2.1M Operations: CHF 1.1M In Kind expenditure: CHF 1.6M Total expenditure: CHF 4.8M Note: will leave CHF2.2M for 2019

5 Income/Expenditure (earmarked)
GEOGLAM Coordinator (Germany) CHF 0.29M JPO (China) CHF 0.21M Data Sharing and AOGEOSS (China) CHF 0.10M Total earmarked income: CHF 0.6M

6 Budget Working Group recommendation
That budget as presented based on expected cash contributions of CHF 3.2M be approved That Plenary consider allowing Excom to approve extra budget expenditure dependent on extra contributions being received in 2018 That Plenary note the urgency of improving the sustainability of GEO trust fund contributions


8 Sustained resourcing for GEO?
Dr Stuart Minchin, Australia

9 Why invest in GEO? Value of broad open data sharing GEO’s convening power provides efficiency Incubation of globally relevant Flagships (GFOI, GEOGLAM etc) GEO can help to grow your economy

10 Without GEO, there will be no GEOSS!
Why fund GEO? Value of broad open data sharing GEO’s convening power provides efficiency Incubation of globally relevant Flagships (GFOI, GEOGLAM etc) Without GEO, there will be no GEOSS! slide40.jpg slide40.jpg

11 Potential for Economic Growth
Australia’s spatial industry is forecast to generate 15,000 new jobs and contribute over $8 billion per annum to Australia’s economy by 2025

12 Potential for Economic Growth

13 slide40.jpg slide40.jpg

14 Without funding for GEO operations, there will be no GEOSS!
Important note Contributions to the workplan are not the same as contributions to the Trust Fund Many countries and POs contribute many millions of dollars to activities in the GEO Work Plan and to GEOSS components Without funding for GEO operations, there will be no GEOSS!

15 The budget sustainability issue

16 Options for improving budget sustainability
Strengthened requests for contributions Promoting contributions for targeted activities

17 Strengthened requests for funding
All Country Principals have received an indicative scale of contributions Based on UN scale taking into account GDP Clear guidance for countries on what an equitable contribution would be If all 105 member countries contribute an equitable share, GEO operations will be sustainable Contributions from POs are also welcome

18 Ideas for transitioning to an equitable share
Build your GEO contribution into budget proposals for GEO workplan contributions Prioritize GEO contributions for End of Financial Year underspends Pay your GEO contribution in advance when money is available Ask other agencies who benefit from EO to contribute to national GEO funding (National GEO)

19 Promoting contributions for targeted activities
Core secretariat budget (5m CHF) does not include funding for Flagships or Initiatives Cash or in-kind contributions can be to support targeted outcomes (eg. GEOGLAM or AfriGEOSS) Needs to be over and above core GEO funding May help provide extra resources for GEO that align strongly with a country interest.

20 The plea to Plenary Examine your indicative funding level for equitable share and work towards meeting it. Pledge your contribution at Plenary (next item!) If everyone contributes their equitable share, GEO operations will be sustainable. With a sustainable GEO we will realize the vision!

21 GEO: Makes GEOSS more than the sum of the parts


23 2016 Financial Statements and Audit Report
Dr Stuart Minchin, Australia On behalf of the Budget Working Group

24 Headlines Audit of financial statements: clean bill of health Budget Working group commends Secretariat for its good financial management for 2016 Difference between budgeted and spent amounts (Statement V: part D and E) mainly due to WMO finance categorizations (fixed for 2017) GEO audit no longer reporting on broader WMO findings (more relevant)


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