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Building the Church Reflections on Creation-Facing Mission

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1 Building the Church Reflections on Creation-Facing Mission
Bishop Richard Randerson

2 A Life-Changing Experience
A Life-Changing Experience Growing up in Takapuna in the 1950s, ordained in 1964, I set off with Jackie in 1968 to New York for post-graduate studies at Union Theological Seminary. We encountered black power, anti-Vietnam peace movements, western exploitation of Third World, urban poverty and store-front churches. Theology was woven into the context of these movements.

3 The Mission of the Church At theological college there was no reflection on mission. Mission was seen to be running the local church (which was busy in a Christendom era). In New York we came to see that Mission was the redemption of all Creation – society, places of work, communities, global challenges, the Earth itself. The Church was a means to an end, not an end in itself.

4 Jesus’ Ministry Jesus’ ministry and teaching was out on the road, healing the sick, the woman at the well, caring for the poor, feeding the hungry, ethical and theological debate Cf also Paul’s approach in Athens (Acts 17) – weaving theology into the local culture and context. Being on staff at the synagogue would have been an opportunity cost for Jesus. What priorities in mission does the church pursue today?

5 Meanings of the Genesis creation story
Creation and life are gifts Life is to be lived relationally with all people, life forms, Earth itself Mutuality and inter-dependence are key, not self-interest and exploitation We have kaitiakitanga to ensure maintenance of life, Earth, justice, peace and well-being of all





10 Why Inequality? Unequal societies operate on a Win/Lose ethos where getting more than the next person is a key satisfier. More equal societies operate on a Win/Win strategy where the well-being of all is part of the national ethos. Any economy is a construction that can be re-constructed

11 Attitudes to Income in USA
When people were asked what income they would need to live at a moderately comfortable level, and would they be happy with that, they answered Yes. Income was assessed by adequacy. But when asked if friends and colleagues were earning more, would they still be happy, they said No. Income was assessed by status. The Spirit Level


13 Are we a Moral Nation? ‘Economy’ has become divorced from major societal concerns, and is seen principally as a financial measurement. ‘Oikonomy’ (management of the household) would place an emphasis on the need to weave social with economic goals for the common good.

14 Neoliberalism Neoliberalism is based on enterprise, freedom and reward, deregulation, low taxes, low welfare. St Paul emphasises the use of our gifts and talents, but for the common good. Roger Kerr, NZ Business Roundtable: Churches undermining the programme by being perpetrators of corrosive myths (eg justice).

15 Editorial Reflection ‘Some proponents of Rogernomics… claimed the revolution would make incomes more equal…History has proved them wrong’ Editorial in Wellington’s Dominion Post ( )


17 Six principles of social justice
To respect human dignity with its rights and responsibilities To live in solidarity with others, aware of our interdependence To seek the wellbeing of all To value work and creativity To give priority to the needs of the poor To be mindful of the Treaty of Waitangi. NZ Church Leaders, 1993

18 An Evangelistic Challenge The values of neo-liberalism are antithetical to those of the Gospel, which is unknown to 50% of New Zealand. Evangelism cannot be merely personal, but must wrestle with the ‘principalities and powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness’ (Ephesians 6.12) Church-focused mission largely ignores this bigger task.

19 The Laity on the Front Line If we grasp Mission as the redemption of all creation, then the laity are the front line agents of the Gospel. They are the transforming salt, light and leaven. But we have mission the wrong way round. We train laity to assist pastors in running the local church. Instead the pastors should be working with laity to enable them to be agents of change in the world.

20 Examples of Lay-led Mission in Society Christchurch Health Board: goal-setting William Diehl (Christianity and Real Life) monthly breakfast meeting with laity to discuss workplace ethics. Inside Job – documentary showing amorality of some players in Global Finance Collapse. University of Otago Public Theology unit

21 From Social Service to Social Justice

22 Grasping the Near Edge When overwhelmed by the scope of the problem, the first thing we can do is to “grasp the near edge” and respond to it. NCC, 1970s What are the near edges in our community? How are we/how could we respond?

23 To Discuss… Is our mission practice church-centred or kingdom (whole world)–centred? Are neo-liberal values antithetical to those of the Gospel? Are we equipping church members to be salt, light and leaven in corporate life and community?

24 Resources Available Contact: richardrandersonnz@gmail
Resources Available Contact: Engagement 21 (see next slide): a handbook for community action including a theology of mission and 125 community outreach projects by New Zealand churches. Available electronically free of charge. Not Rocket Science: a tool to analyse the needs of your community (Diocese of Perth). Available electronically free Slipping the Moorings: See final slide. Bishop Richard is available to run this seminar or to focus on any of the topics covered in this power-point.


26 Slipping the Moorings Richard Randerson
A memoir weaving faith with justice, ethics and community, including such topics as: Poverty, justice and neo-liberalism God and the Church in the 21st century Same-sex relationships Ethics in the public square Available electronically for $10

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