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Seaside’s Snarestone Primary School Curriculum Leaflet

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1 Seaside’s Snarestone Primary School Curriculum Leaflet
English This term we are writing letters and messages in bottles. We will be looking at seaside poems. We will be using pirate stories as a basis for writing. We will be using information books to find out about seaside’s long ago. Snarestone Primary School Curriculum Leaflet Swans Summer 2017 Music Making sounds of the sea using instruments. History We will learn about seaside holidays in the past. Art/ Design and Technology We will make lighthouses. We will look at different interpretations of the sea by different artists. We will paint our own seaside pictures. Maths We will be focusing on securing understanding of place value. Multiplication and division. R.E /PSHCE We will learn about the importance of the creation story for christian’s. Science We will be learning about Plants. P.E We will be doing athletics ,outdoor games and team games.

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