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Visualization of Adverse effect pathways

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1 Visualization of Adverse effect pathways
Hristo Aladjov

2 Overview Overview What are adverse effect pathways ?
Challenges of the Adverse Effect Pathways ? What are some of the existing solutions for representing pathways ? Why Adverse Effect Pathways are important for QSAR models ? The Solution

3 What are Adverse Effect Pathways
Overview Generalized Estrogen Receptor (ER) Adverse Effect Pathway MOLECULAR Initiating Event CELLULAR Response TISSUE/ORGAN Response INDIVIDUAL Response POPULATION Response ER Binding Altered Protein Expression Altered proteins Ova-testis Sex Reversal, Altered Behavior, ↓Repro. Skewed Sex Ratios, ↓Year Class Adverse Effect Pathway of Developmental Neurotoxicity in Humans MOLECULAR Initiating Event CELLULAR Response CELLULAR Response TISSUE/ORGAN Response INDIVIDUAL Response AChE Binding Altered Intra-cellular Signaling Altered Cell Structure Brain: Loss of synaptic connect. Behavior: Impaired cognitive function

4 Challenges of the Adverse Effect Pathways
Complexity Multidisciplinary Lack of unified pathway representation language Accessibility to the scientific community and the public

5 Existing Solutions Existing Solutions System biology models advantages
Systematic description of the complex interactions in biological systems Integrate and analyze complex data from multiple experimental sources System biology models disadvantages Exhaustive complexity not focused by the subject of study Focus on molecular level Investigating the continuous uncompensated dysfunction ToxRefDB Collection of endpoints ToxCast Collection of in-vitro cellular assays

6 QSAR models and Adverse Effect Pathways
First Rule of QSAR: Select well defined Endpoint Model different mechanisms/modes of action separately Separate chemical models from biological effects Use transparent mechanistically interpretable methods Use good quality data Inspiring the Next Generation QSAR Models, based on classic rules

7 The online encyclopedia of Adverse effect pathways

8 Effectopedia – Adverse Effect Pathways Representation System Simple enough to make it manageable, complex enough to be useful Build the pathways from both ends Brake the complexity with simple questions Provide organized slots and global context for integrating individual experts knowledge Create efficient way of expert collaboration Create open standard for pathway presentation Make all data freely accessible online

9 Pathway Building Blocks
Use Simple Building Blocks Pathway Building Blocks Cause Effect Link Chemical Molecular Initiating Event Effect Threshold Dose-Response Reversible or not Specific or not Duration Molecular Initiating Event Effect Endpoint

10 Coordinates in Pathway Space
Effect: male adult human Liver Gender Life Stage Taxonomy Level of Biological Organization

11 Start form both ends MIE 1 Effect 1 Chemical
Effect n1 MIE 1 Effect 1 Chemical Effect 1 Effect 2 Effect n1 Endpoint MIE 2 Effect 2 Effect 1 Effect 2 Effect n1 MIE n Effect n

12 What Other Downstream effects you know?
Breaking Complexity with simple Questions Effect 1 Effect 2 Effect What Other Downstream effects you know?

13 What other causes you know can lead to this effect?
Breaking Complexity with simple Questions Cause 1 Effect Cause 2 What other causes you know can lead to this effect?

14 Dysfunction Duration as a Cause Link conditions: Duration 1 Endpoint 1 Effect Link conditions: Duration 2 Endpoint 2

15 Demo

16 Free, Platform Independent, Open Source
Technology Free, Platform Independent, Open Source Based entirely on open source platform independent solutions <? XML ?> Accessible with standard web browser Creates search engine optimized static HTML pages for higher visibility Standard XML based language for direct data import / export Modular, Plug-in architecture Open source

17 Benefits Conclusions QSAR models can be used for what they are good for – predicting molecular initiating events and identifying chemicals with similar behavior without additional animal testing Provide a global context and new applications of existing experimental data Create public knowledge repository that stimulate research and modeling efforts Outline the most frequently used tests in regulatory decision making process to facilitate the search for alternative methods. Help indentify missing information and facilitate experiment design. Create focused and effective discussion environment

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