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My Art Comparison Assessment By: Rafael Rosales

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1 My Art Comparison Assessment By: Rafael Rosales
My Artwork Crosses M.C Escher’s Artwork Symmetry Watercolor 106 bird

2 How his artwork influence me…
M.C Escher is the artist that inspired me to draw a tessellation. I think that the way he makes his tessellations is very cool and creative. I’ve drawn a tessellation for fun before, but I didn’t know what it was called or that it was a very famous type of artwork. I just simply like how it is structured because it’s symmetrical and a very organized type of artwork.

3 Similarities and differences between our artworks…
His has to do with birds, but mine has to do with geometric shapes. Mine has warm colors. His has neutral colors. His media was watercolor, and mine was color pencils. Similarities: They are both tessellations. They are both symmetrical. They don’t have any focal points. They both have cool colors.

4 What influenced M.C Escher… what was the purpose of his drawings…
He was influenced by the world around him. He was also probably influenced by mathematics because since his tessellations are symmetrical, he needed to be exact. I think that the purpose of his drawings were for him to express his thought about the world around him. He needed a way to explain what he felt about it.

5 How was his work impactful to the world…
I think that his work was impactful to the world because many artist have followed in his footsteps and have made the art of tessellations grow more into the world.

6 Would he like my artwork if he saw it…
I think that even though his artworks are better than mine, he would still enjoy my tessellation. I would ask him to criticize it so that it would help me improve and become better.

7 ON.html
Works cited ON.html content/uploads/2012/07/symmetry-watercolor-106-mc- escher-s.jpg

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