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Do you know London? Well done! Try again!.

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Presentation on theme: "Do you know London? Well done! Try again!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do you know London? Well done! Try again!

2 What is it? a) Tower Bridge b) London Bridge c) Westminster Bridge

3 What is it? a) Piccadilly Circus b) Trafalgar Square c) Kensington

4 What is it? the Tate Gallery b) the British Museum c) the Museum
of the Moving Image

5 What is it? a) Regent's Park b) Kensington Gardens c) St. James's Park

6 What is it? St. Paul’s Cathedral b) Westminster Abbey c) the British

7 What is it? a) Green Park b) St. James's Park c) Regent’s Park

8 What is it? Westminster Abbey b) the Houses of Parliament
c) the White Tower

9 What is it? a) London Bridge b) Millennium Bridge c) Tower Bridge

10 What is it? St. Paul’s Cathedral b) Windsor Castle c) Buckingham

11 What is it? Trafalgar Square b) White Hall c) Piccadilly Circus

12 What is it? a) Warwick Castle b) London Castle c) Windsor Castle

13 Тауэрский мост
snc6/221970_ _ _400068_683222_n.jpg Трафальгарская площадь Виндзорский замок Британский музей Букингемский дворец Лондонский мост Ридженс Парк Вестминстерское аббатство Кенсингтонские сады Собор Святого Павла Площадь Пиккадилли Анимационные картинки

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