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Published byCandace Dickerson Modified over 6 years ago
Jim Tew PCOLS Support Office DLA – ESMC Portfolio Battle Creek, MI
9/6/2018 Department of Defense Government Purchase Card Program Purchase Card On-line System Purchase Card Online System (PCOLS) Update, Enhancements and Future Jim Tew PCOLS Support Office DLA – ESMC Portfolio Battle Creek, MI Wednesday, August 3, 2016 9:30 a.m. – 10:40 a.m.
Before we Get Started Training Forum Reminders Cell Phones silenced
2 Training Forum Reminders Cell Phones silenced Show courtesy to fellow participants and the presenter Questions Class Surveys Other PCOLS and U.S. Bank related opportunities Data Mining and Risk Assessment for DoD PCOLS Thursday, Aug 4th 2:00 p.m. – 3:10 p.m.; salon 3 Accounting Code Management Fundamentals Intermediate for A/OPCs, Thursday, Aug 4th 8:00 a.m. – 9:10 a.m.; salon 16 All DoD Attendees, Thursday, Aug 4th 3:30 p.m. – 4:40 p.m.; salon 1 DoD PCOLS Training – Open Lab Wednesday, Aug 3rd 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.; salon 13 Thursday, Aug 4th 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.; salon 13 Check-In and Information Center The Check-In and Information Center is located in the foyer on Level 2. For general questions regarding the forum or registration, you may also call the Marriott Marquis Washington DC at (202) and request to be connected to the GSA training forum registration desk during registration hours. Training Forum Reminders • Turn off, pulse or vibrate cell phones in classrooms. • Be aware that talking while class is going on causes distractions to others. • Be aware that arriving late/leaving early causes distractions to others. • Don’t leave until ALL questions are answered and class is formally dismissed. • Please be considerate of the room monitor scanner personnel. Room monitors are temporary help hired for this event and are not familiar with this program. They may be able to provide basic information; however, they will not be able to provide specific information. Training Forum Evaluations and Class Surveys You will receive an at the end of the day containing the surveys for each training session you attended that day. We encourage you to please respond to these surveys as we use the feedback to improve our training sessions for next year. **Recommend these two courses for A/OPCs and RMs that have questions about Bank Submission Failures for Segment values or AVCs.** Accounting Code Management Fundamentals Level: Intermediate Audience: A/OPCs For those seeking the fundamentals of accounting code management, this hands-on session will help attendees learn how to effectively manage accounting codes, structures and values within Access Online. See how these tools can help streamline your operations and add value to your program. Thursday, August 4 8:00 a.m. – 9:10 a.m. Room: Marquis Salon 16 DoD Accounting Code Management Fundamentals Level: All Audience: DoD Purchase Attendees Thursday, August 4 3:30 p.m. – 4:40 p.m. Room: Marquis Salon 1 DoD PCOLS Training – Open Lab Level: All Audience: DoD A/OPCs Please visit this open lab where you will access the Defense Acquisition University (DAU) website to be certified with the latest information regarding DoD’s Purchase CardOnline System (PCOLS) for the specific role you will be performing in executing your DoD Purchase Card responsibilities. You’ll learn about your role responsibilities and the PCOLS tools available to manage your program. Wednesday, August 3 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Room: Marquis Salon 13 Thursday, August 4 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. DoD Purchase Card Online System (PCOLS) Update, Enhancements and Future – NEW! Jim Tew, DLA PCOLS Support provides the latest information on PCOLS Updates, Enhancements and Training Opportunities. Wednesday, August 3 9:30 a.m. – 10:40 a.m. Room: Marquis Salon 5 Data Mining and Risk Assessment for DoD PCOLS Jim Tew, DLA PCOLS Support provides the latest information on the PCOLS Data Mining tool and Risk Assessment for more effective oversight and management of DoD Purchase Card Programs. Thursday, August 4 2:00 p.m. – 3:10 p.m. Room: Marquis Salon 3
Purpose & Agenda 3 Purpose: Explain how the PCPO and support groups are working to improve your PCOLS user experience as you manage your GPC programs. Agenda topics include: PCOLS Enhancements…How they happen and How do you know? PCOLS Enhancement Request Process Issues identified in the field via Help Desk reporting Notification Implemented Enhancements Enterprise Monitoring and Management of Accounts (EMMA) Account Issuance, and Maintenance (AIM) Data Mining (DM) PCOLS Reporting Risk Assessment Dashboard (RAD) Future Enhancements Help and Support The purpose of this presentation is to provide (You) the PCOLS Users with an update on all PCOLS enhancements implemented over the past year an a half. We’ll also touch on why they are a benefit as you use PCOLS to better manage your GPC program. We’ll also talk briefly about some future enhancements that are in the works.
PCOLS Enhancement Request Process
4 Typically requests for enhancements to PCOLS Applications are initiated from the field via the Enhancement Request form ER form submitted to their GPC Program Level 2 Level 2 Reviews ER Compliance with policy Sufficiency of detail Worthiness for sponsorship Level 2 vetted and approved PCOLS ER forms submitted to PCPO PCPO Reviews Typical requests for enhancements to PCOLS Applications are initiated from the field. Field users submit request for application changes on the DoD Purchase Card Policy Office (PCPO) Enhancement Requests (ER) form to their GPC Program Level 2 A/OPC. Level 2 Reviews Component Level 2s review ERs for sufficiency of detail, compliance with policy, and worthiness for sponsorship. If component specific requirement, Level-2 initiates effort to secure funding. Component Level 2 vetted and approved PCOLS ER Forms are submitted to PCPO along with the information required on the PCOLS ER Form tracking excel template. PCPO Reviews PCPO reviews all Component Level 2 approved PCOLS ER Forms and determines eligibility for Level 2 presentation at upcoming ORC meeting. PCPO compiles and tracks PCOLS ERs. PCPO determines eligibility for sustainment funding.
PCOLS Enhancement Request Process
5 ORC Review of ERs ORC approval, disapproval or request for more details ECP List CRs are Prioritized by PCPO Development Process CRs Tracked by the Development Team ORC Review of ERs PCPO to schedule and conduct ORCs on a quarterly basis. PCPO provides to all ORC Member consolidated list of valid ERs prior to the scheduled meeting. Component Level 2 submitting request leads discussion on requested change. ORC casts a yes/no vote deciding if the requested change should be submitted to the PCOLS Development Team for evaluation and added to PCPO Engineering Change Proposal (ECP) List. ORC Approval: ER is now on the PCPO ECP List. ECP List is updated by PCPO as additional information becomes available. ECP sponsor (i.e., the Level 2 submitting the request) is responsible for development of the detailed requirements document. ECP List CRs are Prioritized by PCPO. Development Process: If the development is for DMDC application, ECP is now added as a development Change Request (CR). If the development is for DM application, ECP will not change to CR until it is on contract with the DM Contractor. CR priority is classified as Low, Medium, or High. CR scoped by development team as a Small, Medium, or Large effort. CRs Tracked by the Development Team. On the DMDC side, release planning is conducted to determine release scope and schedule. There is tracking by the internal application and CRs are reviewed at the ORCs. On the DM side, once an ECP is approved and contracted for, then a CR is created and tracked. Contract action is tracked. DM CRs are reviewed at the ORC.
PCOLS Enhancement Request Process
PCOLS Issues & Notification of Enhancements
7 PCOLS Help Desk tracks and reports ticket issues Weekly, Monthly, Annually PCPO and PCOLS Development teams review ticket issues Notification of Implemented Enhancements Release Notices provided to service Level 2s Release Notices posted on DAU PCOLS Training Page System Release info posted on PCOLS Message Board Ticket issues are discussed during bi-weekly meetings and quarterly IPRs PCPO and development teams work on requirements to get the fix or enhancement into development Are there other or better ways to get Release Notices disseminated to the user community?
EMMA Enhancements EMMA
EMMA Enhancements EMMA Release 4.9.6 - August 13, 2015
Digitally Sign All s that Contain a URL Link Functionality was implemented to ensure that all s sent out by EMMA that contain a URL link are digitally signed. This is in compliance with the Defense Manpower Data Center Digital Signature policy and provides authenticity and non-repudiation of the sender. Benefit to Users: Should help prevent s from experiencing firewall restriction issues and also help avoid delivery to junk folder. This enhancement also applies to AIM and Data Mining generated s.
EMMA Enhancements EMMA Release 5.0 – November 19, 2015
10 EMMA Release 5.0 – November 19, 2015 Separate unlock functionality from user update Currently, the system allows an EMMA user to unlock a user in a subordinate role locked out due to inactivity by selecting the user and the Update User option. With this release, the unlock functionality has been separated to its own selection. If an individual is locked, the “Unlock User” option will appear in the drop-down menu instead of using the Update User option. Benefit to Users: Clearly identifies the “account unlock” feature in EMMA.
EMMA Enhancements 11
EMMA Enhancements EMMA Release 5.0.1 – March 10, 2016
12 EMMA Release – March 10, 2016 Modification to Provisioning Method With this release, EMMA was modified to require users to provision individuals by entering their DoD Person ID (EDIPI). The individual being provisioned is sent an to their work address in DEERS. The individual is provided instruction in the to accept their PCOLS role assignment. Newly provisioned users will not have access to PCOLS in their new role until they have accepted the position. Benefit to Users: This change was implemented to mitigate an Information Assurance risk involving the token redemption process. A role can only be accepted by the user that had their DoD Person ID (EDIPI) entered for assignment to the role.
EMMA Enhancements 13 Log into PCOLS at Select EMMA
EMMA Enhancements 14 Select the radial button for your Procurement or Financial role in order to provision the role directly below you Choose the “Select Role” button
EMMA Enhancements 15 Expand the “+” next to the sub organization where you wish to provision someone. Select the role where you are adding a user Select “Add a user” from the drop down in the “Select an action” section Select “Go”
EMMA Enhancements 16 Enter the EDI/DOD Person ID Number (10 digit number located on the back of the users CAC) in the “Person ID” field on the Add User screen in EMMA *NOTE* - your EDI/DOD Person ID Number is considered PII. Please ensure you are providing it to the person provisioning you in an encrypted . DoD Global Directory Service found at:
EMMA Enhancements Select “Search”
17 Select “Search” Search results will populate the “User’s Information” field You must select the accurate “Personnel Category” from the drop down Click “Submit” The Personnel Category code that is selected will dictate what address the acceptance is sent to.
EMMA Enhancements The user has been added to the role in EMMA.
18 The user has been added to the role in EMMA. *Note*- The provisioning process is not complete until the provisioned user acts on the link in the they receive and accepts the role. You will notice it no longer says “Pending” next to the name of the newly provisioned user.
EMMA Enhancements 19 The provisioned user will receive the below tailored to the specific role and organization they are being added to as well as who provisioned them into the role Activate the Position ID link in the body of the OR copy and paste the link into a new Internet Explorer (IE) browser window
EMMA Enhancements User is taken to the “Position Acceptance” screen
20 User is taken to the “Position Acceptance” screen Select “Accept” to finalize being provisioned into the role Select “Reject” if you should not be in the role and organization listed on the screen
EMMA Enhancements 21 The provisioner will receive a “no_reply” confirming acceptance of the new role If a user needs to be unprovisioned from EMMA the “Remove User” action is still the same Now that the new user is provisioned in EMMA, assigning the new user to an account or multiple accounts can be performed in AIM as necessary
EMMA Enhancements EMMA Release 5.0.1 – March 10, 2016
22 EMMA Release – March 10, 2016 Modification to Provisioning Method – Affects to Reporting With the change to the EMMA provisioning method, the Provisioning Token Report is no longer available to PCOLS users. Also, due to the change, the Provisioning Status Report does not report Pending Users. At this time, the report can be run but will only include Active users. A future release of The Provisioning Status Report will address the change and allow Pending Users to be displayed.
AIM Enhancements AIM
AIM Enhancements AIM Release 3.10 – January 15, 2015
24 AIM Release 3.10 – January 15, 2015 Add updated users to confirmation The Update A/BO and Update A/BO Supervisor confirmation s were enhanced to include the original and updated A/BOs and A/BO Supervisors names when the updates are completed. Benefit to Users: Readily identifies individuals that you were removed or added to a Managing Account during maintenance
AIM Enhancements AIM Release 3.10 – Cont’d
25 AIM Release 3.10 – Cont’d Update Unit Identification Code (UIC) upon Confirmation The Auto Cancellation process creates a review task when a cardholder's UIC changes. Upon submission of a request for review of the Cardholder Account that indicates the account should remain open, the system will update the AIM captured UIC to match the currently associated UIC if the Cardholders Personnel Category is Active Duty, Guard, Reserve, or Academy Student. This will allow the system to correctly identify future UIC changes. Benefit to Users: Assists in ensuring compliance with Public Law (PL) , dated October 5, 2012, "Government Charge Card Abuse Prevention Act of 2012". Additional information on Auto-cancellation, auto removal of users and review on transfer can be located at the following DAU PCOLS link
AIM Enhancements AIM Release 4.0 – May 28, 2015
26 AIM Release 4.0 – May 28, 2015 New Certifying Officer Appointment Process in PCOLS Currently, Certifying Officers (COs) must be appointed by an authorized individual and have a DD 577 (Appointment Record) form on file with DFAS in order to act in the PCOLS Approving/Billing Official role. This process is currently handled outside of PCOLS. The A/OPC then indicates on the Managing Account in PCOLS that all required appointments have been prepared and processed. Benefit to Users: The appointment process has been incorporated into PCOLS eliminating the need for the separate DD 577 form (paperless process). PCOLS will capture the appointment information for each Certifying Officer (A/BO). DFAS has been provided a search feature to view and print the appointments. The DD577 Appointment Process in PCOLS is posted on DAU at: NOTE – Do not print the DD577 from PCOLS and send to DFAS. DFAS will reject it.
AIM Enhancements AIM Release 4.0 – Cont’d Two new roles
27 AIM Release 4.0 – Cont’d Two new roles Appointing Authority CO Verifier New “Appointments” Tab Appointing Authority (AA) – This new role will create the appointment records for the certifying officers in AIM. The AA role is provisioned by the A/OPC in EMMA and has access to the PCOLS AIM application only. There is a limit of 30 AAs provisionable per PCOLS organization. AAs are also encouraged to complete the CLG006 course. CO Verifier (DFAS role) – This new role will allow authorized DFAS personnel to search for, view and print appointment records. This role will be provisioned by a DFAS Representative and is not visible to the procurement roles.
AIM Enhancements AIM Release 4.0 – Cont’d
28 AIM Release 4.0 – Cont’d Modification to the Training tab Modification to the Training tab The training tab has been modified to display the CO training date for A/BOs. The GPC required training in the system has been relabeled GPC Required Training. A new section will be added to the Training History page for CO Training (sections will be GPC training, CO Training, Additional Training). With this release, CO Training will be entered by the AA as part of the appointment workflow. In the future, any CO Training taken in DAU will feed to PCOLS on a daily basis.
AIM Enhancements AIM Release 4.01 – September 8, 2015
29 AIM Release 4.01 – September 8, 2015 Include A/BO on Managing Account Review s Display Cardholder address on Accounts In Progress tab Include A/BO on Managing Account Review s AIM currently sends an to the A/OPC 60 and 30 days prior to the Managing Account annual review being due as well as on the due date. With this release, the system will also include the Approving/Billing Officials (A/BOs) on these s. Benefit to users – gives a heads up to the A/BO their MA is coming due for an annual review so they can be prepared ahead of time. Display Cardholder address on Accounts In Progress tab The system will now display the Cardholder’s address in the Account Holder Name field on the Accounts In Progress tab when the cardholder’s name is not available. The Cardholder’s name is not available on a new Cardholder Account request until the Cardholder accepts their assignment by redeeming the token sent in an . With this change, the Account Holder Name will not be displayed as blank, but will contain the address where the token was sent. Benefit to users – Allows visibility of the cardholder that was nominated on the Cardholder account and the address the token nomination was sent to. Previously this field was blank until the Cardholder accepted their token nomination.
AIM Enhancements AIM Release 4.01 – Cont’d
30 AIM Release 4.01 – Cont’d Add Single Purchase Limit to Cardholder Account List Automatic Termination of Certifying Officer Appointment New Certifying Officer Training Reminder s Add Single Purchase Limit to Cardholder Account List When viewing a Managing Account, the system currently includes a list of associated Cardholder Accounts. With this release, the system will include the Cardholder Account Single Purchase Limit as part of the list. Screen print Benefit to users – Provides users with easy comparison of Single Purchase Limits on the Managing Account and all Cardholder Accounts under it. Automatic Termination of Certifying Officer Appointment AIM currently allows Certifying Officer appointment records to be created in PCOLS. With this release, the system will automatically terminate an appointment when the Certifying Officer is no longer active in DEERS. A notification will be sent to the Appointing Authority, A/OPC, and Certifying Officer. Benefit to users – Ensures compliance with Public Law (PL) , "Government Charge Card Abuse Prevention Act of 2012". Users that either “Retire” or “Separate” will be auto removed from their EMMA A/BO role as well as their Certifying Officer Appointment. New Certifying Officer Training Reminder s As part of the Certifying Officer appointment process, PCOLS captures the CO Training completion date. CO Training is required annually. With this release, the system will send a reminder to the CO 60 and 30 days prior to the annual training being due as well as on the training expiration date. CO Training taken through DAU (CLG 006) will automatically feed into PCOLS and update the training completion date and training due date. Benefit to users – Attempts to keep the user informed on upcoming training requirements they have.
AIM Enhancements AIM Release 4.01 – Cont’d
31 AIM Release 4.01 – Cont’d New Search option on Appointments tab Add Status column to Appointments tab Add Status filter of All to Appointments tab New Search option on Appointments tab With this release, the system will provide a new search feature to the A/OPC and Appointing Authority on the Appointments tab. This search will allow the user to select a provisioned A/BO and view associated appointments. Add Status column to Appointments tab With this release, the system will include the status of the appointment on the appointment tab. The appointment tab contains a status filter to allow the A/OPC and Appointing Authority to restrict the view by status. Add Status filter of All to Appointments tab The system contains a status filter to allow the A/OPC and Appointing Authority to restrict the list of appointments by status. With this release, the system will allow the user to select “All” as an option. The Status Filter options on the Appointments tab will be All, Active, Pending, and Terminated. Benefit to users – Provides additional functionality involving the CO Appointment process in AIM.
AIM Enhancements AIM Release 4.02 – December 15, 2015
32 AIM Release 4.02 – December 15, 2015 Add Account Notes field to all accounts A new field was added to all accounts in PCOLS. This field allows for the A/OPC to keep notes on the account. The notes field is a text field that can be added by the A/OPC when the account is created in PCOLS or updated on any maintenance action. Other roles associated with the account will be able to view, but not update, the notes field. Please note that an update to the notes field will replace the previous notes; the system will not maintain a history of the notes. At this time, the notes will only be available in PCOLS and will not flow to the bank. Benefit to Users: This enhancement allows easy access to any A/OPC input notes for those that are involved with the account. Add Account Notes field to all accounts At user request, a new field is being added to all accounts in PCOLS. This field will allow for the A/OPC to keep notes on the account. The notes field will be a text field that can be added by the A/OPC when the account is created in PCOLS or updated on any maintenance action. Other roles associated with the account will be able to view, but not update, the notes field. Please note that an update to the notes field will replace the previous notes; the system will not maintain a history of the notes. At this time, the notes will only be available in PCOLS and will not flow to the bank. Benefit to Users: This enhancement allows easy access to any A/OPC input notes for those that are involved with the account.
AIM Enhancements 33
AIM Enhancements AIM Release 4.02 - Cont’d
34 AIM Release Cont’d Send Bank Failure task to appropriate user AIM was enhanced to direct the workflow task to the A/OPC or RM, as appropriate, after a failed attempt to send a request to the bank. For errors related to the financial information entered by the RM the task will be assigned to the RM for revision. All other errors will result in the task being assigned to the A/OPC. Benefit to Users: This enhancement bypasses users in roles (A/BO, A/BO Supervisor or CH Supervisors) that cannot fix an issue on an account request or maintenance action that failed when submitted to the bank. These bank submission failures can only be fixed by the Resource Manager or the A/OPC. Allow Appointing Authority to terminate workflow and resend appointment task Include Inactive A/BO appointments on AA and A/OPC Appointments tab Send Bank Failure task to appropriate user AIM was enhanced to direct the workflow task to the A/OPC or RM, as appropriate, after a failed attempt to send a request to the bank. For errors related to the financial information entered by the RM the task will be assigned to the RM for revision. All other errors will result in the task being assigned to the A/OPC. Benefit to Users: This enhancement bypasses users in roles (A/BO, A/BO Supervisor or CH Supervisors) that cannot fix an issue on an account request or maintenance action that failed when submitted to the bank. These bank submission failures can only be fixed by the Resource Manager or the A/OPC. Allow AA to terminate workflow and resend appointment task The system will be enhanced to allow the Appointing Authority (AA) the ability to terminate an appointment workflow current assigned to an A/BO. In addition, the AA will have an option to resend the task to the A/BO when the task is awaiting A/BO action. These functions will be available to the AA on the Appointments tab. Include Inactive A/BO appointments on AA and AOPC Appointments tab The Appointments tab will be modified to include appointments for all A/BOs including those that are no longer active in an A/BO position. This will allow the A/OPC and AA to view appointments for past A/BOs. System Fixes - Date Reminder - Modify CH address A correction will be made to ensure that the proper Cardholder address is used for Training Reminder s. The Training Reminder will be sent to the address associated with the CAC that was used to accept their Cardholder role in PCOLS. Save as Draft is not working in CA creation AOPC role The system will be corrected to ensure the Save As Draft feature works correctly for A/OPCs creating Cardholder Accounts. Previously, the system did not save the MCCGs correctly if all were removed from the account. Correctly handle long names when sending to bank The system has been modified to correctly handle last names of A/BOs and Cardholders that are longer than 23 characters. The system has been modified to match the name validation performed by the banks when creating account. Fix GPC Training History The training history has been modified to merge the tracking of GPC required training for individuals that are both A/BOs and Cardholders. This change ensures that the training is correctly displayed under both roles. A/BO Revise button not enabled on Appointment task This correction ensures that the reject button is initially enabled on the A/BO Appointment acceptance screen.
AIM Enhancements AIM Release 4.03 – June 7, 2016
35 AIM Release 4.03 – June 7, 2016 Allow higher level user access to AIM The following PCOLS roles will now have read-only access to AIM: Purchase Card Policy Office Acquisition Executive Agent (Level 2 A/OPC) HCA Agent (Level 3 A/OPC) High-Level A/OPC A/OPC Supervisor Component Resource Manager (Level 2 RM) Major Resource Manager Intermediate Resource Manager RM Supervisor Allow higher level user access to AIM The following PCOLS roles now have read-only access to AIM: Purchase Card Policy Office Acquisition Executive Agent (Level 2 A/OPC) HCA Agent (Level 3 A/OPC) High-Level A/OPC A/OPC Supervisor Component Resource Manager (Level 2 RM) Major Resource Manager Intermediate Resource Manager RM Supervisor When logging onto AIM, users in these roles will be prompted to select a subordinate organization (either A/OPC or RM). Access will be granted at the A/OPC or RM organization level to allow the role to see accounts, tasks, and training data (A/OPC only) at the site. No action or updates can be performed in AIM by users in these roles. Benefit to Users: Provides higher level roles the ability to view account and workflow status at the A/OPC or RM level. Also, can be used as a valuable training tool for new A/OPCs or RMs.
AIM Enhancements AIM Release 4.03 - Cont’d
36 AIM Release Cont’d When logging onto AIM, users in these roles are prompted to select a subordinate organization (either A/OPC or RM). Access is granted at the A/OPC or RM organization level to allow the role to see accounts, tasks, and training data (A/OPC only) at the site. Benefit to Users: Provides higher level roles the ability to view accounts, tasks, training data and workflow status at the A/OPC or RM level. Also, can be used as a valuable training tool for new A/OPCs or RMs. System Fixes in this release– Auto Cancellation -- handle surrogate notifications The system was modified to ensure that when a surrogate user is automatically removed by the system due to the individuals status change in DEERS the notification will be sent to the user for which the individual is a surrogate. Fix Task Inbox error when associated cardholder is not found in DEERS The system was modified to handle errors that occur when a cardholder’s information is not found in DEERS for a cardholder account. The system now properly displays all tasks to the user in the Task Inbox and allows the user to select the tasks for action. However, if there is a data issue with the cardholder and no data can be retrieved from DEERS, the cardholder section of the account request will be blank. If this situation occurs, contact the PCOLS help desk for assistance/direction on resolving the issue. Add text to end of the Removed from EMMA Text has been added to the end of the sent when a user is automatically removed from EMMA to provide a contact if the individual that receives the is no longer associated with the organization. Primary A/BO address check on Alternate A/BO update The system has been modified to remove the check for the Primary A/BO work address when Alternate A/BOs are being modified. Although, all Primary A/BOs should have a work address in the system, the system will not prevent an update to the alternate A/BOs for this reason.
PCOLS Reporting Data Mining
Data Mining Enhancements
38 PCOLS Data Mining Release – May 6, 2015 Case Number search field added (two options “Find” & “Filter”) The “Find Transaction” tab and the “Filter” Section in Case Management have a Case Number section to locate flagged transactions in Data Mining
Data Mining Enhancements
39 Error handling fix for “Error 500” Resolved issue with partial flagged transaction links being pasted into internet browser Error 500 fix message displayed says: Case Number does not exist. Please ensure URL has complete case number or use Find Transactions Case Number find. The system should also direct the user to their correct TBR hierarchy so they can drill down to the case or try either of the two options in the error message again.
Data Mining Enhancements
40 PCOLS Data Mining Release Build 2 – September 13, 2015 Allow Self-Initiation of DM Cases by A/OPC The A/OPC and higher level roles in the organizations hierarchy have the ability to self-initiate DM cases. This applies to white bar transactions in either the Case Manager or Find Transactions screens. Benefit to Users: Allows higher level users to flag transactions in order to initiate an A/BO review on cases that were not flagged by the DM application. Allow Self-Initiation by A/OPC of DM Cases The A/OPC and others higher in the organizations hierarchy have the ability to self-initiate DM cases. This applies to white bar transactions in either the Case Manager or Find Transactions screens. Updates include the following: The Create button in the View column of the Account Details screen is now available to users from all hierarchy levels to self-initiate a case for A/BO review A/BO users will continue to get the standard editable case detail view while other users will get a read-only view when a case is self-initiated Benefit to Users: Allows higher level users to flag transactions in order to initiate an A/BO review on cases that were not flagged by the DM application.
Data Mining Enhancements
41 PCOLS Data Mining Release Build 3 – December 12, 2015 Updates made to the date field displays within Case Manager Two new fields added to the Case Manager to provide more relevant information to the end user. Case Created Date field Self-Initiated field Case Created Date field: Displays the date the model flags the case as at-risk or when the case has been self-initiated and this date is never updated Self-Initiated field: It will display a ‘Yes’ for self-initiated cases It will display a ‘Yes: Legacy’ for cases initially flagged as legacy that a user has taken action on It will display blank for all other cases
Data Mining Enhancements
42 PCOLS Data Mining Release Build 3 – Cont’d Update Case Manager to sort on the DATE Column The sorting capability now includes the Transaction Date column. The default sorting will be by the most current Transaction Date and highest Amount first. Update Case Manager to sort on the DATE Column Provides additional sorting on the Case Manager Account Details screen. The sorting capability will now include the Transaction Date column. The default sorting will be by the most current Transaction Date and highest Amount first.
PCOLS Reporting PCOLS Reporting
PCOLS Reporting Enhancements
44 PCOLS Reporting Release 1.17 – March 19, 2015 Updated the Purchase Card Report with the following: Changes to Special Designations The selection criteria were modified to match what is currently in AIM. A radio button was added for "None". This will offer the option for users to print out reports only for cards that have nothing assigned. 3 new special designations for cardholder accounts were also added: Micro-purchases Intra-governmental Payments Contract Vehicle orders Benefit to Users: Allows for purchase card report results to be narrowed down to specific Special Designations RM Pool members now allowed to access this report
PCOLS Reporting Enhancements
45 PCOLS Reporting Release 1.17 – Cont’d Updated the Purchase Card Report with the following: Report criteria page updates The Report criteria page has been modified to allow the user to easily identify the level of the organization they want to select. Once the level of the organization is selected, only organizations at that level are shown for selection The Report was modified to only display active organizations on the Organization selection box on the report criteria page. Handling of long criteria This enhancement was made to only print the report criteria on the first page so that the rest of the pages can be printed normally Purchase Card Account display The Purchase Card Report was modified so that only Active Cardholder Accounts are displayed. Report criteria page updates The Report was modified to only display active organizations on the Organization selection box on the report criteria page. The Report criteria page has been modified to allow the user to easily identify the level of the organization they want to select. Once the level of the organization is selected, only organizations at that level are shown for selection The report criteria page has been corrected to ensure that when a user is removed from a role in an organization that organization is no longer available for selection. Handling of long criteria This enhancement was made to only print the report criteria on the first page so that the rest of the pages can be printed normally. Purchase Card Report - including MA Cancelled accounts The Purchase Card Report was modified so that only Active Cardholder Accounts will be displayed. Currently, the report is including accounts that are associated with a Managing Account in Cancelled status. This modification has resolved the issue. Resource Manager was unable to see all associated accounts when selecting their organization The Purchase Card Report was modified so that all associated accounts for Resource Managers will be displayed correctly.
PCOLS Reporting Enhancements
RAD Enhancements RAD Release 1.02 – February 23, 2016
48 RAD Release 1.02 – February 23, 2016 New Control 5.3: A/OPC Response Rate A new control has been added for A/OPC independent review response rate. This control identifies an A/OPC failure to perform an independent review of a high risk transaction within sixteen business days of A/BO review completion. New Control 5.3: A/OPC Response Rate A new control has been added for A/OPC independent review response rate. This control identifies an A/OPC failure to perform an independent review of a high risk transaction within sixteen business days of A/BO review. There are two types of exceptions reported by this control: Cases that were closed within the past 3 cycles and the Independent Review was performed in the current cycle after more than 16 business days (between close date and IR date). Cases that were closed within the past 3 cycles that have no IR as of the cycle end date excluding those that are in Legacy status or were closed within 16 business days of the end of cycle. Note: This control only looks at high risk cases, those with a score over The A/OPC receives High Risk Notifications on each of these cases.
RAD Enhancements RAD Release 1.02 – Cont’d
49 RAD Release 1.02 – Cont’d Addition of Case Details on Exceptions A link to case information has been added to the exception page for exceptions that have a Data Mining case associated. This change affects the following controls: Control 5.2 A/BO Response Rate Control 5.3 A/OPC Response Rate Control 5.4: Flagged Transaction Determination Control 5.5: Convenience Check Amounts Benefit to Users: Provides detailed case information for the user if they need to investigate further exceptions related to Data mining cases. Addition of Case Details on Exceptions A link to case information has been added to the exception page for exceptions that have a Data Mining case associated. This change affects the following controls: Control 5.2 A/BO Response Rate Control 5.3 A/OPC Response Rate Control 5.4: Flagged Transaction Determination Control 5.5: Convenience Check Amounts Clicking on the transaction amount link will display the following related Data Mining Case information: Cardholder Account Number Cardholder Name Managing Account Number Primary A/BO Name Data Mining Case Number DM Case Status A/BO Disposition A/BO Review Date Case Reviewed by name Independent Review Status Independent Review Disposition Independent Review Date Independent Review performed by (name)
Risk Assessment Dashboard (RAD)
Select “Transaction Amount” to continue drill down on specifics of the case from Data Mining The transaction amount is linked to give access to the Data Mining case information.
Risk Assessment Dashboard (RAD)
Specific case information is displayed
RAD Enhancements RAD Release 1.02 – Cont’d
52 RAD Release 1.02 – Cont’d Increase Convenience Check control to $3,500 Control 5.5 Convenience Check Amounts was updated to reflect the new micro-purchase limit of $3,500. The Control name and description was updated to reflect $3,500. The control was modified to flag as exceptions convenience checks over $3,500 instead of $3,000.
Future PCOLS Enhancements
53 Active Engineering Change Proposals (ECP)s ECP Application Project Details Priority Status/ Next Step 80 EMMA Indicator for Pending User ● Currently, EMMA does not differentiate between a pending (provisionally provisioned) user and full/complete provisioning. Previously, users that had not accepted their role within EMMA had "(pending acceptance)" appended to their name within their role in EMMA. ● Add feature functionality that provides an indication that a user is "pending acceptance" of the role in EMMA. A-1 EMMA release pending 58 AIM Delegations of Procurement Authority & PCOLS Appointment Letter Process ● Delegations of Procurement Authority ● Automate PCOLS Appointment Letter Process ● Electronically store PCOLS Appointment Letter A-2 Requirements being defined 76 RPTS A/BO Missing Report ● Identify gaps in Approving Official oversight ● Report on Managing Accounts that do not have an A/BO and do not have an Alternate A/BO A-3 Requirements defined, deployment anticipated after SAS cutover 68 Create Report for Gaps in Hierarchies ● Report to determine where there are gaps in the organizations EMMA Hierarchy(users assigned to accounts that are inactive in EMMA) ● A/OPC to use report to take action to fill gaps in the hierarchy A-4 Requirements to be defined by Reporting working group 66 User Change Currently, s are received from PCOLS for users that have been removed from EMMA or a Personnel Change Review is required. The lists the name that is being removed or requires a review to potentially be removed. Often the change is for the Cardholder Supervisor Role. The enhancement will add a block to the that will list associated account numbers and A/BOs or Cardholder (dependent upon the role affected). A-5 Requirements completed. Approved by the ORC 7/20/2016
Future PCOLS Enhancements
54 Example ECP #66
Future PCOLS Enhancements
55 Active Engineering Change Proposals (ECP)s ECP Application Project Details Priority Status/ Next Step 28 RPTS Filtered Transaction Report ● Currently, Data Mining does not have the ability to provide filtered transaction reporting. This Report will pull purchase card transaction data to allow viewing of specific transactions. ● Required report for audit purposes. A-7 Requirements defined, deployment anticipated after SAS cutover 60 AIM Add Higher Level Roles for Access to AIM Allow higher level users read-only access to AIM A-8 Implemented in AIM 4.03 Release June 7, 2016 78 Program Management Report Updates ● Update the report to accurately represent change from $3,00 MTP to $3,500. ● Additionally, make the report more user friendly. A-9 77 Update DD 577 PCOLS Process ● Allow A/OPC to kick off CO Appointment Process draft ● Potentially Allow A/BO Supervisor to kick off CO Appointment Process A-10 Requirement Defined. 32 EMMA Component Reorganizations/TBR Changes ● PCPO took action at June 2015 ORC to draft policy for the short term. ● EMMA feature functionality would allow EMMA Admin to instigate changes. A-11 Policy Drafted 79 Alternate Solution to Position Acceptance ● Currently, EMMA sends an with a link for user to redeem token. Also, there is no feature functionality to resend an . ● Add feature functionality to allow user to accept the position without receiving an . Options include acceptance on the EMMA home page as well as a direct position acceptance URL for those that can't logon to EMMA. A-13 EMMA release pending
Help Desk Contact Info Help Desk concerns or complex requests Jim Tew, and LaKeisha Gill, and Ginger Tejada, and PCOLS Help Desk (Operation Hours: 24x7) Phone: ,com or DSN PCOLS Website at DAU Acquisition Community Connection Web address - Content - System User Manuals, Release Notices, Enhancement Request Forms, Interactive Tutorials, Training Snippets, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), Webinar schedule and access info, Links to all CLG Training courses Dependent upon time go to DAU PCOLS Training page
BACKUP SLIDE PCOLS Appointment workflow Policy Memo
58 BACKUP SLIDE PCOLS Appointment workflow Policy Memo
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