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A crossover: Language and Culture

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Presentation on theme: "A crossover: Language and Culture"— Presentation transcript:

1 A crossover: Language and Culture

2 Language / Culture relationship
Claire Kramsh: Language express culture Language embody culture Sapir-Whorf hypothesis: Language determine culture Cultural pie analogy: Human experience as the substance Culture as the shape Language as the knife

3 My concept Language Experience Culture

4 Case analysis McDonald’s and Starbucks in Hong Kong
Aspects for comparison Linguistically created experiences Official names Printed materials Language policy Experience influenced language Popular names

5 McDonald's in Hong Kong Established in 1975
The first McDonald's restaurant was located at Paterson Street, Causeway Bay. Over 200 McDonald's restaurants in Hong Kong today.

6 Starbucks in Hong Kong Established in 2000
The first Starbucks coffee house was located at Exchange Square in Central. Number of Starbucks coffee houses by year: 2000 ~ 9 2001 ~ 24 2002 ~ 35

7 Official name of McDonald’s

8 Official name of Starbucks

9 Printed material of McDonald’s

10 Printed material of Starbucks

11 Language Policy McDonald’s Starbucks
Cantonese is used for taking order for local customers. Starbucks English (Italian) is used for taking order for whatever kinds of customers.

12 Popular names McDonald’s Starbucks 麥當勞 (muck dong lou) M記 (em gei)
麥記 (muck gei) 老麥 (lou muck) Starbucks

13 Conclusion Language Experience Culture

14 Bibliography The relationship of language and culture. In Claire Kramsch, Language and culture Dialects and registers for language use. In Fern Johnson, Speaking culturally

15 The End Questions??




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