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1 Shakespeare

2 OBJECTIVES: Be able to appreciate that Shakespeare’s plays can be performed and interpreted in different ways, remaining relevant in the 21st century.

3 What do you know about Shakespeare?
What type of plays did he write? What did he do? Who were his audience? What do you know about Shakespeare? Why do we still study him? When did he live? Where are his plays performed

4 This task (in groups) is about you being able to see how texts are shaped around ideas and how Shakespeare took certain concepts or topics and put them into a dramatic form. Play Quote from play Glossary The Tempest (Prospero uses magic to reclaim his dukedom and find a husband for his daughter, Miranda) I must obey: his art is of such power, it would control my dam’s god, Setebos, and make a vassal of him. Prospero – old Duke Dam – (his) mother Vassal – holder of land Style/Language – Obey, Art, Power, Control Characterisation –’I must obey’ suggests slave/prisoner Also their clothes suggest an imbalance of relationship Plot & structure- reclaiming his dukedom - power Setting/atomosphere – appears a dark place Viewpoint – through somebody who is scared Social/context Emotions conveyed through actors Get student to read the text and possibly interpret

5 Level 5 - Select one photo/text and explain what you can see in the photograph and how it links to the language to the photo. Level 6+ - Analyse in detail how Shakespeare’s language alongside performance creates drama/effect.

6 Peer Assessment - You should –
Identify what has been done well Explain why it has been done well Use of one these to help you ..... To improve your answer, try to use more... Focus on including more... The most effective part was ....because ... I prefer this ... because...


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