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How do you think broadcasting advertisements are regulated? – starter

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1 How do you think broadcasting advertisements are regulated? – starter
I believe that broadcast advertisements are regulated in a way that they have to keep certain rules. I think that it also depends on where they are advertising since certain platforms may be more lenient on what they want to show. Also depending on what time the advertisements are being shown depends on what they can show.

2 1, 5, 6, 2, 3, 4, 9, 15, 33,

3 1 ‘1.2 - Advertisements must be prepared with a sense of responsibility to the audience and to society.’ they need to be responsible as children are easily influenced and might try to recreate the advert and injure themselves.

4 3 ‘3.5 - Subjective claims must not mislead the audience; advertisements must not imply that expressions of opinion are objective claims.’ Children shouldn’t have the opinion of the shoe company forced onto them as they should be able to decide for themselves whether they like them or not. ‘ Advertisements must not mislead by exaggerating the capability or performance of a product or service.’ If the shoe company exaggerates what the shoe can do, for example if it is a sports shoe, the child might be injured.

5 5 ‘ If it includes a price, an advertisement for a children's product or service must not use qualifiers such as "only" or "just" to make the price seem less expensive.’ By downplaying the price of the children’s shoes it may make the children more persuaded to get the shoes but the parents may not be able to afford the shoes still. By saying ‘only’ or ‘just’ it will make the child feel like their parent just doesn’t want to get the shoes since they are ‘only’ this much which makes them seem very affordable. ‘5.4 - Advertisements must not condone or encourage bullying.’ For children’s shoes if a bullying storyline is included into the advertisement it may make the children viewing the advert feel superior if they have the shoes and if they don’t have the shoes they might be more self conscious and likely to get bullied.

6 6 ‘6.1 - living persons must not be featured, caricatured or referred to in advertisements without their permission.’ The parents of the children need to give their consent before making the advert.

7 Reflection I was very surprised with the regulations that I had found since there was a lot more rules than I had expected. There was a number of rules for each of the 37 titles. I did think that the rules would vary for what the type of product is and who it is aimed for and that is something that I found out is correct. I did not expect to find out that there are certain phrases which you are unable to say in children’s adverts, for example adding ‘only’ before saying the price.

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