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Application Guidelines

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Presentation on theme: "Application Guidelines"— Presentation transcript:

1 Application Guidelines

2 GOAL Develop a uniform and consistent method of organizing and presenting customer projects

3 Ask the right questions - Data Sheets
Gather Ask the right questions - Data Sheets Define the Duty – Brian will be happy Select Consistent product sizing methods Supporting Data – Supplier lifetime calculations Present Proposed NAHI template Store Hard copy – Internal Electronic – External

4 Proposed NAHI template
Today we will concentrate: Gather Data Sheets Define the Duty Present Proposed NAHI template

5 Select Store Consistent product sizing methods
2010 NAHI develop: Select Consistent product sizing methods Supplier Supporting Data Store Hard copy – Internal Electronic – External

6 Data Sheets Gather Hydrostatic Pumps and Motors LSHT Motors
Track Drives Wheel Drives In Line Gearboxes Winch Drives Winches Slew Drives Pump Drives

7 Define the Duty Gather Lifetime of the drive How many hours per day
Estimated Starts and Stops Number of cycles Percentage of time operating at a defined output torque and speed

8 NAHI proposal template
Present NAHI proposal template Key components of the proposal: History Work scope – included / excluded Contact information Description of components Major Nomenclature Data sheets and supporting information Proposal Terms of sale

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