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Digital Humanities and Translation Theory Testing:

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Humanities and Translation Theory Testing:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Humanities and Translation Theory Testing:
A Triangulation- based Methodology James Luke Hadley

2 Theories have tended to be:
Founded on Abstract or undefinable concepts Based on post-hoc rationalization of translators’ actions culturally or linguistically bound

3 Translation studies today is characterized by:
A Profusion of relatively isolated case studies Scholars who tend to have narrow contextual or thematic focuses

4 The effects include: Theory is gradually becoming less relevant
A small number of theories is “applied” in a large proportion of case studies Theories are frequently criticised, but rarely developed Contexts in which hegemonic theories are not useful receive little attention

5 Use this situation to Create and answer new research questions
Digital Humanities can Use this situation to Create and answer new research questions

6 Why are so many indirect translations described as “domesticating”?
Initial Question: Why are so many indirect translations described as “domesticating”?

7 indirect translation:
Text A  text B indirect translation: Text A  text B  Text C (etc)

8 Theoretical Apparatus:
Clem robyns “Translation and discursive identity” Poetics today 15:3:

9 The discursive identity spectrum
Perspectives on the alterity of source cultures

10 Boolean parameters 2

11 Cultural peculiarities
#1 Either retained or omitted Cultural peculiarities

12 Either visible or invisible
#2 Either visible or invisible Source culture

13 “Stands” 4

14 Cultural peculiarities
#1 Cultural peculiarities Omitted Imperialist Source culture Invisible

15 Cultural peculiarities
#2 Cultural peculiarities Omitted Defensive Source culture Visible

16 Cultural peculiarities
#3 Cultural peculiarities Retained Defective Source culture Invisible

17 Cultural peculiarities
#4 Cultural peculiarities Trans- discursive Retained Source culture Visible

18 Possible combinations
1 6

19 Translator 1 4 ( Possible stands ) x Translator 2 4 Possible stands

20 + = + = + = + = + = + = + = + = + = =9/16 Imperialist Imperialist
Defensive = Imperialist Imperialist + Defective = Imperialist Imperialist + Trans-discursive = Imperialist Defensive + Imperialist = Imperialist Defective + Imperialist = Imperialist Trans-discursive + Imperialist = Imperialist Defensive + Defective = Imperialist Defective + Defensive = Imperialist =9/16

21 + = + = + = =3/16 Defensive Defensive Defensive Defensive Defensive
Trans-discursive = Defensive Trans-discursive + Defensive = Defensive =3/16

22 + = + = + = =3/16 Defective Defective Defective Defective Defective
Trans-discursive = Defective Trans-discursive + Defective = Defective =3/16

23 Trans-discursive Trans-discursive + Trans-discursive = =1/16

24 General Rules: 3

25 If any translation is imperialist
#1 If any translation is imperialist In indirect translations The End result will be imperialist

26 If there is any combination of defective and defensive
#2 If there is any combination of defective and defensive In indirect translations The End result will be imperialist

27 Only If both translations are trans-discursive
#3 Only If both translations are trans-discursive In indirect translations Will The End result be trans-discursive

28 The Concatenation Effect

29 Methodology Build a corpus of global translation research (link)
Identify source- target links pertaining to indirect translations

30 Methodology Use this existing research to create a meta-analysis.
Test the hypothesis in as wide a range of contexts as possible

31 Methodology Identify the limits and limitations of the hypothesis
Modify the hypothesis

32 Benefits Not limited to examples in languages spoken by researcher.
Easy to categorise and subcategorise examples. Easy to test hypotheses on large numbers of examples. Triangulation means that conclusions are based on consensus. Able to create new connections between extant research.

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