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The lifetime of the Higgs boson

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1 The lifetime of the Higgs boson
Nikhef ATLAS outing, June Ivo van Vulpen

2 The lifetime of the Higgs boson
τh = [s] Higgs boson: τZ = [s] Z-boson: If the Higgs boson can decay to non-SM particles it decays faster  Measuring the lifetime of the Higgs boson is crucial

3 Higgs boson decays

4 Higgs boson decay SM predicts decay rates and lifetime ( )
Higgs decay to fermions f h λf f SM predicts decay rates and lifetime ( )

5 Higgs boson decay SM predicts decay rates and lifetime ( )
Higgs decay to fermions f h λf f Tristan SM predicts decay rates and lifetime ( ) Note: cross-section relative to SM

6 Higgs boson width (inverse lifetime)
Total Higgs width is the sum of the partial widths: Γ=ΣΓi Higgs boson width mh= 125 GeV  Γh= 4.07 MeV uncertainty ~ 3% The Higgs boson lifetime decreases with its mass

7 Higgs production cross-section

8 Breit-Wigner & width

9 Lifetime 1) ensemble (radio-activity): 2) single particle B C A t t+Δt
Unstable particles do not have a well-defined mass

10 Quantummechanical description of single particle decay
stable particle: unstable particle: Rewrite as sum of well-defined energy states (Fourier): Pmax Breit-Wigner Γ Pmax/2 Contribution individual energy (mass) states: E0-Γ/2 E0 E0+Γ/2

11 Direct measurement of Γh

12 Direct measurement of Γh
~4 MeV ~1000 MeV

13 uncertainties on 4-lepton mass
Antonio Castelli 4-muon invariant mass uncertainties on 4-lepton mass 4 electrons 4 muons

14 Direct measurement of Γh
Limited by resolution on the 4-lepton invariant mass CMS-HIG PAS observed expected mh= ± 0.21 GeV Γh < 1.10 GeV

15 Invisible Higgs decays

16 Invisible width of the Higgs boson
q W/Z Higgs DM DM Higgs DM invisible Higgs decay invisible Higgs decay Gabriele

17 Indirect measurement of Γh

18 Access to Γh: cross-section ratio
Ratio ~Γh, …. but off-shell cross-section is tiny

19 Indirect measurement A higgsZZ B qqZZ C ggZZ
Interference between A and C: (A+C)2 = A2 + C2 + 2AC tiny Not so tiny !!!

20 Indirect measurement Enrich in ggZZ (vs qq)
QCD & EW corrections, missing NLO ggZZ diagrams (shape+rate) - Multiple final states: 4l, 2l2v, … - interpretation in terms of Γh (theory) Now working on it: Jochen, Birgit, Peter Warming up: Hella, Ivo + PhD student Birgit

21 Limits on Higgs width ATLAS CMS Γh < 22.7 MeV Γh < 13 MeV

22 The lifetime of the Higgs boson
Interesting and crucial measurement ATL-PHYS-PUB Γh = MeV (stat+syst) 3000 fb-1

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