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Complications of abdominal surgery

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1 Complications of abdominal surgery
M K Alam Professor of Surgery AlMaarefa College

2 Patient No.1 A 35-year old male: 3 days of abdominal pain Examination: features of generalized peritonitis. ?

3 He was prepared for surgery
He was prepared for surgery At laparotomy – features of generalized peritonitis. Perforated appendix was found. Appendectomy, & peritoneal lavage was done. Abdomen was closed with a drain in situ. Postoperatively: NPO, IV fluid & broad spectrum antibiotics

4 Post-operative period
Day 1-4: Steady improvement Afebrile, drain removed Progressed from fluid to normal diet. Day 5: Temp. 38°C, loose motion- twice. Why ? Possible causes of fever. Why loose motion?

5 Postoperative fever- causes
SSI - Superficial - Deep - Deep space infection DVT UTI Pulmonary atelectasis (day 1-2) Chest infection


7 Post-operative diarrhea- causes
Pelvic collection: passage of mucous with diarrhoea is pathognomonic. Pseudomembranous colitis Food poisoning / gastro-enteritis

8 Postoperative fever- management
History: chest symptoms, urinary symptoms, abdominal pain, wound site pain, leg pain, nature & number of loose motion. Examination: General, IV sites, chest, abdomen (wound, abdomen), P/R, Lower limb(DVT)

9 This patient E: normal Chest clear
Lower limb: no swelling or tenderness Abdomen: wound looks OK, P/R- bulging anteriorly, tenderness. Significance of the finding? What to do?

10 Investigations CBC CXR, ?AXR U/S abdomen & pelvis CT scan

11 U/S Pelvic abscess CT

12 Management Conservative- very small collection may resolve
Trans-rectal drainage CT guided drainage: Trans-rectal, Percutaneous suprapubic

13 Patient no. 2 40- year old female admitted with features of acute cholecystitis. Diagnosis confirmed by ultrasound. CBC & LFT- normal. Responded well to conservative management. Q: What is her further management?

14 Further management plan
Cholecystectomy on next operation list ? ?Preconditions: Interval cholecystectomy after 6-12 weeks? ?Disadvantages:

15 Management of patient 2 Cholecystectomy on next list- 2 days after admission. Difficult laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Left a drain in subhepatic area. 1st postoperative day: Temp 38°C, pulse 100/ min. Abdomen mildly distended, sluggish bowel sounds. Drain 90 ml darkish fluid. Sips of water+ IV fluid

16 Management 2nd postoperative day: Temp 37.8°C, pulse 90/ min.
Vomited twice in last 24 hours. Abdomen mildly distended, non-tender, sluggish bowel sound. Drain 175 ml dark green. IV fluid + NPO What next?

17 Post-cholecystectomy bile leak
Biliary tract injury. Proximal bowel injury- ? Duodenum Bowe injury unlikely in this patient. Why?

18 Management- suspected bile leak

19 US & CT

20 Types of biliary tract injuries

21 Management of bile leak
Establish and maintain adequate drainage. Drain was left in situ at the initial procedure- draining bile. If not- ultrasound scan guided percutaneous guided drain. Antibiotics and a daily assessment of drain output. Drainage: <200 ml/day & reducing daily- likely to stop on its own. Persistent drainage > 200 ml/day – ERCP indicated ERCP: cystic duct leak- internal stent (5-7 cm) Abdominal drain removed once it stops drainage Stent removed in 6-8 weeks Other CBD injury- surgical intervention

22 Cystic duct leak post-cholecystectomy

23 CBD stent

24 Causes of cystic duct leak
Clips not properly applied Pressure necrosis from too tight application Distal obstruction- stone in CBD

25 CBD injury

26 Patient No. 3 C- hemodynamically unstable RTA victim, Conscious
AB –stable C- hemodynamically unstable Rapid crystalloid infusion CBC, U/E, cross match FAST- splenic injury, free fluid in peritoneum Management ?

27 Management Consent for surgery. Urgent laparotomy- midline incision.
Splenic injury with massive hemoperitoneum. Perisplenic packing. Blood sucked out.

28 Management Splenectomy. No other injury
Abdomen closed with a tube drain

29 Post-operative management
Day 1-3 Hemodynamically stable Initially- NPO+ IV fluid, Later allowed oral feeding 2 units of PCV to raise Hb above 10g/dl Pneumococcal vaccination Antibiotic

30 Post-operative management
Drain: Day 1 - bloody, 150 cc Day 2- serous 120 cc Day 3- turbid fluid 150 cc, Day 4- turbid fluid 230 cc Drainage fluid contained very high level of amylase Cause?

31 Pancreatic fistula Causes: Operative trauma, Complication of acute/ chronic pancreatitis

32 Pancreatic fistula- management
Skin care Electrolyte & nutrition- NPO+TPN ERCP & pancreatic duct stenting Octreotide Repeated CT scan to rule any other collection PCD- for other collections

33 Thank you!

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