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Natural Environments: The Atmosphere

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1 Natural Environments: The Atmosphere
GG 101 – Spring 2005 Boston University Myneni Lecture 07: Atmosphere-Surface-Energy-Budget Feb-04-05 (6 of 12) Shortwave Radiation Budget Typically, to aid with discussion, we use ‘dimensionless units’ where 100 represents an amount equal to what comes from the sun Reflection (Albedo): 3% reflected to space by atmosphere 19% reflected by clouds 9% reflected by the surface Absorption in the atmosphere: 18% absorbed by atmosphere 3% absorbed by clouds Absorption by the surface: 48% absorbed at the surface This radiation is absorbed, heats the surface and is converted to Longwave radiation Sensible and latent heat

2 Natural Environments: The Atmosphere
GG 101 – Spring 2005 Boston University Myneni Lecture 07: Atmosphere-Surface-Energy-Budget Feb-04-05 (8 of 12) Longwave Radiation Budget We will continue use the dimensional units From surface: 6% escapes to space 107% is radiated by surface and absorbed by atmosphere From Atmosphere: 97% is re-radiated by atmosphere and is absorbed by the surface 63% is re-radiated to atmosphere and escapes Why is more radiation emitted from the surface of the earth than is absorbed through solar radiation? Because of the “Natural Greenhouse Effect”

3 Natural Environments: The Atmosphere
GG 101 – Spring 2005 Boston University Myneni Lecture 07: Atmosphere-Surface-Energy-Budget Feb-04-05 (10 of 12) Surface Radiation Balance 48 Solar Radiation Heating Incoming Solar Radiation 48 Incoming Longwave Radiation 97 Total Cooling Outgoing Longwave Radiation 113 Latent Heat 22 Sensible Heat 10 Total

4 Natural Environments: The Atmosphere
GG 101 – Spring 2005 Boston University Myneni Lecture 07: Atmosphere-Surface-Energy-Budget Feb-04-05 (11 of 12) Atmospheric Radiation Balance Heating Cooling Incoming Solar Radiation 21 Incoming Longwave Radiation 107 Latent Heat 22 Sensible Heat 10 Total Outgoing Longwave Radiation (to space) 63 (to Earth) 97 Total

5 Natural Environments: The Atmosphere
GG 101 – Spring 2005 Boston University Myneni Lecture 07: Atmosphere-Surface-Energy-Budget Feb-04-05 (12 of 12) Global Radiation Balance Incoming Solar Radiation 100 Total Reflected to space 31 Longwave Radiation from Earth 6 Longwave Radiation from Atmos. 63 Total

A simplified model of the Earth-Atmosphere energy system – notice that incoming transmission of daytime solar radiation is balanced by outputs of earth radiation transmission at night. CLOUD ALBEDO FORCING Cloud Albedo Forcing refers to an increase in albedo caused by reflection of solar radiation by clouds (A) CLOUD GREENHOUSE FORCING Cloud Greenhouse Forcing refers to an increase in atmospheric temperatures caused by absorption of solar radiation by clouds (B) NIGHT A DAY B

(A): High clouds [ice-crystals cirrus clouds] transmit almost all of insolation but absorb & delay outgoing long wave terrestrial radiation, producing a net-warming effect LOW CLOUDS HAVE A NET ALBEDO FORCING & ATMOSPHERIC COOLING EFFECT (B): Low clouds [thick stratus/cumulonimbus clouds] reflect most of incoming shortwave & radiate long wave infrared to space, producing a net-cooling effect

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