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The Greenhouse Effect & Climate Change

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Presentation on theme: "The Greenhouse Effect & Climate Change"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Greenhouse Effect & Climate Change
Biolog everl Y

2 What is the Greenhouse Effect?
Vital to the existence of life

3 What is the Greenhouse Effect?
Vital to the existence of life What is a Greenhouse? Glass building used to collect heat to grow plants Glass traps heat to keep the plants warm

4 What is the Greenhouse Effect?
Vital to the existence of life What is a Greenhouse? Glass building used to collect heat to grow plants The Natural Greenhouse Effect

5 What is the Greenhouse Effect?
Vital to the existence of life What is a Greenhouse? Glass building used to collect heat to grow plants The Natural Greenhouse Effect The gases in the atmosphere trap heat close to the surface of the Earth Warms the planet H2O CH4 CO2 CO2 CH4 H2O H2O CH4 CO2 CO2 CH4 H2O H2O CH4 CO2 H2O

6 What is the Greenhouse Effect?
Vital to the existence of life What is a Greenhouse? Glass building used to collect heat to grow plants The Natural Greenhouse Effect The gases in the atmosphere trap heat close to the surface of the Earth Warms the planet This porridge is too cold. Mars Has a much thinner atmosphere. Therefore, little heat is trapped. Frozen planet.

7 What is the Greenhouse Effect?
Vital to the existence of life What is a Greenhouse? Glass building used to collect heat to grow plants The Natural Greenhouse Effect The gases in the atmosphere trap heat close to the surface of the Earth Warms the planet This porridge is too hot. Venus Has a very thick atmosphere. Therefore, much heat is trapped. Hottest planet in solar system.

8 What is the Greenhouse Effect?
Vital to the existence of life What is a Greenhouse? Glass building used to collect heat to grow plants The Natural Greenhouse Effect The gases in the atmosphere trap heat close to the surface of the Earth Warms the planet Problem: Out of balance This porridge is just right. Earth Has a life giving atmosphere that traps just enough heat.

9 Out of Balance Earth is getting warmer

10 Out of Balance Earth is getting warmer Human actions
Burning of fossil fuels (CO2) Automobiles Industry Homes

11 Out of Balance Earth is getting warmer Human actions
Burning of fossil fuels (CO2) Automobiles Industry Homes Agriculture Overuse of fertilizers (NO2) Overproduction of farm animals (CH4)

12 Out of Balance Earth is getting warmer Human actions
Burning of fossil fuels (CO2) Automobiles Industry Homes Agriculture Overuse of fertilizers (NO2) Overproduction of farm animals (CH4) Deforestation Reduced photosynthetic plants that absorbs CO2

13 Out of Balance Earth is getting warmer Human actions
Burning of fossil fuels (CO2) Automobiles Industry Homes Agriculture Overuse of fertilizers (NO2) Overproduction of farm animals (CH4) Deforestation Reduced photosynthetic plants that absorbs CO2 Water pollution Reduced photosynthetic algae that absorbs CO2

14 Out of Balance Earth is getting warmer Human actions
Burning of fossil fuels (CO2) Automobiles Industry Homes Agriculture Overuse of fertilizers (NO2) Overproduction of farm animals (CH4) Deforestation Reduced photosynthetic plants that absorbs CO2 Water pollution Reduced photosynthetic algae that absorbs CO2 CO2 CO2 CH4 CO2 H2O H2O CO2 H2O CO2 CH4 CH4 CH4 H2O CO2 CH4 H2O CO2 CO2 CO2 H2O CH4 H2O CH4 CH4 H2O CO2 H2O CO2 CH4 H2O CH4 H2O CO2 CH4 H2O

15 Consequences of a Warming Planet
Melting of glaciers and ice caps Rising sea levels

16 Consequences of a Warming Planet
Melting of glaciers and ice caps Rising sea levels More severe weather and storms Droughts Reduction of crop production

17 Consequences of a Warming Planet
Melting of glaciers and ice caps Rising sea levels More severe weather and storms Droughts Reduction of crop production Spread of disease Coral Bleaching

18 The Science Since the Industrial Revolution, the rate of CO2 in the atmosphere has greatly increased Correlation between CO2 increase and temperature increase Computer models suggest a continual warming of Earth

19 Take Action Global cooperation needed
Paris Agreement: Nations have pledged to reduce their greenhouse gas emission Reduce fossil fuel usage Better fuel efficiency Carpool Bike/Walk Adjust heat/air conditioner Alternative energy Reforestation Promotion of organic farming

20 Review Quiz How is the greenhouse effect beneficial?
Name 3 greenhouse gases. Name examples of fossil fuels. Which greenhouse gas is mainly released from the burning of fossil fuels? Fertilizers add which greenhouse gas to the environment? Cattle and farm animals add which greenhouse gas to the environment? Which greenhouse gas is absorbed and removed from the atmosphere as a result of photosynthetic life? Why are organic foods a way to lessen the effects of climate change?

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