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14th Edition A Study of Interrelationships

2 Outline 10.1 The Status of Renewable Energy
10.2 Major Kinds of Renewable Energy 10.3 Energy Conversion

3 10.1 The Status of Renewable Energy
Currently, alternative energy sources supply almost 13% of the world’s total energy. Some studies suggest these sources could provide half of the world’s energy needs by 2050. Renewable sources will become much more important as fossil fuel supplies become more expensive. Biomass conversion Hydroelectric power Solar energy Wind energy Geothermal energy Tidal power

4 World Energy Consumption (2011)

5 Biomass Conversion All biomass is produced by green plants that convert sunlight into plant material through photosynthesis. Biomass fulfilled almost all of humankind’s energy needs prior to the Industrial Revolution. Biomass is still the predominant form of energy used by people in less-developed countries.

6 Major Types of Biomass There are several sources of biomass energy:
Fuelwood Municipal and industrial wastes Agricultural crop residues and animal wastes Energy plantations

7 Fuelwood In less-developed countries, fuelwood has been a major energy source for centuries. Fuelwood is the primary energy source for nearly half the world’s population. Due to intense population growth, an estimated 1.3 billion people cannot get enough fuelwood, or are using it faster than rate of regeneration. It is a source of air pollution and particulate matter.

8 Wood Use for Cooking

9 Waste Waste is a major source of biomass and other burnable materials produced by society. The burning of solid waste only makes economic sense when the cost of waste disposal is taken into account. Using municipal waste as a source of energy: Reduces landfill volume. Requires large volume and dependable supply, and must be sorted. Produces air pollution, including pollutants not found in other forms of biomass.

10 Crop Residues and Animal Wastes
Materials left over following the harvest of a crop (e.g., straw and stalks) can be used as biomass fuel. Animal dung is dried and burned or processed in anaerobic digesters to provide a burnable gas.

11 Energy plantations Many crops, including sugar beets, sugar cane, corn, grains, kelp, and palm oil can be grown for the express purpose of energy production. Two factors determine whether a crop is suitable for energy use: Good energy crops have a very high yield of dry material per unit of land. The amount of energy that can be produced from a biomass crop must be more than the amount of energy required to grow a crop.

12 Biomass Conversion Technologies
There are several technologies capable of converting biomass into energy: Direct combustion Burning biomass in fires to cook food or heat homes. Biofuels production Fermentation converts plant sugars to ethanol, which is used as an energy source. Anaerobic digestion Green, wet biomass and animal waste is broken down by anaerobic bacteria, producing methane and CO2. Pyrolysis A thermo chemical process that converts biomass to a more useful fuel such as charcoal.

13 Methane Digester

14 Environmental Issues Habitat and biodiversity loss Air pollution
1.3 billion people cannot obtain wood, or harvest it faster than it grows. Much forest has been destroyed in Asia and Africa. Desertification has increased in these regions. Air pollution Burning wood produces air pollution. Smoke, particulates, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons contribute to ill health.

15 Hydroelectric Power Hydroelectric power is created when flowing water is captured and turned into electricity. Damming a river and storing water in a reservoir is the most common method. Pumped storage plants use two reservoirs separated by a significant elevation difference. The potential for developing hydroelectric power is best in mountainous regions and large river valleys. The World Energy Council estimates that it would be technically possible to triple the electricity produced by hydropower with current technology.

16 Hydroelectric Power Hydroelectric power currently supplies 16% of world’s electricity. In South and Central America, 65% of electricity used comes from hydroelectric power. Norway gets 95% of its electricity and 50% of all its energy from hydroelectric power. Construction of “mini hydro” (less than 10 megawatts) and “micro hydro” (less than 1 megawatt) plants is increasing; these plants can be built in remote places and supply electricity to small areas.

17 Hydroelectric Power Plant

18 Environmental Issues Reservoir construction causes significant environmental and social damage. Loss of farmland or forest land due to flooding Community relocation Prevention of fish migrations Trapping of silt fills in reservoir and stops flow of nutrients downstream Mercury accumulation

19 Solar Energy Daily energy from the sun is 600 times greater than energy produced each day by all other energy sources combined. The major problems with solar energy are its intermittent and diffuse nature. Solar energy is utilized in three ways: In passive heating, the sun’s energy is converted directly to heat and used at collection site. In an active heating system, the sun’s energy is converted into heat, but transported elsewhere to be used. Solar energy is also transformed into electrical energy.

20 Solar Energy In a passive solar system, light energy is transformed to heat energy when it is absorbed by a surface. Buildings designed for passive solar heating in the Northern Hemisphere usually have large, south-facing windows. Floors and walls, made of materials that absorb and store the sun’s heat during the day, slowly release heat at night when it is needed most. This feature is called direct gain.

21 Passive Solar Designs

22 An Active Solar Heating Design

23 Solar-Generated Electricity
Solar energy can generate electricity in two different ways: Steam can be created to drive a turbine. Currently the most successful design is the parabolic trough which heats oil in pipes. The heat is transferred to water to make steam and run a turbine. Photovoltaic (PV) cells can generate electricity directly. Generating electricity from coal and nuclear power is rising, while electricity from photovoltaics is now less expensive in some places than electricity from the grid. In recent years, the amount of PV power installed worldwide has been increasing dramatically.

24 Photovoltaics Thin-film technology has made it possible to build solar cells into roof shingles and tiles, building facades, and the glazing for skylights and atria. Worldwide, in 2010, about 10,000 megawatts of photovoltaics were installed. In 2012, about 31,000 megawatts were installed. U.S. solar energy capacity increased by 138 percent between 2011 and 2012.

25 Conventional Solar Generation of Electri city
Solar Power Tower Parabolic Trough

26 Environmental Issues Since solar energy is renewable, it has minimal environmental impact. However, the manufacture of the silicon or other materials that make up the units requires large amounts of energy. Thermal or photovoltaic power plants require large amounts of land to position mirrors or solar collectors. SEGS system in California covers 6.4 km2 (2.5 mi2). Installation of photovoltaics or water heating systems on buildings does not require additional space and is often incorporated into the design of the building.

27 Photovoltaic Applications

28 Wind Energy For centuries, wind has been used to move ships, grind grains, pump water, and do other forms of work. In more recent times, wind has been used to generate electricity. In 2008, the U.S. Department of Energy published a report that stated that it was technically feasible to generate 20 percent of electricity in the United States from wind by 2030. Because winds are variable, wind must be coupled with other, more reliable sources of energy.

29 Wind Energy Since the technology to generate electricity from wind is relatively easy to install, sizable increases in capacity occur each year. In 2010, there were about 200,000 megawatts of install capacity worldwide. By 2012, that had increased by 40 percent to 238,000 megawatts. The United States, Germany, and China constitute about 60 percent of the installed capacity. Total electrical energy produced by wind today is less than 1 percent of total worldwide energy consumption.

30 Environmental Issues Moving blades are a hazard to birds and bats.
Newer designs have slower-moving rotors that many birds such as the golden eagle find easier to avoid. Some people consider the sight of a large number of wind generators to be visual pollution.

31 Wind Energy Potential

32 Geothermal Energy In geologically active areas hot magma moves to the surface and heats water. The hot water can heat buildings or generate electricity through a steam turbine. Wells are drilled to obtain steam trapped underground, and the steam powers electrical generators. The U.S. produces 30% of world’s geothermal electricity, with the world’s largest plant in San Francisco. This accounts for less than 1% of U.S. electrical consumption.

33 Geothermal Energy Heat pumps can be used in areas that are not geologically active. The pump extracts heat from the Earth, and deposits it in a building. Environmental Issues Steam often contains hydrogen sulfide gas. It smells like rotten eggs. Minerals in the steam corrode pipes and equipment. The minerals are toxic to fish.

34 Geothermal Power Plant

35 Tidal Power The gravitational forces of the moon and sun cause ocean water to bulge out. Tides form as the Earth rotates through this bulge. As water flows from a higher level to a lower level, it can be used to spin an electricity-generating turbine. Since tidal changes of roughly 16 feet are needed to produce practical amounts of power, suitable sites are limited.

36 10.3 Energy Conservation Conservation is not a way of generating electricity, but a way of reducing need for additional energy production and saving money for the consumer. Many cultural or lifestyle factors have been shaped by the availability of relatively low-cost energy. Large homes Outdoor lighting Large lawns If the cost of energy were higher, people would be likely to make different choices about what is essential and would evaluate energy efficiency more carefully.

37 10.3 Energy Conservation There is typically a relationship between the cost of an item and its energy efficiency. Often, poorly designed, energy-inefficient buildings and machines can be produced inexpensively. The short-term cost (purchase price) is low, but the long-term cost for upkeep and energy utilization is high. Typically, the cost of more efficient buildings or machines is higher, but the difference in initial price is made up by savings in energy cost over several years. This is known as the payback period.

38 10.3 Energy Conservation The United States and Canada have about twice the per capita energy consumption than other countries with similar economic status. Many conservation techniques are relatively simple and highly cost-effective: Highly efficient compact fluorescent light bulbs give the same amount of light as incandescent bulbs for 25% of the energy, last about 6 times longer, and and produce less heat. LED bulbs are even better. They use about 20 percent of the energy and last 25 times longer than incandescent bulbs.

39 10.3 Energy Conservation

40 Government Incentives
The shift to more efficient use of energy needs encouragement. Most U.S. government incentives provide economic rewards in the form of tax incentives or impose economic penalties (taxes and fines): Higher fuel economy standards for automobiles and trucks Tax incentives for those who upgrade insulation, windows, doors, heating and cooling systems, and other appliances 2014 incandescent light bulb phase-out Higher energy efficiency standards for appliances Investment in more efficient electricity distribution Improvement in high speed rail transportation

41 Summary Fuelwood is the major source of energy in less-developed countries. Biomass can be burned to provide heat or electricity, or can be converted to alcohol or used to generate methane. Hydroelectric power can be increased significantly but may displace people. Solar energy can be collected and used in either passive or active systems and can also generate electricity.

42 Summary Geothermal and tidal applications are limited by geographic locations. Wind power may be used to generate electricity but requires wide, open areas and a large number of wind generators. Energy conservation can reduce energy demands without noticeably changing standards of living.


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