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The rivalry and struggle for power.

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1 The rivalry and struggle for power.
L/O: To understand the political consequences of Lenin’s death

2 Lenin’s Last Testament 1923
Comrade Stalin, having become secretary, has unlimited authority concentrated in his hands and I am not sure whether he will be capable of using that authority with sufficient caution. Comrade Trotsky on the other hand is perhaps the most capable man in the present committee. Stalin is too rude and this fault is not acceptable in the office of secretary. Therefore I propose to comrades that they find a way of removing Stalin from the past. What does this source suggest about the leadership of the Communist Party?

3 Understanding in today’s lesson
Lenin died in January There was no obvious leader to take over from him and no procedure had been established for how to choose a successor. Yet, by 1927, Stalin had established himself in power and was in a position to extend the USSR into one of the most brutal and efficient dictatorships ever known. You will see in this section how ruthless Stalin was in getting himself into power.

4 There were many who wished to take over. These included:
In January 1924, after a series of strokes, Lenin died. There was no obvious successor, and no mechanism had been set up for the appointment of a new leader. There were many who wished to take over. These included: Photographs © David King Collection Trotsky Kamenev Zinoviev Stalin Bukharin

5 Lenin left a letter that has become known as his Last Testament
Lenin left a letter that has become known as his Last Testament. In it, he made comments on people in the party who wanted power. An interpretation is below: Photographs © David King Collection Trotsky Kamenev Zinoviev Stalin Bukharin The most capable, but too big- headed and too concerned with detail. These men opposed me when I tried to set the date for the revolution in October This was no accident and they are not to be trusted. Rude and too powerful, should be removed from his post as Party Secretary. The favourite of the party, an able thinker and planner. Teacher’s Notes Lenin died in January There was no obvious leader to take over from him and no procedure had been established for how to choose a successor. Yet, by 1927, Stalin had established himself in power and was in a position to extend this into one of the most brutal and efficient dictatorships ever known. You will see in this section how ruthless Stalin was in getting himself into power. Lenin’s Last Testament It might have been expected that Lenin would have given some thought as to who his successor should be and given some advice about who to choose. Indeed he had, but the advice he gave was not helpful when it was read after his death. The letter that Lenin wrote in 1922 after he suffered the first of his strokes is usually referred to as Lenin’s Last Testament. It remained a secret until after his death in 1924 when it was read in a closed session of the 13th Party Congress. When you see what Lenin said about each of the leading contenders for the leadership you can see why they decided to keep the contents of the letter secret from the rest of the party.

6 Trotsky Kamenev Zinoviev Stalin Bukharin
The most capable, but too big- headed and too concerned with detail. These men opposed me when I tried to set the date for the revolution in October This was no accident and they are not to be trusted. Rude and too powerful, should be removed from his post as Party Secretary. The favourite of the party, an able thinker and planner. Photographs © David King Collection Which one of these five do you think would be the best successor to Lenin, and why? Which one do you think would have been most likely to succeed Lenin, and why?

7 Task 1: Timeline of Lenin’s declining health
Use p Draw a timeline to Lenin’s decline in health. What impact do you think this had on the government of Russia? Read p 108 on Lenin’s funeral and add to your timeline. SPEND NO MORE THAN 7 MINUTES ON THIS ACTIVITY

8 So, what happened to each of these contenders for power, and who emerged as the next successor?
Stage one: Trotsky, Kamenev and Zinoviev (the left wing of the party) joined together to oppose the continuation of the NEP (New Economic Policy). These three wanted rapid industrialization, collective farms and the use of force to make peasants produce enough food to feed workers in the cities. This was similar to the war communism of the civil war period but was appearing to go against Lenin’s wishes just before he died. Photographs © David King Collection

9 Stalin sided with Bukhurin on the right of the party!
Trotsky, Kamenev and Zinviev were denounced as traitors to Lenin. Stalin as Party Secretary (in charge of party membership) had the three men expelled from the Communist Party. Photographs © David King Collection Why might Stalin be in a good position to manoeuvre himself into the leadership?

10 What will Stalin do now? Will he support his old friend?
Stage two: Bukharin had sided with Stalin to get rid of Trotsky, Zinoviev and Kamanev. He now proposed to continue with NEP for at least 20 years, because this is what Stalin had told him they should do. What will Stalin do now? Will he support his old friend? Photographs © David King Collection In 1927 Stalin sent soldiers to arrest those who were making a profit as a result of the NEP. He called them internal enemies and said that NEP had to be abandoned. Bukhurin now accused Stalin of being a tyrant. As Party Secretary Stalin had appointed all his supporters to positions of power. Bukharin was expelled from the party.

11 Who was left as the undisputed leader of Russia in 1927?
Photographs © David King Collection Stalin

12 Teacher’s Notes Question 1 The correct answer is Kerensky. Question 2 The correct answer is Stalin. Question 3 The correct answer is Bukharin. Question 4

13 Who was left as the undisputed leader of Russia in 1927?
Photographs © David King Collection Stalin Exam Practice (6 marks): Explain how Stalin became leader of Russia despite Lenin suggesting he should be removed as quickly as possible.

14 Final Russia Tasks: Due on Thursday, December 17th
Complete Russia Quiz 4 on VLE

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