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Program Review Presentation March 17th, 2016

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1 Program Review Presentation March 17th, 2016
ARC HEALTH CENTER Program Review Presentation March 17th, 2016

2 Program Description ARC Health Center provides nurse-directed, episodic care and preventive health services for ARC students and employees. Health Center staff includes two College Nurses, a Health Assistant, and a student worker. Health Center staff sponsor campus presentations, workshops, and professional development and serve on campus committees. Health Center staff partners closely with Campus Police, the VPA’s Office, ARC Allied Health Programs, and Public Information Officer, as well as community partner Women’s Health Specialists and Sac County Public Health Department. Committees-Safe Campus Initiative; Tobacco Free Task Force; Crisis Prevention and Early Intervention Task Force

3 Benchmarks visits: 3674 students, 1404 employees, 25 visitors and 4 children = 5107 Since July 2014 = 15 Campus events, 17 presentations and workshops, 9 community partnerships, 3 committees Staff specific surveys with high ratings Positive verbal feedback from students, staff, administrators and other LRCCD College Nurses What we don’t know: impact data 1/5-1/4 student visits are allied health student related; referrals in 3% of visits last year, 13% previous years; around 100 mental health visits per year, 90 emergency calls. Similar patterns for utilization comparing students to staff-health screening, health assessment, medications, supplies Participate-Welcome Day, Club Day, Steps to Success, Get Schooled Sponsor-Blood drive; Text, Talk, Act; Girl Talk Presentations-Breast cancer, diabetes, heart health, responding to campus emergencies, Kognito, nutrition

4 Program -- Strengths Strong team Small but mighty
Branding and promotion Support the mission Minimize interruption to the learning or working process Evidence based approach-data (research and EMR) Customer Service-Three C’s Convenient Connected Cost effective-direct service and partnerships Brochures, apparel, partner with PIO for Facebook, Twitter and blasts, presentations

5 Program -- Challenges Staffing/Team Administrative duties
Coverage-difficult to fully participate in campus activities and committees Turnover-managing expectations Space and Equipment Configuration Quality Service impact-what to measure SSO’s- unclear what these are for Health Center Strong in your skill set, legal practice issues and program planning and review. Charting, find adjuncts, keeping medical protocols up to date, MOU, inventory/ordering-Program Review, EMP Space-amount and location not noted r/t inability to impact

6 Planning Implications
Overarching Theme-Alignment: Program Review, SSO’s, EMP’s Strengths Adjunct staffing to support campus participation Peer health support program-SAGE model Form additional partnerships with other departments and student groups-Counseling, CLD, and ASB/AMSA Challenges Reconfigure and improve the quality of our existing space Continue to update equipment Improve campus signage Fine tune data input and reporting, combine data with Counseling/DSPS Formulate new SSO’s through appropriate channels Staff-130 hours in summer, more for fall/spring? Equipment-propaq, portable pulse ox, refurbished BP machine, front desk computer; currently-electronic check in, phones; need vaccine freezer Data-codes we use, qualitative survey data on impact

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